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Rice Lake May8-9/2009 Walleye Opener


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Once again mother nature just wouldn't cooperate this weekend.


Headed up to the cottage on Friday afternoon. Left a little later then I wanted to, but when I left it was warm and sunny. As I got closer, the clouds started rolling in so by the time I got up and settled(unloading the car), it started getting really cloudy and then some very low dark clouds rolled in.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


The thunder and lightning was in the air and sure enough it was a severe storm that passed very quickly. After it passed the sun came out for a while and then more dark clouds rolled in and once again it poured as the skies opened yet again.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


So fishing for Crappie on Friday night was out of then question. Then rain continued all night so I sat infront of the BOOB TUBE and watched some hockey and other various sporting activities.


Early Saturday morning there was a nice full moon so I thought that Saturday morning would be nice. By now I was heading out onto the water to get an early start and to get to the Walleye spot where they always seem to be. That was in fact the case as the morning gave way to a sensational early season sunrise.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


When I got the spot in question there were 2 other boats there and by the time I left a few hours later, I counted about 15 boats in that one spot with well over 20 in the general area.


In the early season and since it was WALLEYE opener I thought it would be best to throw crankbaits as you could cover lots of water and get it down to the correct depth. I started out by deciding to go with a Rapala Husky Jerk bait and I put on a #10 in the Firetiger color. At around 7 am I hook into something and after bringing it up from the depths, I see that it is in fact a walleye. A small one but one nonetheless. Unfortunately it got off just prior to me landing it. Hard when you have to reel in and man a net all by yourself.


A short time later, once again I hook up with something, This time it is somehting bigger since it feels bigger and puts up a bit more fight, still sluggish so I assumed it was a walleye. I was correct. It measured 23" and weighed in at 3 lbs 12 oz's. Again caught on the HJ-10 Firetiger. Both fish caught in 8 FOW, water temp was 60 degrees F.


Action was generally slow. Only saw 2 boats land fish, they landed 2 each, so that is 4 into total, for all those boats. Needless to say, I am happier then a Pig in Dung with my efforts. Talked with a few boats and they were not having much luck. The one boat caught his on HJ's also, where as the other boat was jigging the bottom with black bucktail jigs. Heard of one Muskie being caught.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


Pulled up to my neighbours dock and he took these pics for me. Thanks MIKE. I kept this fish and I now have some nice walleye filets in the freezer for a future fish fry.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


This is the point in time where I post and edit because I'm sure it has happened to all of you, you work on a report then you screw something up and all your efforts are wasted and you start over. PART II


After heading in just after 8 am for breakfast, the skies opened up again slowly then it was an absolute downpour.


After it eased up again I chatted with a couple of guys who weren't having much luck, some small bass and a catfish for them. They asked what I caught mine on so I showed them because they weren't sure what a Husky Jerk looked like. I made a cast and whammo, I hook into a monster bass. They couldn't believe it. I had to take a quick pic and weigh it. It was 4 lbs 8 oz's. Was that illegal, probaly, but it was thrown back right away. Couldn't resist as my buddies wouldn't belive me. Pic is blurry because it was done as fast as possible to not harm the fish in any way.


They mentioned wanting to try out worm harnesses' but they didn't have worms so as my beer fridge is always stocked with worms I decided to give them 2 dozen worms. Hope they brought them some success.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


Just as fast as I caught it, the skies opened up yet again. It was on and off all weekend. As it become heavier most of the boats disappeared. The thunder and lightning did not deter the 2 guys I chatted with. I give them credit because they were troppers, not having much luck and to become completely drenched, well 2 thumbs up to you.



By diggyj, shot with DSC-W5 at 2009-05-09


Here is what I was looking at from my boathouse as they stuck it out in miserable conditions.


The weather has been so unpredictable lately it makes for some tough fishing. I did however enjoy getting up to the shack and get some fishing in finally. I was very happy to get out onto the water and have some success. In summary I caught 2 walleye, landed 1, caught 3 bass, one monster.


Looking forward to getting out again this week and next weekend. Shawn you better show up this time. I wanted to stay up there tonight and fish and also fish tomorrow but since this is my Wifes first Mothers Day, I just had to come home so I would be here in the morning otherwise I would have been in the doghouse for life if I missed the first one.


Hope everyone had a successful weekend of fishing no matter what you were going for.


Happy Fishing.....DIRK.................

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slot is 4 fish max, all for under 18 inches or 3 under and one over....that one was over 18 but OK to keep as long as there are no other over 18inches in his possesion.


I assume that smallie was caught of the dock and you dipped in for a quick pic ? Just keep in mind, even if you put it in your live well to take it to shore for a pic, the MNR guys would eat you for lunch if the caught you....be careful!


I went to Rice Sunday and looked for my weedline that I slam fish on normally....the wall wasn't well defined yet so I ripped jigs for a bit and decided to move to a weed flat in 8 to 11ft of water....threw a huge swimbait and crwled it along the top of the weed to the ege and whack.....good 4-5lb eye had the thing in his throat on the first cast......I figured I was on to something but that was the only eye I caught.



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Yes it was caught off the dock in about 10-15 FOW. Never put in livewell as the 2 guys can attest to. A quick net job and pic, then relesed immediately.


Can anyone clarify if you can in fact take a pic of an OOS fish? Not 100% sure so I just want to make sure that I have done nothing illegal. I have seen other reports of guys taking pics of OOS fish, so a definate answer would be helpful. I am aware as you mentioned that putting it in the live well would be illegal.





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Yes it was caught off the dock in about 10-15 FOW. Never put in livewell as the 2 guys can attest to. A quick net job and pic, then relesed immediately.


Can anyone clarify if you can in fact take a pic of an OOS fish? Not 100% sure so I just want to make sure that I have done nothing illegal. I have seen other reports of guys taking pics of OOS fish, so a definate answer would be helpful. I am aware as you mentioned that putting it in the live well would be illegal.






Well Dirk.. here's the letter from the MNR North Bay District that I carry in the boat (that I finally get a chance to squeeze in with all the other OOS posts locked! LOL)... Question was asked to both CO's and Biologists...They don't have a real issue with it.. unless you have to go get your camera in camp....... I think you came close to that !


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 2:30 PM

To: Mccrudden, Chuck (MNR); Rowe, Richard (MNR)

Cc: Gilboe, Peter (MNR); Schenk, Mike (MNR)

Subject: Picture


Hello All


What is the MNR's official position on someone taking a picture of a fish caught out of season before releasing it


Reply from Peter Gilboe/CO MNR


The Ontario Fishery Regulations, section 13, say:"... every person who catches a fish of a species

(a) at a time or place at which fishing for that species is prohibited


©the possession or retention of which is prohibited,


shall return the fish forthwith to the waters from which it was taken, and where the fish is alive, release it in a manner that causes the least harm to the fish"

The keys here are "forthwith" and "in a manner that causes the least harm to the fish". If a person catch and releases several fish per day more than their legal limit, but releases them after snapping a quick photo, we'd never dream of charging them for "retention" of the overlimit, so I think the same analogy holds here with closed season fish. It would come down to a test of reasonableness if it were ever to get to court, and I feel comfortable saying the I would never lay such a charge if the angler was "reasonable" in his quest for a photo. I don't think it's an unreasonable thing to do - as long as you don't need to run back to the camp for a camera, or pass it around to everybody in the boat for their turn in front of the lens.

I've only ever laid the charge twice in my time; once for a little *&(%&% who was drop-kicking closed season bass off a lock in Ottawa (the Youth Court Judge was NOT amused), and another for a guy who released a whopper closed season walleye only after he saw us coming. He said he was going to release it all along, but couldn't quite explain why he had been holding it in a bag in the water for safekeeping.

If my learned partner has any other thoughts I'm sure he'll jump in.


Pete Gilboe


PS: You know the really sad thing? Honest folks worry about these very fine points of law, while others stuff the fish down their boot and think nothing of it.

Edited by irishfield
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Great post, Wayne! And the CO's not kidding about the boot thing....I knew a guy who got busted for stuffing the pockets he'd sewn on the inside of his pants with fish that were over his limit! :dunno:

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