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Internet Assassins


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I should think that a posted topic will stand or fall on it's merit. Same goes for the poster's credibility. It will be what it will be. No need for flaming or hostility. Either the kid knows his stuff, or he's a 'google' angler or a 'cut n paste' artist. I've seen a few who take written opinion and post them, word for word, as their own. Some very blatant, and others less obvious.

Do not hold his age against him as there are some amazing young anglers here. Some of us older types also grew up with rod and reel in hand and posessed the experiences many will only dream of in a lifetime. We should remember that.

This site also, like many sites, posesses its share of armchair critics. Quick to speak if something displeases, but very quiet when it come to solid contributions and fishing reports.


Lastly, we are talking about fishing. A pastime that should provide endless satisfaction. It is not Polisci 101 so lighten up. For those self proclaimed fishing gods so full of there superiority over us "lesser" anglers, as my uncle would say, stick yer head in a bucket of manure and swallow.

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That is metric. :D


About 80/100ths to you. :D


All the important stuff in Canada is still measured in pounds and feet - fish, lumber, etc. - no kidding.


But we've kinda lost the battle against kilometers and litres and degrees Celsius. <_<


I dunno ... we still talk MPH for trolling speed ... I guess it's the feel of beng in international territory while being on the water ... and even our regs specify the fish size in both Inches and cm ... for me it will always be inches ... jeesh a 50+ if you mean cm is more like a minnow :)


As for the other garbage .. sorry dudes I'm with Art all the way... suck it up young fella ... people around here (and most places in life) appreciate honesty and respect ... we got enough Bull everywhere else in our lives ... our culture at least around here ensures every one is welcome to share from what we have to offer, but in return for that priveledge we do ask that they have the respect for the rest of us to acknowledge and abide by our culture and rules.


After a time, newcomers will have earned the right to try and change things (if they really needs changing) ... until then ... when in Rome ... as the saying goes.... and if you dont like Romans then stay home.

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Not that it matters to anyone what my thoughts are ...but ....


Its good to see that this is a somewhat constructive debate of forum etiquette of sorts...


Everyone has a red flag sensor embedded into their heads ....if you dont believe a certain statement ...take it with a grain of salt...chuckle and move on ...


Honestly ...who is to say the character at the center of this debate is even 16 years old and not some ole dude in a wheelchair with a large knowledge base of the area he was discussing in HIS thread ...


From what i read ...he was merely trying to help out ...im surprised no one jumped on him for being too forth comming with his information..granted he started off a little harsh in other threads but ...chalk that up to his age of sixteen ( as stated) and inexperience in social forums or chalk it up to his old age and his anger at the world for putting him a wheel chair and not allowing him to be on the water anymore...


Purely speculative of course ....but who really knows ....


With the powers that be of today ...just ask him what derby/tournaments he won...the internet is a wonderful thing for research

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You're so right there Rich. I know a guy (who shall remain nameless) who is 3 times that age and if he wants to feed his family any fish at all he has to bring his wife Monique, his son Avery and his daughter Jaden out in the boat with him to catch the fish.


That's just plain ole slander....

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i just read this ...thought it might an an interesting addition to this thread ....


copy and pasted


Teen Threatens to Hijack Plane in WoW, FBI Arrests Him

People can't be serious




World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG in the world, scoring almost 11,5 million paying subscribers every month. Out of all these people, you can definitely imagine that some of them aren't really the brightest tools in the box.


Such is the case with an 18-year-old boy from Johnson County, Indiana, who decided to see just how serious Blizzard was about the discussions in World of Warcraft, and decided to repeat a threat that he “was going to board a plane at 7:30 to Chicago and that he was going to try and kill as many Americans as possible.”


Needless to say, the teen was reported by a facilitator from an online gaming center and the authorities were called in. When confronted with the fact that the FBI seized his computer and were looking seriously into the case, the teen said that his account had been hacked and that he hadn't said any of those things.


The truth surfaced though, and he finally admitted that he was kidding around and wanted to see just how everyone around him would react to such threats. Quite badly it seems, as charges might be filed with the US Attorney's office, but they haven't been made just yet. It definitely seems that the teen has learned his lesson and if he plays WoW in the future he won't make any other wild threats to the homeland security of his own country.


Sadly there are certainly a lot of other people who won't learn anything from this story and will continue to believe that online games, be it World of Warcraft or not, are like a Wild West-like place where everyone can say and threaten whoever they want. Until the next guy or gal reaches the news, be careful about your bragging online.

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I only read the thread that was closed... shame it went the way it did.

As for picking on grammer and punctuation; grow up.

English may be his second language and his typing is still on par or better than most.

I'd have him out the boat and probably learn a few things.

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<_<After reading everything this supposed 16 year old has posted, I've come to the conclusion nearly all of us have been 'diddled.' He has enough experience to be able to be almost believable, (well beyond 16 years) but knows exactly the right buttons to push to get the responses he wants, when he gives somebody's chain a l'il yank. A few years ago there was a fella who called himself 'Chuckles,' and many other handles, who had a very similar way to get attention . . . some of his claims were so far beyond ridiculous it caused hard feelings among some of our members that thought his exploits possible, and those with enough experience to know they were pure bullfeathers. When you go over this 'kid's' subjects, they are all similarly chosen . . . . to cause controversy, and insult the intelligence of those who know better! Actually I've quite enjoyed his tales, and the responses he's got . . . . he must be ROTFLHAO by now . . . . I know I am! My hat's off to ya buddy . . . are ya finished yet . . . . or just thinking up new ways you're gonna get some more attention? :devil:
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I have exchanged a few P.M. with Patrick Scott and after trading insight I think his future posts will be more informative with less incredible "facts" to support them. I have confidence that his 2nd birth on OFC will be much better.




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I didn't see the kid one. I know some were on fire with the Renegade post. There's some mouthin' in the kayak post.


Couple recent threads people have been a little too jumpy around here. Must be that the anglers here are out fishing, and the wannabe anglers are sitting miffed at their computers waiting to pizz on peeples parrades.


Here's a bottle of chill pills. Over the counter... no prescription needed. Help yourselves.

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There are a couple of reasons why he got jumped on a little bit. Think about what went on...



I will say, I've lived in Sudbury for 32 of my 37 years, I can tell you that as far as the fishing info by specific body of water, the kid's info checks out. I know it's kind of general in nature, but enough accurate little details were included to indicate to me that it wasn't all total Bull. Based on the actual fishing info provided, I'd have him in my boat.


Some of his other claims, I'm less certain of. When a 16 year old kid shows up somewhere and says he's won $32K in tournament winnings and already has a scholarship at a top Canadian university, its not surprising that others may question that. Heck I'll say it...I'm fairly certain both of those claims are lies and it makes me tend to think anything else he says is quite possibly also a lie. It's a credibility thing...like the boy who cried wolf.


As far as the grammar and typing goes, none of us is perfect. However, the only thing that bothers me is when somebody commented on it to him, he basically said, "I know my typing is terrible, but I don't care." For someone who spends so much time on a public forum, he should try to care a little. When I am attempting to communicate with others using the written word, I employ a simple tactic that our young friend obviously is not familiar with...Think about what you'd like to say, type it out, TAKE A MINUTE AND READ IT BACK TO YOURSELF, make corrections as necessary, and only then hit "Add Reply". Spellcheck is a great tool aswell. I guess I'm trying to say there's a difference between having poor english skills and just being lazy or sloppy.


Lastly, and more troubling, is that he seems to be going for the record for "most locked threads". And it's not like all his threads are about unions, gun control, or whether or not we should be in Afghanistan...they start out pretty innocent, but a page or two in, and everybody's feathers are ruffled. The OFNers who've speculated that this might be a troll in 16 year old clothing might be on to something. I asked myself a couple of times, "Is this guy for real?"


All that said, I'd be lying if I said I'm not curious to see what he comes up with next. I'm getting a kick out of the kid. As far as I'm concerned, the locked threads are almost always the most interesting ones...and I've said before I think the mods are a little too quick to shut threads down...if a OFNer finds a thread is going in a distastful direction, he or she is free to go to a different thread. But hey, I don't run the place, and those that do are doing a fine job.


I spent a good 15 minutes writting this reply, I hope the thread's not locked when I go to post it!

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i have no idea what you guys are talking about but people that like to stir the pot love it when people talk about them. the crap disturbers i know would love to be talked about for page after page. wait a second...i'm doing the same thing!! :o


and when i was sixteen i slayed fish in my canoe every day! now i have a kickass boat and 200 fishing rods and i read the internet every day, and i cant catch a cold!

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i can't believe how worked up some of you are.

i read some of his posts and raised an eyebrow, but my caring ended there.

if someone wants to lie and brag, let them! this is fishing afterall! liars and braggers are par for the course!!!

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Why is it that posts like this are getting more replies than actual fishing reports?


For the same reason that reality shows work....for the same reason that people watch Springer...for the same reason that folks watch days of our lives or 'as the stomach turns'. This kind of stuff shows you who has a life and who doesn't.

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