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Catching Limit


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i believe this is why ontario has different limits and regulations for different zones.

i'm referring specificly to my zone not all of ontario.

lots of fish north of the french.



And the spring bear hunt was only stopped in southern Ontario


I was going to say, just let the guys that know set the limits, but then i thought of the bear hunt.

I prefer not to give the idiots any ideas

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Guest gbfisher
The maximum number of meals per month is 8 in the "Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish". If a fisherman catches enough fish for 4 lb of fillet in one day, he will not need to keep any fish for himself for one whole month.




For most fish species it isn't possible to have 4 lb of fillets with the limits and size restrictions already imposed other than Trout and Salmon.

Not to mention. What type of fish are you referring to?

I limit myself. lol. I fish for all species. So when I am out for one I like to eat. You can bet a limit is coming home with me.... :D

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This may be a touchy subject and I'm really not trying to stir the pot here. Over the last 15 years fish populations have reduced substantually. Yes, there are many factors for this but are people keeping too many fish???


In zone 16 of Ontario this could be had with a sporting liscense in one day:


Hit a Lake and keep - 4 Walleye

6 Bass

6 Pike

1 Muskey

50 Perch

30 Crappie

50 Sunfish

2 Lake Trout

12 Whitefish

and so on.........


Same day hit a river and keep - 5 Brook Trout

5 Brown Trout

2 Rainbow Trout

and so on.........


Well that would be an amazing day of fishing and realisticly would never happen but, just that fact that the law makes this a possibility,

does seem suspect. The good thing is that a large percentage of fisherman are conservationist.


This all comes down to one question.


Who believes that fish limits should be further reduced from the current limits?


I don't know about the rest of you but I have only been able to manage my multi species limit of everything that swims in Ontario 4 out of 9 times that i tried. Went through 3 knives trying to fillet everything. each time. Broke my dang freezer but I got them all in there. If anyone wants a fish fry, give me a buzz.

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Well I know that this summer when out on lake Erie if I am lucky enough to get a limit of eyes and bows they will all come home with me to go to Dads Freezer I will do it again if I can and send that over to a old friend who does not get out much since his wife went def I don't eat fish but do help out people who love it but don't get out much or at all. I also know people who will go out get the limit of eyes then there 50 jumbos head home clean them and do the same the next day they will gift the fish to there family then get there limit this is usually it for the season so is it wrong to get your seasons of fish in two days?

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Do not say on this site that you are willfully breaking the law with your 12 fish, because your friend catches so many more , you are a POACHER- and nothing else!!....



before YOU call someone a poacher you might want to re read his post


Quote from his post


"Again a hypothetical scenario for demonstrations only."

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I don't believe anglers can deplete a fish stock. Commercial netting and netting by "others" will deplete stocks.

I think the real issue should be finding a way to get the "general" population to stop supporting these netting tactics, by not buying the fish.


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Right, legal and ethic are not always the same thing.


I'll throw hypothetical situation out there:


I go walleye fishing once a year to a lake/zone that has a 4 fish daily limit and 8 possession. I fish three days. I catch and keep 4 fish, 4 fish and 4 fish. I don't eat any of the 12 fish and bring them home to eat over the next several months. I am breaking the law by being over my possession limit. My friend who lives on the lake fishes every weekend (the lucky sod) and keeps 2 fish every time and eats them right away, over 100 fish during the season. Totally legal.


He's legal, I'm not. Who made less of an impact on the fish stock? Are my ethics "better" than his? Who is right?


Another situation:


My mother only goes out once with me during my three days of fishing and keeps 5 walleye (she still can out fish me) to take home.


Total fish removed from the system:

Mom 5 -braking the law

Me 12 - breaking the law

My friend 100 plus - legal


Again a hypothetical scenario for demonstrations only.


Nice Theory, your friend then left more Cow for me to eat because all he does is eat Fish.


Fact is there is absolutely no reason one person should keep 50 perch for one fishing outing. How about one outing one meal. Say six perch, one Bass, one Pike, Six sunfish , 2 Pickerel. Some of these Quotas sound like commercial fishing Regulations that sustain a livelihood or a Band/Clan/Town.

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Do not say on this site that you are willfully breaking the law with your 12 fish, because your friend catches so many more , you are a POACHER- and nothing else!!....



If that was related to my post, that was part of my point.


The poacher, who as I stated is breaking the law, is impacting the fishery less than the angler who is not breaking the law.


Right, legal and ethical are not always the same thing.


These are exactly the type of things that need to be discussed here and in the offices where decisions are made.


Here's another scenario:


I catch 1 walleye that is 1cm into the slot that says it can't be kept. I keep it, it is the only fish that I keep. Poacher


My friend keeps his limit of 4 walleye that are half a cm smaller (or bigger) than the slot. Completely within the law.


Again the poacher has probably had less of a negative impact on the fishery.


Anybody have a headache yet?


My ultimate point is someone can be completely within the law, and feel quite self righteous, and still have a harmful impact on a fishery. Which, I think, was the point of the original post


As people who use a delicate resource, we need to go beyond the posted regulations sometimes if we want to continue to enjoy our recreation.

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Nice Theory, your friend then left more Cow for me to eat because all he does is eat Fish.


Fact is there is absolutely no reason one person should keep 50 perch for one fishing outing. How about one outing one meal. Say six perch, one Bass, one Pike, Six sunfish , 2 Pickerel. Some of these Quotas sound like commercial fishing Regulations that sustain a livelihood or a Band/Clan/Town.



Ha Ha. More cow for you? You haven't seen my friends surf 'n' turf "plate breakers specials". Or how big he is.



I think the one outing one meal idea has some merit, in theory, but I'm sure the politicos would be unwilling to discuss it.

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Depending on the size of the perch it can take upwards of 50 to feed my clan of fish lovers.


Here at home, 10 perch is dinner for 2, 20 dinner for 4. If we have a big family dinner, 50 8-10" perch are gone in no time. Mind we have 4 licensed anglers here.



As for someone keeping 2 walleye a week/ 100 a year. Many of us were raised on fishing and hunting as a way of life. We eat fish 2-3 days a week. It has always been part of the diet. there is the sporting element to fishing, but I often take some home for table. It's meat. No different than harvesting a deer and a bear for the freezer when i still hunted.

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i feel there are less and less anglers out there. the prices of everything is going up and its turning into a rich mans sport. for instance last year rapalas were around $7 and they are now $10 this year. buying a boat and motor isnt cheap either and plus gas getting to the lake. i find more of the old timers are the ones not paying attention to the regs cause things were different back in their day. Most new anglers are now obeying the laws. i feel if you want better fish populations then they should close townships or areas for a year then reopen them and close a different one. it would kinda suck for ppl with camps on these closed lakes but to bad. i feel the limits are low as is, i'm with dara on this one with the laws in southern ontario compared to here. Also i cant stand slot sizes on fish especially pike! who in the right mind would keep 4 pike under 24'? i feel that fish is a waste cause of the amount of meat you get off it and yes i know how to fillet them well so i only keep pike above 24" go for it call me a poacher i don't care. i pretty well feel that things are fine for right now but that lowering of lake trout limits! i'll no longer go for lakers and i will be targetting over species instead having more of an impact on them.

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Depending on the size of the perch it can take upwards of 50 to feed my clan of fish lovers.


AHA, you and your Clan of Buddies have been eating FisH Lake to a point that it is now a Collapsed Fishery. You could of saved me roughly eight hours of fishing for nothing the last two weeknds. Not even a signal on the Fish Finder. YOU Horrible Horrible man.

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