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We are going up to our annual trip to see friends at Sharbot lake ,anybody got tips on what species aside from bass swim in the lake up there?



We all love our puppies right??


Here's mine, a 2 year old female american bulldog. she's a water tease.. pretends she is scared of the water until you throw a stick in.







when the trip is over.. this is her favourite thing (and mine) to do for about 3 days...



alright alright... no fish porn... why?? I GOT SKUNKED LAST TIME!!! SKUNKED!!! NOT EVEN A FOLLOW! :-)


anybody else have some shots of their pups??

Posted (edited)

My fish thieving dogs are plastered all over this site. They are absolutely loveable little buggers.


Edited by bigugli

Here's mine, year old malamute. Absolutly loves fish, wont eat them, just lick them till there dry. He actually will come to you whe you yell "Fish On". An absolute blast to take fishing, especially ice fishing, he will put his head down the hole and wait for a fish. Quite the comedian.


His first time in the boat with a fish on





Waiting for me to pull in a pike



Sadie loves to go fishing.


The only problem is, if we get too close to one of the islands she'll jump overboard and swim to shore! She likes to wade and swim off the rocks while we're casting.





Here's Muskie in the boat... loves the boat!! and the Paddle boat... and the 4 wheeler, and the truck... lol




I took my dog fishing last weekend. The little buger did a superman dive straight off the bow platform on my boat while the trolling motor was in 5th gear.


I grabbed her as she was going under the boat, toward the prop.


She loves swimming, but she's not used to jumping in from that height. So when she hit the water, she sank about 1 foot. Before she could surface, the boat was on top of her. I had to reach under the boat, and pull her out. I’ve never reacted to fast in my life.


She was coughing up water for 5 minutes after that.



That got my blood flowin'


Fil......on top of the Largemouth and Smallmouth bass, there's also Walleye, Pike and the odd GOOD SIZED Lake Trout in the deepest spot of the Lake which is the West end near Green Island....get yourself a map and troll or jig this area directly on top of the baitballs you spot on the sonar!!


Now, does this help I'm giving you warrant taking me out for Muskie :lol:;):worthy::Gonefishing:



  F to the Is-H said:
I took my dog fishing last weekend. The little buger did a superman dive straight off the bow platform on my boat while the trolling motor was in 5th gear.


I grabbed her as she was going under the boat, toward the prop.


She loves swimming, but she's not used to jumping in from that height. So when she hit the water, she sank about 1 foot. Before she could surface, the boat was on top of her. I had to reach under the boat, and pull her out. I’ve never reacted to fast in my life.


She was coughing up water for 5 minutes after that.



That got my blood flowin'


The fish thievin dogs have life jackets. Although they can swim, most dogs can only last 5-10 minutes in the water before they tire out (retrievers don't count). Had one dog that sank after jumping off the boat. he could not keep his head above water. Lesson learnt.

Posted (edited)
  bigugli said:
The fish thievin dogs have life jackets



How well do those dog life vests work?? Do they keep the dogs head above water?


My dog is only 11lbs. Do they come that small?


My dog knows no limits. Sometimes she'l jump in the water and swim away from shore, and not look back untill she's 100' out. Then she panics, and tries to rush back in. Only to turn around and do the exact same thing again.

Edited by F to the Is-H
  F to the Is-H said:
How well do those dog life vests work?? Do they keep the dogs head above water?


My dog is only 11lbs. Do they come that small?


My dog knows no limits. Sometimes she'l jump in the water and swim away from shore, and not look back untill she's 100' out. Then she panics, and tries to rush back in. Only to turn around and do the exact same thing again.


they work really good.. magnus is 63lbs and it keeps him afloat.. not sure how small they come though..

Posted (edited)

I don't know about that comment about dogs sinking after 5-10 minutes of swimming. This is my Rottie, she aint no retriever, but she can swim for days. She has swam half km to where I was fishing before and then swam back. She can suck sofa just as long as well! lol






Edited by Abraxus
  Abraxus said:
I don't know about that comment about dogs sinking after 5-10 minutes of swimming. This is my Rottie, she aint no retriever, but she can swim for days. She has swam half km to where I was fishing before and then swam back. She can suck sofa just as long as well! lol




Heh heh, I think what you've got there is a black and tan Lab, AB!


Lol...No doubt! I have often wondered if the breeder cut her tail off and just painted the water pig! I nick name her the manitee. She is the laziest dog in world until it comes to water and swimming for sticks!



  F to the Is-H said:
How well do those dog life vests work?? Do they keep the dogs head above water?


My dog is only 11lbs. Do they come that small?


My dog knows no limits. Sometimes she'l jump in the water and swim away from shore, and not look back untill she's 100' out. Then she panics, and tries to rush back in. Only to turn around and do the exact same thing again.

They work great, and in sizes right down to a teacup miniature. Both dogs have jackets for 10 to 20 lbs.



I picked up this little guy for a friend of mine a couple of years ago. She's the younger sister of my dog.




My dog IDA.


She can't get enough of the water.

Also loves licking fish!!!









Catches the odd cat fish that has been half killed by a heron

when we go wading in the river together.



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