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garbage and fishing locations


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Rick posted about Niagara On The Lake charging out of towners for the right to fish from one of their public parks, and that's something I've thought for awhile was gonna happen in alot of public places because of the garbage & filth left behind by alot of so-called sportsmen.


I'm not saying that's the reason for the action by NOTL, but I can certainly see it happening in other locations.


I use the free ramp on the causeway on Chemong Lake quite often and the garbage that's left there is absolutely disgusting, and I won't be the least bit surprised to pull in one day soon and see a sign saying we have to pay for the use of the ramp, and it'll be totally understandable to me.


The filth that boaters and fishermen leave everywhere they go is totally disgraceful and I for one won't be the least bit surprised when towns and private property owners start either closing the areas down to the public, or else charging a fee to help off-set the price for cleaning up the mess everyday.


How about you, have you been shut out of a favorite fishing hole or boatramp because the owner got tired of cleaning up everybodies filth ??

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I think, more importantly, we have to be far more proactive in educating our fellow anglers on the importance of being good citizens. We've all seen the damage left by that small group of anglers. It isn't pretty. Unfortunately this is the lasting impressing most people get about anglers. The ethical angler leaves no proof he was even there, so no one really knows he was there. These littering idiots leave no doubt of their presence.

This is why these clean-up days are so important. It is a chance for anglers to get back some of the respect lost due to these clowns.

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I understand where you are coming from Lew, but why should all the good sportspersons foot the bill for the low lifes? This is just a thought, I know that provinces and states are strapped for budgets therefore upholding littering laws is a concern but in places like you have described use the cameras like they do for traffic lights to catch the law breakers and hold them accountable? Just a thought.



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We do what most fishermen I know do .Most every time we go out we bring back someone elses garbage .

Worst is when we ice fish ( polish vodka bottles , Tim horton cups , beer cans) and shore fishing ( bait containers ,water bottles ,cig packs)

At least I hope to set the example with my kids and maybe help out just a bit.


Part of the reason with the parking restrictions around Cooks bay .



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Fishing line ... absolutley always come home with a bunch in my pocket when we shore fish.


Years ago my Dad managed one of those service stations on the 401 and I remember the day he scooped up a pile of Cigarette butts some one had just dumped out there car door and dumped them back into the vehicle !

Guy was to shocked to say anything.


Can't see myself doing that ,but I have pointed out to a few people things they 'accidently' left behind .Usualy they either a( ignore or B) pick it up .I am selective on who I 'help'



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I decided to do some trib fishing this year for the first time. When I was there I witnessed so much junk lying around that I decided that the next time I went, I'd have a few garbage bags in tow. It took a grand total of about 10 minutes to completely fill them and about 30 seconds to take it the garbage can that was right there. Beer cans and bottles, fishing line, coffee cups, plastic bags, fast food wrappers were strewn about. Unbelievable....

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I wish there was a solution other than closing fishing areas. Most of us have seen a lot of shore fishing areas closed to us. It almost seems like it's getting to be more and more like places in Europe.. unless you have the bucks, you can't find any public areas to fish.


We don't close our schools when the schoolyards are filled with wrappers and garbage, nor do we close our roads when there is too much junk in the gutters.


Sorry, just the words of a frustrated shore fisherman...

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Guys there has to be another solution here. Good to all that are picking up after others but the problem will not go away playing other peoples mothers. The offenders must be made to be accountable for there actions is what I'm trying to say.



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Whopper, that's like saying charge all of the reckless drivers we have out there. In theory it's a great solution. Who is going to police it?


As long as we have those who pollute our shorelines, rivers and lakes I for one will continue to carry a spare garbage bag with me and participate in clean ups.


Educating our children is a must, I'm all for it, but not only in the schools. Parents must take responsibility for raising environmentally conscious heirs to our planet.

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I decided to do some trib fishing this year for the first time. When I was there I witnessed so much junk lying around that I decided that the next time I went, I'd have a few garbage bags in tow. It took a grand total of about 10 minutes to completely fill them and about 30 seconds to take it the garbage can that was right there. Beer cans and bottles, fishing line, coffee cups, plastic bags, fast food wrappers were strewn about. Unbelievable....

That's great. I did the same thing at a local pond where people were always allowed to fish. I used to walk the family dog out there (I miss that silly dog). Now there are "no tresspassing" signs. So I went fishing out there anyway (I know...bad boy) and couldn't believe the amount of crap scattered everywhere. The next time I went I brought a garbage bag and stuffed it right full. I figured I was doing my part. It makes it nicer for me too. I don't want to see all that junk while I out there trying to relax and enjoy myself anyway. What is wrong with people these days??? You know what,I didn't catch a thing there that day,but I felt really good about what I did. I was kind of hoping the owner would've seen me or an O.P.P. with the ten pounds of garbage I collected. I bet they would give me special permission, because they'd know I wasn't one of the morons who was making the mess. Maybe everytime we see somebody throwing or for that matter even leaving cans,worm containers or fishing line behind, we should speak up and remind that person of "the right thing to do". Or like "Tinbagers" father we can chuck it in their car (I probably couldn't do that either). I always said that 90% of people are great and 10% are donkeyholes. Lately I'm thinking it's getting closer to 80/20. Look at it this way guys,if we won't look after these places who will? It doesn't take much if everyone takes part. (Added after my original post)I was just thinking about this topic and Mountsberg Conservation Area came to mind. Now this place could be beautiful,but is a disgrace. It was absolutely overwhelming the amout of junk that is EVERYWHERE. I didn't pick up anything but my own stuff at this park. It seems hopeless,so you just don't bother :wallbash: . It'd take me a month of evenings to clean it and people would just keep throwing crap faster than you could clean it up. It makes me really angry,but wat do you do?? :dunno:

Edited by kennyman
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I've said it before and I will say it again. Put a deposit on everything! like they do with beer bottles.


Think of the new businesses that would spring up, garbage collecting! You could make millions!


A dollar each for a Tim Hortons coffee cup... 40 Tim hortons cups = $40


Pop cans $1, Bottles $2, Smoke packs are worth $2, loose line $.05/yrd, worm containers $5!!


I bet you that worm containers are never seen left on a bank, loose line would be scarce, and you think you'd be able to find any empty cigarette packs or pop cans?




Edited by tonyb
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you guys are so right i always have a bag when ever i go fishing and fishergirl and myself always bring home someone elses junk,and garbage :angry::dunno: the worst 2 places are by far creeks and boatlaunches,some are disgusting and it makes me just steaming mad.....to think that other so-called fisherman are doing this.......

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I've said it before and I will say it again. Put a deposit on everything! like they do with beer bottles.


Think of the new businesses that would spring up, garbage collecting! You could make millions!


A dollar each for a Tim Hortons coffee cup... 40 Tim hortons cups = $40


Pop cans $1, Bottles $2, Smoke packs are worth $2, loose line $.05/yrd, worm containers $5!!


I bet you that worm containers are never seen left on a bank, loose line would be scarce, and you think you'd be able to find any empty cigarette packs or pop cans?





You might be on to something............

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Whopper, that's like saying charge all of the reckless drivers we have out there. In theory it's a great solution. Who is going to police it?


As long as we have those who pollute our shorelines, rivers and lakes I for one will continue to carry a spare garbage bag with me and participate in clean ups.


Educating our children is a must, I'm all for it, but not only in the schools. Parents must take responsibility for raising environmentally conscious heirs to our planet.


John I commend anyone that picks up other people trash, I wasn't saying we shouldn't do it, Ive done it, my point was if we keep doing it people will keep leaving it.

Raising your children in the not to polute is a start, it just like everthing else we try to teach them not to lie, not to steal, not to cheat and so on. I don't think any of us here or our children are the problem.


As far as the reckless drivers not all are caught that's for sure just ask Lew, but the ones that are caught are made to pay. They pay for tickets and usually if it is multiple offenses they pay higher insurance premiums. Ask around to see how many people have paid for a speeding ticket then ask if any has payed a fine for littering. To me part of the problem is it is not enforced at all.

We don't need any special cops or CO's for this, the ones that are already employed could probably write all the tickets they want. Take this for an example ten years ago one could be fishing out of the boat on a summer day and endulge in a cold beer and even if he was checked as long as the person wasn't a problem there would be no problem, now just having beer (unopened) in a cooler in most boats will get you a ticket guaranteed. It was against the law then and it's against the law now, what made things change? People being stupid and abusing which led to people getting hurt and even killed.


Something they do here is take some people that are serving jail time and take them out on day outings and make them pick all the trash up from the roadside. This is not a solution but just like the rest of us that pick up other people trash it helps.

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I can remember fishing a private pond for bass one time about 15 years ago... I was by myself and had been told that this pond was loaded with smallmouth but it was hard to find because you couldn`t see it from the road. I had a good idea where it was so one Sat. morning I loaded up my gear and a few bottles of beer and away I went in search of this secret pond...

Found the pond without too much difficulty cracked a beer and started fishing... Caught a couple of small ones and after fishing for an hour or so decided it was time to clean up some of the garbage that was laying around... There really wasn`t that much, a pop can or two and I think some old line but I put it in a pile beside my tackle box and continued fishing...

I finally get rewarded with a hit from a nice sized fish, as I`m fighting this fish a guy on a 4-wheeler pulls up and starts flipping out on me for fishing here... The whole time this guy is freaking out, I`m reeling in this fish and it`s jumping and tail dancing and putting on a great show, I look over at buddy and he`s not impressed with my fishing skill.... I land it, unhook my spinner and let it go and turn my full attention to him..

By now he`s off his bike and coming at me yelling he`s going to call the cops and have me arrested for trespassing and all kinds of crazy stuff. I try to tell the guy I`m sorry that I`ll just grab my stuff and go and never grace his presence again when he sees my 2 empty beer bottles and the garbage lying by my tackle box... Off he goes on another tirade about littering and that`s why this place is private and he doesn`t allow fishing etc. etc....

After I explain that the only stuff that was mine was the 2 empty beer bottles and the 2 caps I threw in the bottom of my box, the rest of the stuff I picked up off the ground and was taking with me, it was like someone threw a switch in the guys head.. He calmed right down and we talked for about a half hour...

It turns out that he`s a pretty decent guy who was just sick and tired of people not asking permission (guilty) and littering (not guilty) on his property.

I was told I was welcome anytime, and used to go quite often with my daughter until he sold the land to someone about 8 years ago and they built a house right beside the pond..

It sure saved me a big hassle by picking up that bit of garbage and I got a good fishing spot for some tasty bass for a while anyway...

Now I usually pay the kids to pick it up when we go out especially if they start getting bored

Well that`s my garbage story thanks for reading



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Think of the new businesses that would spring up, garbage collecting! You could make millions!


A dollar each for a Tim Hortons coffee cup... 40 Tim hortons cups = $40


Pop cans $1, Bottles $2, Smoke packs are worth $2, loose line $.05/yrd, worm containers $5!!


I bet you that worm containers are never seen left on a bank, loose line would be scarce, and you think you'd be able to find any empty cigarette packs or pop cans?






Its funny you said that TONY. I HAD SAID THE EXACT same thing on my board a few days ago. LITTERING absolutley infuriates me they're really is no need for it at all....

Edited by nautifish
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One thing I will NEVER, EVER do is pick up after a bunch of ignorant Bandits that throw their garbage all over the place. If they want to fish in a pig sty let 'em. I feel bad for the non-littering guys who are confined to fishing from shore, tho'. For years everyone used to fish for catfish from private properties along the banks of the Nation River near where I live, but many of the property owners have since stopped allowing this because the idiots would go out and start fires and have garbage strewn all over the place. I don't blame the property owners at all.

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One thing I will NEVER, EVER do is pick up after a bunch of ignorant Bandits that throw their garbage all over the place.


That's too bad.


Doing nothing at all while angler access point by access point is shut down may not seem like a big deal to you now. But when it affects you directly, will you think back and wonder if you could have made a difference?


Unfortunately if you do nothing, we will all pay for it eventually one way or another. (no trespassing,boat launch fees, paid parking, negative public image of anglers, etc.)



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Hey Whopper, I'm all for putting our inmates to work. I travel in North Carolina a lot and see them every time I drive I-40. We should develop similar programs.


I wasn't criticizing, forgive me if I sounded harsh. I'm sure that most if not all OFC'ers see environmental education of our children as paramount. I'm not so sure that the other 400,000,000 or so additional North Americans see things the same way. I hear so many times "The schools should be educating my children, that's what I pay taxes for"!


I think that less than 1% of the boneheads who drive like the moron who caused Lew's daughters accident ever get caught. I drive a short highway distance to work each day. I can guarantee that EVERY day I see potentially catastrophic situations that drivers get themselves and others into that are really only prevented by perhaps the good grace of one's God! The amount of law enforcement that we actually have on our roads has no chance of even making a small dent in the problem.


Getting back on topic..... ChrisS, it's very sad that you think that way <_< Your opinions only reinforce the need for more environmental education! If all of us felt the way that you do, we would be knee deep in it! You are hopefully in the minority........



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Your opinions only reinforce the need for more environmental education!


Because I refuse to clean up after a bunch of slobs means I need more environmental education??? Give me a break. :blahblah1: Go ahead and knock yourself out....I'll be gone fishing.


Whoppers got it right...clean up after them today and you'll be back cleaning up after them tomorrow.

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