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Lake O with Captain Fishhunter


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When it comes to thrills in the sport we call fishing, one of the most thrilling situations is when you find yourself standing at the back of a boat with a thick 10.5 foot rod clenched tightly in both hands, your heartbeat far from resting rate, nothing but water as far as the eye can see and the soundtrack of a peeling drag reminding you that something big is attached to the end of your line. Only two outcomes will eventually play out. Win or lose, you know it’s going to be a great day.


I was joined by Kelfun, Okuma-Sheffield and the one and only Aile Goby, and it ended up being one of the best days of fishing I’ve ever experienced. Making it all happen was Captain Lloyd Daume, aka FishHunter, of U&Me Guide Services and boy he did not disappoint.


In less than 10 minutes we had our first fish in the boat, a Steelhead of about 4 lbs. Before Lloyd could even get the rod back into the water, another rod lit up and Kelfun jumped into action. By the velocity of its non-stop 30 second run, we all concluded it was a Chinook. We’ll never know for sure because shortly after, it shook itself free.


The day would continue with steady action all the way to the end of our trip. The largest Steelhead was about 12 lbs, largest Chinook about 23 lbs and the lone Coho rang in at about 8. In total we landed 22 fish; most released at the side of the boat without ever leaving the water. If you include the hits and ones that got away, close to 40 fish made contact with our rods. Add in two double headers and you have the makings of day I doubt any of us will soon forget.


And what can I say about FishHunter Lloyd? He is absolutely amazing at what he does and watching how he locates fish and then figures out what setup works best was a valuable classroom experience. Lloyd I might just take you up on your Quinte special when the Walleye run starts. My friends would really enjoy it.



I’ll let the rest of the pictures and videos tell the rest of the story.





Out on the water at 5:30, arrive at spot at 6.





First fish of the day. 1 of 22.





Aile Goby got 'er done.





Kelfun's PB Steelhead (yeah right!)





A very familiar scene all day long







Yet another Nook for A.G.





A fiesty Coho





My second Steelhead





Probably the biggest Steelhead of the day





The one that got away.




Our first double-header. (The other fish was the first salmon above)



And our parting shot. Thanks for reading.


Edited by Jet
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Great Job guys,


One question though....why doesnt anyone look really happy to be out there?? LOL


Solid Fish



You gotta look 'gangsta' when posing with fish!


With the cooler weather we're getting now, I think it could be even more productive out there this weekend.

Edited by Jet
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