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I am without my trailer this fishing season and considering putting a sheet mattress in the back of my grand Caravan to sleep on when the salmon and trout start running soon.


I enjoy night fishing for them at the river mouths.


I have had naps in the drivers seat,,,, lots of times....


But am thinking of taking the two back seats out for the weekends of fishing..


I have an electric heater that i can use, with a power converter, and an extra battery to boost the van if need be. ;)


If anyone has any ideas or experience doing this about this, please post em.

Some pics would be great too if you have em.







hey did it last week, went to Canal lake..and parked and slept in the drivers seat all night.. wasnt the worst..nor the best.. but the back of the sante fe was full with gear.. so it was the only place to sleep..


tho I have done that before many times.. or even when ever i go out and if im to tired or.. "unable" to drive home i lay the seats down..

pillow cusions / foam mattresses are recomended..


and defenetly bring a sleeping bag.. little blankets will not do the trick lol


I bought a canopy chair for sleeping/fishing with off the pier at night for perch down on Lake Erie. It worked better than a regular chair because it keep the rain/dew off me. If it was cold which it was lots of times this summer I would go catch a couple of hours in the car.... I kept thinking damn I should get a van or small SUV and do the mattress thing so to me it is an idea that makes a lot of sense. I can't count the number of times I have gotten up at 12:30AM driven for an hour or more only to find someone else sitting where I was going to fish between 2AM and 3AM. So being there sleeping lightly and running for the spot as soon as you hear a car makes a lot of sense LOL....


yep did it a few times, scared of sleeping in a tent because it offers no protection whatsoever.


So sleeping bag needed for sure, and I had bug netting I taped over a partially opened window (2") for some air. Kept the car keys nearby just in case, bear or Jason, etc.

  crankbait said:
There was somebody here who was going to do a Canada round trip and sleep in his caravan. He posted pics how he made a bed frame in the back. Search for that thread.


found it.... looks pretty easy to do...

and the guys have a blog going for their trip now.. ;)


Gets cold pretty quick in the van. Air mattresses just have you lying on a bed of cold air. You really want to pair up a foam mattress with a good bag.

  splashhopper said:
If anyone has any ideas or experience doing this about this, please post em.

Some pics would be great too if you have em.







i Would just bring GCD and you can get rid of all that heater stuff


Thats luxury. Get some beer. Hide your keys. Drink the beer. Sleep wherever you get comfy.


Crack a few windows though, condensation from your breath will fill up the vehicle quick if cool. Honestly you're laughing if you take the seats out. That sleep in the drivers seat isnt the best when you're 6'5.

Posted (edited)



I've done it, and I thought it was great...kinda like trailer camping.

My buddy wasn't as keen on it sighting it was to stuffy with the windows closed, and to buggy if they were open.

But then again he's not much of a camper either so fair enough I guess?


We usualy load a Little car topper on the roof and hit a series of Lakes and rivers on a 3 day 2 night road trip.

I Just remove the seats from the Van and throw in a couple a sleeping bags and a cooler...


There are only 2 issues...

#1- be careful of where you park some areas are apparently Patroled in the overnights looking for just such situations, and

you maybe asked to move along....I don't "think" you'd be fined, but I suppose it could be considerd camping, or potentially loitering.


#2- Like I said....

the Van gets pretty stuffy with the windows closed...keep a window cracked. Being its Fall you shouldn't have to much of a bug problem, but it

can get pretty nasty in the summer LOL!


The advantage is your on the water until your ready to crash, and when you wake up your right back on the water.

No camping fee's, no driving...its actually pretty cool for a multi lake hard core trip out in the styx

Not sure I'd do it in crowded parking lot though?

Edited by Cookslav

I've seen people do it with slide in campers on their trucks. Always thought it was a great idea.


Only thing I've done sort of similar was start fishing for pickerel at midnight when they opened and kept fishing till I was exhausted and then had a nap right there under the bridge by the river while Paul kept fishing (this was pre boat). Woke up with a face full of dirt :lol: Don't recommend that.




I do it all the time with my little guy when we go fishing! I find a free boat launch or a nearby carpool and crash for the night. Going to be doing it soon again at Scougog.


I've been doing it almost all summer. When I have a night shift on the picket line, I borrow my Dad's caravan. It has no back seats and an air mattress just fits in there perfectly. The guys on the line usually take shifts having a nap in the middle of the night and its so comfy I always hate getting up.


It'll get a little steamy in there, bring some paper towels or something to clear your windows.


An air mattress is the way to go. Another poster suggested foam is warmer...I don't know about that but I do know a decent air mattress is more comfy and better on your back than any peice of foam.


With the mattress in there, there won't be a lot of room left. You might not have anywhere to put your heater but if you have a half decent bag you might not need it this time of year.


I've done it a few times in my Pilot. Beats a hot buggy tent. Get a piece of fairly dense foam for a mattress and a sleeping bag. I attached a series of lead weights around the edges of a piece of cheesecloth that I hang over the roof with the sunroof open for fresh air in the summer. Works great until a raccoon steps on the unsupported cheesecloth and joins you in the car.




I've been sleeping in my Jeep G Cherokee for a few years now, during tournaments.


I take out the back seats.....use a bed net from the dollar store and throw it over top so I can keep the bugs out and a rod rack from BPS for transporting my rods.


The best part about the rod rack too...it can also be used to support my blackberry storm (fits in the slots) for the alarm / mp3 / movies but now use it for my portable dvd player.


Here's my home away from home..... :D






i've done plenty of over-nighters in the box of my truck (i have a cap on it)... put a mattress in there, bring a sleeping bag, and DONE!!! wake up at first light, launch the boat, and off we go!!!


I have done it a few times with my 8 year old son and 11 year old daughter. We go camping pitch the tent and put all the gear inside it and put the air mattress in the back of the montana. Much drier and we watch movies on the dvd system.We also camp in bear country so a liitle more comfort as well.

My buddy and I have done it a few times in the back of his suburban while steelheading in the fall,works nice.

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