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The massacre has begun.... Bronte...


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All ya need is an ex NFLer about 280# with a few scars and a short stiff rod with 60# PP and a big treble on a heavy spoon. He can cross and snag all those wrongdoers lines, reel 'em in, cut 'em and defy the guys working them to do anything about it. If they try to reload he just bounces the spoon off them (or into them) a time or two. That would be better than any scrawny little MNR dudes in flak jackets. :P



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All ya need is an ex NFLer about 280# with a few scars and a short stiff rod with 60# PP and a big treble on a heavy spoon. He can cross and snag all those wrongdoers lines, reel 'em in, cut 'em and defy the guys working them to do anything about it. If they try to reload he just bounces the spoon off them (or into them) a time or two. That would be better than any scrawny little MNR dudes in flak jackets. :P




Oh, I got the guy for that a buddy of Solo's, fished with him last year once. I'm 6'3, 240lbs and he dwarfs me :) :)

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The MNR used to have a volunteer "policing" program but it was cancelled a few years ago. You had to take some courses and be "certified". It was cancelled because it was too popular and became uncontrollable (I was told this by a senior MNR employee when I tried to volunteer).




well its too bad they didnt replace the program with something before doing away with it all together ...there are some people in the world that if they get a bit of authority ..they take it too far ...maybe the "certification" wasnt all it was supposed to be.(weed out the cowboys)

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Excellent!. There's nothing a pack of hot headed vigilantes can't handle.


If that doesn't work release the hounds!


You lost me there.

Im not talking vigilantes.

Tell me,why do they have side arms?



maybe the "certification" wasnt all it was supposed to be.(weed out the cowboys)


You just need people who care about the fishery. Our natural resources.



All Im saying is,maybe it,s time for the MNR to branch out.

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You lost me there.

Im not talking vigilantes.

Tell me,why do they have side arms?


Well, because presumably they're trained in their use in pressure situations.


You just need people who care about the fishery. Our natural resources.


You need people who are trained in handling criminals and who realize they could easily cross the line to be criminals themselves.


All Im saying is,maybe it,s time for the MNR to branch out.


You're right, but with people who are trained to handle difficult situations, not rookies with a gun who might just shoot first and ask questions later.


I've seen what happens when you send rookies into a pressure situation. I got caught up (seriously) in both the Grand Bend riots, and was in the middle of a National Guard callout at a Watkins Glen Grand Prix. The uniforms didn't cover themselves in glory in any of those. How can we expect a bunch of gun totin' yahoos off the street to do any better? Solo's right. Leave the guns to the trained LEO's. Heaven knows they're scary enuf armed. Giving guns to amateurs, no matter how good they are with weapons, is asking for trouble.




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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
The MNR used to have a volunteer "policing" program but it was cancelled a few years ago. You had to take some courses and be "certified". It was cancelled because it was too popular and became uncontrollable (I was told this by a senior MNR employee when I tried to volunteer).





The fish and wildlife guardian certification was by no means an enforcement tool. I took the certification and what it was meant for was public knowledge and eyes on the ground. You had no right to actually approach a violator other than to inform them they were breaking the law. You did not issue tickets and you did not really have ANY enforcement right whatsoever. Essentially all you could do was notify the mnr, something the MNR tip line can do all the same...and you don't have to pay to take a course to do that.

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The fish and wildlife guardian certification was by no means an enforcement tool. I took the certification and what it was meant for was public knowledge and eyes on the ground. You had no right to actually approach a violator other than to inform them they were breaking the law. You did not issue tickets and you did not really have ANY enforcement right whatsoever. Essentially all you could do was notify the mnr, something the MNR tip line can do all the same...and you don't have to pay to take a course to do that.


Yes, this is correct, but you did have more of a direct line to a Conservation Officer from what I understand. And I believe the training was on what the proper laws were and what pertinent information you needed to collect to support the CO's enforcement.



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The MNR used to have a volunteer "policing" program but it was cancelled a few years ago. You had to take some courses and be "certified". It was cancelled because it was too popular and became uncontrollable (I was told this by a senior MNR employee when I tried to volunteer).




I was in that...the letter I got from the MNR said it was cancelled because of a lack of interest.

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Yes, this is correct, but you did have more of a direct line to a Conservation Officer from what I understand. And I believe the training was on what the proper laws were and what pertinent information you needed to collect to support the CO's enforcement.




Yes..that much is true. I had the local CO's cell number and we met once a month. It is a shame they got rid of us.

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All ya need is an ex NFLer about 280# with a few scars and a short stiff rod with 60# PP and a big treble on a heavy spoon. He can cross and snag all those wrongdoers lines, reel 'em in, cut 'em and defy the guys working them to do anything about it. If they try to reload he just bounces the spoon off them (or into them) a time or two. That would be better than any scrawny little MNR dudes in flak jackets. :P



LOL :lol: but sounds too complicated.

i think nfl team would do better


Edited by efka
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You guys need to just bill up and chill, complaining about it wont change the fact that 90% of the time, nothing happens. The only thing we can do is call the tips hotline or contact the mnr directly and hope for a CO to show up and scare them all away. Ranting about wanting to hurt these knuckle heads isn't going to do much. Either way, too much posting about chinnys, bring on the steel.





Tight Lines & Blunts


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I think it's about time the mnr relizes they dont have the reasorces to deal with the snaggers , so WHY NOT JUST CLOSE DOWN THE SEASON DURING the run ????? What real angler wants to catch , black half dead spawning fish , this will put a end to all the do they bite etc. debates , the things I see on the peirs this time of year reminds me of the bears in B.C. lineing the sides of rivers during the run, just close the rivers untill the end of OCT. ???

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I think it's about time the mnr relizes they dont have the reasorces to deal with the snaggers , so WHY NOT JUST CLOSE DOWN THE SEASON DURING the run ????? What real angler wants to catch , black half dead spawning fish , this will put a end to all the do they bite etc. debates , the things I see on the peirs this time of year reminds me of the bears in B.C. lineing the sides of rivers during the run, just close the rivers untill the end of OCT. ???

I like this idea, but like I said in another thread, this should be like Christmas for the CO's with all the violations going on there's tons of fine $$$$$$$$ to be had. Get out there CO's enjoy the violation harvest, fill up your ticket books and reap the rewards of the zoo.

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I like this idea, but like I said in another thread, this should be like Christmas for the CO's with all the violations going on there's tons of fine $$$$$$$$ to be had. Get out there CO's enjoy the violation harvest, fill up your ticket books and reap the rewards of the zoo.



Yup, it's easy pickings..


Maybe someone should make the government of Ontario aware of the potential earnings with all the fines given :) I'm sure the rivers would belined with CO's then.

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Saw two beauties the other day at oshawa while I was attempting to pester a run of browns that came in....


two guys (middle aged, seemed to be speaking a eastern european language) fishin with tuna sticks and 100lb PP trudging RIGHT thru the river until they see a salmon, bell sinker and a huge treble right into the flesh and then as soon as the fish is within arms reach it got the gaff.


Just a beauty.


Would have said something (in vain im sure) but I had my girlfriend with me and didnt need an altercation

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I think it's about time the mnr relizes they dont have the reasorces to deal with the snaggers , so WHY NOT JUST CLOSE DOWN THE SEASON DURING the run ????? What real angler wants to catch , black half dead spawning fish , this will put a end to all the do they bite etc. debates , the things I see on the peirs this time of year reminds me of the bears in B.C. lineing the sides of rivers during the run, just close the rivers untill the end of OCT. ???

Closing the season or designating the area as a fish sanctuary will accomplish nothing. These morons are already breaking a bunch of laws by blatantly snagging fish and tossing them in the bushes. Does anyone really think a closed season would deter them one bit? Every single night you can find gangs of idiots blatantly snagging or netting fish out of the existing sanctuaries on the Credit and Bronte. Laws mean nothing to these yahoos.


If I didn't enjoy the lake fishery so much, I'd be all in favour of eradicating salmon altogether. It doesn't matter where you travel around the Great Lakes - anywhere there is a salmon run, you have this kind of hooligan act. It's completely sickening.

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If I didn't enjoy the lake fishery so much, I'd be all in favour of eradicating salmon altogether. It doesn't matter where you travel around the Great Lakes - anywhere there is a salmon run, you have this kind of hooligan act. It's completely sickening.


I dont know about that....when it comes to that act...i havent seen that around my area in a very long time...people here seem to get it about the salmon fishery...mind you we have an ever pressence of CO's enforcing it, and its not being being naive or blind...i honestly havent seen people attempting, or even snagging salmon around here come the fall months when they run. It could be because we move to hunting, or back to walleye....however when it comes to moose, this area has a very poor reputation


Just my .02



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