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Fisher-MAN's best friends!

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This is our baby, she's about 3 yrs. old now. She was hit by a van at the tender age of 6 mo. and lost her left front leg, but it hasn't slowed her down much at all! She's Border Collie and half Australian Shepard, she's very protective of her mommy and daddy... and it would be illadvised for anyone to try to enter the house or her fenced backyard without me or Ol' Yeller present!


Her name is Miss Bubba.


.. any dog that eats mud isn't going to mind biting a strange people!!!


... and this is what she looks like all cleaned up!


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Fish Hound Mk.II & The Puggle Of Doom in their natural habitat.




Fish Hound really can't stand the water and gets bored standing still for 2 minutes, so trips with him are limited to tripping in the back lakes.


The Puggle Of Doom LOVES the water, but can't swim to save her life (literally!). She is also an emissary of Satan and constantly plotting world domination. Here she is just before unleashing her fury on a hapless cat.......the carnage that was left is too graphic to post.



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he's not a big fan of water, he sinks pretty fast.. he's my buddy nonetheless...



Sinks like a rock but loves the water!!! LOL!!!


I love these dogs, great looking pup's for sure!


Here is Sierra, she doesn't care for the water but love looking at it.


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Right on , they Are ADORABLE as puppies..........until i saw the price tag, what is up with that $$$$


artificial insemination, 99% of the births are caesarian, relatively small litters... for the most part, you're hopefully paying for a responsible breeder...


typically the high price tag is just the start too.. i'm sure Chrispy can attest to some of the health probs they're prone to.. even though he's not good with the heat, snores louder than Ted & The Gadget, and is more subborn than my mother in law, i'll never own another breed..

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artificial insemination, 99% of the births are caesarian, relatively small litters... for the most part, you're hopefully paying for a responsible breeder...


typically the high price tag is just the start too.. i'm sure Chrispy can attest to some of the health probs they're prone to.. even though he's not good with the heat, snores louder than Ted & The Gadget, and is more subborn than my mother in law, i'll never own another breed..


They are wonderful animals, my buddy had 2 or 3 of them. He even mentioned at one time starting to breed them. But i think he realized the only thing telling him to do so was the money he thought hed make doing it, and after some thought, and a little birdie (myself) telling him he didnt know the first thing about breeding .........he dropped the idea lol

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Heres our little family :)

I'll start with the senior of our group. His name is Arnie...He has been with us for almost 14 years. Up until a few years ago he was very active and enjoyed fishing with me in the boat...Arnie would give any fish that dared come into the boat a severe tongue lashing and then afterwards a good lick session just to make sure it stayed still :D


These days he is enjoying his retirement and likes nothing more than to deligate and air his complaints to the rest of our little family...


This is Sam. Some of you have met him already at Lakair. He was the famous air dog !!! At home he like to play with his new brother Waldo which I will introduce to you as well...Sam Loves the water obviously and seems to have taken well to boating...His trip to the G2G Lakiar this year was full of new things like fishing, slimy fish,dock jumping and sharp fishing hooks,youch they are prickly on my tongue :o


Here he is once again in his glory and newest found pastime,dock jumping !!!! Gonna have to build me a dock beside his pool :D


Here is our latest addition to our furry family. His name is Waldo and he came to us by a rescue....He has turned out well and has become Sams best friend and companion. They rough house all day,eat sleep and do all the other dog stuff together....




Cherrs !!

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Sorry for the overload of pics thats Wiser(yellow) and Toby their best buds




sorry i take loads of pictures of my dog Wiser is 4 1/2

and Toby is my Girlfriends dog and is 5 1/2

Edited by Wiser
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