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Who gets fined?


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I am going on a fishing/golfing trip at the end of the month. I was wondering if I am responsible for those in my boat regarding fishing licences? I don't mean morally, I mean if one of the clowns in my boat doesn't have a licence am I on the hook for it?


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They are on the hook for their own licence. Becomes a gray area if said fella, sans licence, has a daily limit of pickeral in his possession ON YOUR BOAT. If the CO wanna seize it.. they very well could ruin your day. It's a pain.. but I've started verifying all on board are legal before leaving the dock. Remember anyone (Ontario Resident) over 65 still has to be able to provide proof of age even though they don't need a licence. Many people, like me leave, my wallet behind when out in the boat.


..and I forgot to check that Jose fella before letting him on back in December...

Edited by irishfield
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My opinion, which means squat, is that if they are minors (and they need a licence) probably. If is your boat and we're talking adults, probably not, although I believe all equipment used by someone breaking the regs can be confiscated. That's up to the CO's discretion. I understand how delicate something like this can be in a group of friends and/or family, but if it is your boat it could be your butt on the line. Good luck.

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So Wayne you getting out this long weekend or staying in and playing around with the planes


I'd better be at the lake by the weekend.


Rob brings up a great point. Your boat.. your riggers.. rods.. holders and a guest with no licence and they just lifted a king into the boat as the CO pulls up.... ???

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On a musky trip to Pigeon lake several years ago one of my friends left his card in the cottage. There was two of them in the boat and the C.O. informed them that they must both stop fishing and return to get it before fishing again. They were 4km from the cottage and the guy with his card wanted to keep fishing until lunchtime then go back. The C.O. said that unless they wanted to surrender all but one of their fishing rods to him, that they both have to be in possesion of their outdoors cards to continue fishing.

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I'm a little unclear on the concept here... you're going fishing and you know you need a license???


Shouldn't it be in your possesion with your drivers and vessel operators licenses?... or do I just take my fishing too seriously?



... and what about an open container (alcohol) in the boat?

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Come fishing in Quebec end of problem.

In QC spouses can fish under your license.

Y'know those sorts of marriages are legal in Canada, I doubt the CO would check too hard. :D



You just gotta give him a big wet sloppy kiss to prove it.


Is it worth the license fee?


My wife comes in the boat with me a knits, but doesn't fish. I can't see a problem with that.

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My opinion, which means squat, is that if they are minors (and they need a licence) probably.


I thought anyone under 18 didn't need a license, did this change? Do non-resident kids need a license? I took my 5 & 7 year old nephews out a couple years ago and never even thought about it to be honest, figured they were fine without it.



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Since you guys brought this up, I've had a similar situation. Often when I go out on the boat, a friend wants to come. He doesn't fish, doesn't like to fish, but just wants to be on the boat and take pictures. Does he need to have a license? (I've always assumed he does to be safe since CO's probably hear that excuse a lot when approaching people trying to hide the fact)

Edited by Jet
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I thought anyone under 18 didn't need a license, did this change? Do non-resident kids need a license? I took my 5 & 7 year old nephews out a couple years ago and never even thought about it to be honest, figured they were fine without it.




If you take a non-resident child fishing you must have a vaild license and there catch

goes toward your possession limit

but they can get a license of there own if they want to keep more fish



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First year for licenses , I was running my boat out of port weller in early April for lakers off the bar . I had told every one over the phone when they booked that this year evryone needed a license but I never bothered to check , Im not a CO ?? Just got set up one morning early and fish on, guy fights a nice 10 lb king , as I net fish Co pulls up . comes aboard asks the guy who just landed fish to see license , NO LICENSE.He than asks for a license for the other 7 rods I had out (only 1 rod per guy than ) lucky counting mine we had 7 lincenses on the boat . After threating to take the rod ,reel ,down rigger ,rod holder, net and lure that was used by the guy with no license , he just fined the guy who caught the fish with no license and told me if he saw more than 7 lines out that day he would be back and he would take the stuff . Needless to say we didnt run more than seven lines and I saw him watching me with his glasses a few times that day .What I did than was to buy 8 licenses so I allways had a license for each rod and when stopped all we had to do was for everyone to hold up a license and all was well , not sure how legel this is but never had a proplem since as long as each guy fishing holds up a license he or any other CO has never come aboard to check . ????

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I think thats why they brought in the card , it was the first year and i got one from every Canadian tire aqnd tackle store between St Kitts and TO ,never said it was legal just that it worked that CO asked for licenses every time he say me all that spring . Now I find most if not all guys are used to to fact you need a license in the summer. BUT Ice fishing is another thing , the CO from Port Perry tells me he cant belive the amount of fines he gave to people who rented huts from me this winter , and I only have 8 huts ???

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If you take a non-resident child fishing you must have a vaild license and there catch

goes toward your possession limit

but they can get a license of there own if they want to keep more fish



This is correct if you are referring to those under 18 that are non residents of Canada.

If they are under 18 and residents of anywhere in Canada than no license is required and they have there own limit (Sport Fishing limits).

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One CO wouldn't let the rest of us fish with an unlicensed person on board.


If you are not fishing.. you don't need a licence. Just like listening to that VHF radio. (insert Women in boat full of fishing gear..reading a book joke here) No doubt a CO took that tact though (since they all seem to have a personal rule book), epecially in Jedi's case where the guy was fishing and his licence was ashore. CO probably figured if he left they'd both go right back to fishing.


I had both daughters, a boyfriend and myself out last year. We had three rods out, because one daughter forgot her OD card in Toronto. CO came along side and we showed him 3 licences and I told him the daughter was our official photographer for the day because she was dumb and forgot her licence behind. He had no issues.. said we were only running 3 rods and he'd seen only 3 rods for quite some time.


As a coincidence... she took the pic in my avatar! Showing she wasn't sitting in a "fishing" chair, but the forward passenger seat.

Edited by irishfield
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First year for licenses , I was running my boat out of port weller in early April for lakers off the bar . I had told every one over the phone when they booked that this year evryone needed a license but I never bothered to check , Im not a CO ?? Just got set up one morning early and fish on, guy fights a nice 10 lb king , as I net fish Co pulls up . comes aboard asks the guy who just landed fish to see license , NO LICENSE.He than asks for a license for the other 7 rods I had out (only 1 rod per guy than ) lucky counting mine we had 7 lincenses on the boat . After threating to take the rod ,reel ,down rigger ,rod holder, net and lure that was used by the guy with no license , he just fined the guy who caught the fish with no license and told me if he saw more than 7 lines out that day he would be back and he would take the stuff . Needless to say we didnt run more than seven lines and I saw him watching me with his glasses a few times that day .What I did than was to buy 8 licenses so I allways had a license for each rod and when stopped all we had to do was for everyone to hold up a license and all was well , not sure how legel this is but never had a proplem since as long as each guy fishing holds up a license he or any other CO has never come aboard to check . ????
I think thats why they brought in the card , it was the first year and i got one from every Canadian tire aqnd tackle store between St Kitts and TO ,never said it was legal just that it worked that CO asked for licenses every time he say me all that spring .

I'm not sure it's a great idea for an operator of a commercial sports fishing operation to openly admit to violating the Ontario Fishing Regulations on a public forum. Some CO's do check out these forums.

"It is an offence to attempt to obtain more than one card. It is also an offence to provide false information on a card application." Pg. 5 of Fishing Ontario 2008-2009 Recreational Fishing Summary.

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This is correct if you are referring to those under 18 that are non residents of Canada.

If they are under 18 and residents of anywhere in Canada than no license is required and they have there own limit (Sport Fishing limits).


Yes that is what i ment but how many parents carry the birth certificate of there

child with them when they take a kid fishing

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