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Hello All.


Been lurking since the fall, and felt it's finally time to step up.


I'm in my late 30's, and hadn't held a fishing rod from about the age of 13 until last summer, which is about 24 years.


I've got an 8 year old boy who needed to have some of those same fun fishing experiences I did when his age.

Well, the fall out from that is that "I'm Hooked"!


While I haven't been able to catch up on lost time as much as I would like, I'm living & breathing fishing...as much as I can!

I try to get away with slipping 4 or 5 new fishing magazines onto the coffee table every month without arousing too much suspicion.


Recent experience:

1- I've been to the Niagara Whirlpool twice in Nov/Dec last year and was rewarded with a nice Brown each time at about 19"-20" (4-5 lbs ?!?) Both father and father-in-law skunked both times...and they're the "seasoned vets"

2- Got out to the BOQ for 1 seriously cold weekend in Feb. which only yielded a few decent Perch. The Eyes weren't biting (all 8 huts at Fish Finder Charters skunked all weekend)

3- 1 day out at Jackson's Point in Feb. which had 7 hours of nothing, then 10 minutes of Perching fury!

4- Punched about 35 holes in March up on Moose Lake near Haliburton with only one 18" laker caught by the father-in-law, which went back in the hole.


So there's my story and I'm sticking to it!


Looking forward to learning and helping out where I can as well.


I'm Hooked! :P

  I said:
I try to get away with slipping 4 or 5 new fishing magazines onto the coffee table every month without arousing too much suspicion.




Great intro and looking forward to some reports!



welcome aboard.... sounds like you may be "fishing" for some gifts from your wife with the "subtle" magazines on the coffe table though ;)


Splashhopper and his daughter botbot



I too, used my son as an excuse for spending a fortune and getting into the sport in a bigger way. It has been a great bonder for us and I am hoping that it will pay dividends in the future.

Best wishes and again, welcome.



That's the best intro I've read in a long time! You already know how great the board is, we look forward to reading your trip reports. Oh yeah... one more thing... THREE MORE DAYS BEFORE BASS OPENER!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


Welcome aboard, I'mHooked :) Sounds like you got the ice-fishing bug too...great! Where's home for you?

Can't say that I get out nearly enough for what I would like, but it's a work in progress!
Yeah...you'll fit in just fine ;)
  Ciceri said:


What kind of fish you going for this summer? Bass opens in a few, should be fun!


Well if they're underwater then they're fair game for me! I guess I'd like to try for some Bass, Trout, Eyes, Pike. Probably in that order too!


  johnnyb said:
Welcome aboard, I'mHooked :) Sounds like you got the ice-fishing bug too...great! Where's home for you? Yeah...you'll fit in just fine ;)


Yes, the hard water had been beckoning to me as well! As I don't have a boat, I thought the best way to try some open water was to stand on it when it wasn't as soft. ;)

Home's in Burlington, right next to that Oakville place. I must say that my son is a real trooper...he let me try a new rod & reel off the Bronte pier when it was covered with ice & the wind was blowing with temperature about -25. He threw a few casts himself, until it was time to curl up in the fetal position to stay warm. "Just 10 more cast's son, then we'll go!"


Sounds about the same as my little guy....when I take him, I just let him set the pace for how long we should fish for...started to push it a bit too hard a couple years ago, and he wanted to go less and less. Now that I don't bring it up as often, I find he's asking to go fishing more and more :)

  I said:
Well if they're underwater then they're fair game for me! I guess I'd like to try for some Bass, Trout, Eyes, Pike. Probably in that order too!




Yes, the hard water had been beckoning to me as well! As I don't have a boat, I thought the best way to try some open water was to stand on it when it wasn't as soft. ;)

Home's in Burlington, right next to that Oakville place. I must say that my son is a real trooper...he let me try a new rod & reel off the Bronte pier when it was covered with ice & the wind was blowing with temperature about -25. He threw a few casts himself, until it was time to curl up in the fetal position to stay warm. "Just 10 more cast's son, then we'll go!"


Burlington eh? I'll keep ya in mind next time I am looking to fill some seats in my boat B)



  tonyb said:
Burlington eh? I'll keep ya in mind next time I am looking to fill some seats in my boat B)




Yep good 'ol Borington (as was referred to in my teens!)


Appreciate the thought Tony. :D


Good idea about the fishing magazines.


Now you have to get the little floresent postet notes, and start marking pages with good vactioning spots, and gift ideas.


If that's not obvious, I don't know what it.

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