lilkynan Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 As I noted in a post earlier we froze out in the ice on Simcoe!! - With all this Global Warming talk - I wish that there was!!! - The enviroment is not a joke, but what is everyones perspective on this?? Is this more important than how all of our hard earned tax dollars are spent or wasted away, or is it the flavour of the decade? Thoughts?
ccmtcanada Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 It's not a joke...I'm sure humans are contributing to it. Not to dampen the human factor, we also have to remember that there is a natural cycle to this as well. The earth has warmed and cooled since it's creation. Hence the cyclical ice ages and subsequent warm up periods. Are we contributing? I believe we are. Can we stop it? I dont think best maybe slow it down.
snag Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 Anyone who does not believe in the human cause of Global Warming is either in denial or ignorant of the facts. We will continue to have cold winters. But like CCMT said, nature has it's own cycles that will affect temp.
OhioFisherman Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 The BARE!!! said: As I noted in a post earlier we froze out in the ice on Simcoe!! - With all this Global Warming talk - I wish that there was!!! - The enviroment is not a joke, but what is everyones perspective on this?? Is this more important than how all of our hard earned tax dollars are spent or wasted away, or is it the flavour of the decade? Thoughts? Well if the united nations were really united they would be working harder on the problem, maybe they will be content to let us all go the way of the dinosaur as long as they can make a buck now? Too much influence by economics and not enough thought to survival, more than enough people on earth for some to be disposable. built coal and gas fired power plants? atomics? for ? we can`t seem to clean up the mess we have now!
nautifish Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 I agree with snag......There was a topic allready done on this but cannot find it. Leaving a link here for those who choose to read it.
1leggedangler Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 Have to agree with CCM. I'm sure humans have an been affecting the climate for the last 150 years or so but there is an argument for the cyclical debate also. Me thinks it's the old flavour of the month topic. Cheers, 1leg
wuchikubo Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 I also agree with CCMT, although there are cylical periods that can also be seen with a shift in the Earth's magnetic axis, we should not forget all the mechanical and technological advancements man-kind has created to assist in this negative situation. Just think, as we continue deplete the fossil oil, voids must be created, in-turn catastrophic events due to the shifts in the planetry plates will continue to occur more frequently, the ocean's temperature rising will assist in melting the polar ice thus increasing the volume of water in the ocean possibly (and likely) flooding coastal areas. With changes in the aquatic ecosystems, we can all expect changes to our kid's, grand-kids, and possibly our own fishing future. I think there is a little bit of a "tree-hugger / fish-kisser" in all of us! It only depends on what causes us to do something about our environment's future. Sorry about all the blah, blah. I guess some of the ecology biology program from U still has some lingering effect. HearingFish
Greencoachdog Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 Well, just walk outside in a T-shirt and a pair of short pants and ask yourself... how warm do I feel right now?
tonyb Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 (edited) An Inconvenient Truth - go rent it and watch it! Tony Edited February 5, 2007 by tonyb
mattyk Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 we need some warming down here in the south. It was -22 this morning in Kentucky
kemper Posted February 5, 2007 Report Posted February 5, 2007 Im gonna take heat for this (no pun intended) but here she blows... Its my opinion that humans, if at all, have contributed in a VERY SMALL way to global warming. If you look at the cycles of the world in the past you will see that the temps have changed drastically many different times. I also think that as humans we are ignorant to think that we can control what happens to the earth, because whatever mother nature has planned for us with this global warming business, we CANNOT stop it. The earth is a force that is so far beyond our power we are stupid to think that we can control it. So geuss what, if the earth is going to heat up in the next fifty years and kill us all, then we arent stopping it. We really need to remember that as humans we are a very small part of the universe, and although 50 years seems like a long time to us, in the grand scheme of things it is NOTHING. theres my 2 cents kemper
OhioFisherman Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Kemper no heat, discussion. During the Middle ages people drank more alcohol in Europe than water, they had no concept of bacteria or viruses, but knew you didn`t get sick as often if you drank alcohol. No sanitary systems so the water was polluted. We had it here on Lake Erie last century, it has improved because people became aware of the problem, LOL the fish could have told them, what me swim in that toliet? It took years of awareness and an attempt to do something about it to bring Lake Erie back, the fishing there is the best it has been in my life time. Yes the earth is big, but man has thrown off the balance, forests gone, wetlands gone, industrial and residential pollution. Yes there is a natural cycle to the weather, but almost every creditable scientist will tell you man is the cause of this deal. The agent in the Matrix, man is like a virus. We have brains but need to use them more often!
nautifish Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 This is long but well worth the read, Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, and its projected continuation. Models referenced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict that global temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) between 1990 and 2100. [1] The uncertainty in this range results from both the difficulty of predicting the volume of future greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainty about climate sensitivity. Global average near-surface atmospheric temperature rose 0.6 ± 0.2 °Celsius (1.1 ± 0.4 °Fahrenheit) in the 20th century. The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations." [1] However, other scientific phenomenon such as solar variation may explain part of the global warming in terms of increasing energy output of the Sun. It should be noted, though, that no increasing trend in the solar irradiance has been observed during the last decades, in contradiction with the temperatures trend to increase. The main cause of the human-induced component of warming is the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are released by activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture. An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer streamflows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Warming is expected to affect the number and magnitude of these events; however, it is difficult to connect particular events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, even if no further greenhouse gases were released after this date, warming (and sea level) would be expected to continue to rise for more than a millenium, since CO2 has a long average atmospheric lifetime. To read more from this page click on the link.
POLLIWOGG Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Flavour of the day, Hire a scientist to suport the theary and he will, hire another to disprove it and he will, problem is nobody hires them to just go out and do science anymore. We've been wrong before, there are still lots of people who think oil came from dinosours and a few still think the world is flat.
turtle Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 I hope its cold enough to build 2+ feet of ice (not too much to get the auger through) so we can have safe ice at the end of March-start of April when the weather is nice. Dont mind walking and poking aroung for perch in those conditions (hasnt happened in a few years though)
NJ Gimo Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 2000 years ago, there was a glacier covering most of North America. What caused that one to melt ? Here's a good read on the facts ......
lookinforwalleye Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 I don`t know much about the subject of global warming but i do recall 20-30 years ago the fad dujour was the coming ice age,the scientific folk were falling all over themselves warning us of the pending doom with all kinds of data to back their claims.
misfish Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Global warming huh. I just cleared the walk ways and drives here at work TWICE,since 5 am. 14 inches of snow on this side of town.
Baldy Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 I am not certain if I believe EVERYTHING that has been published regarding Global Warming but there is no doubt that humans have polluted every place and thing on the planet. This pollution has to affect every living organism on earth in different ways but I do not believe that it is too late to do anything about it. Over fifty years ago I learned to fish on the Grand River which at that time was good fishing but not the cleanest river around. This river became a lot worse as the population of the communities upstream increased and the river became a dumping ground and cesspool. There are still a very many people, anglers and non-anglers alike who still think the Grand is just a sewer. Through the efforts of a number of dedicated groups and people the Grand River has rebounded into a beautiful river abounding with fish, wildlife, insect life, etc. If the efforts of groups like the Grand River Conservation, Friends of the Grand et al were mirrored by all countries and peoples in the world then at least we would be headed in the right direction and doing our part to help our environment and provide a safer, cleaner world for the next generations.
OhioFisherman Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Oil didn`t come from from the cavemen cooking dinosaur bacon? There is is lot of oil there! The world can be flat, I don`t care! As long as wimmins aren`t!
holdfast Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Here is my take on Global warming, Wife says that she seen on TV a program that says if Canada stopped all emissions that contributes to Global Warming, it would not be significent enough, to have any impact, However there would be a huge difference if China and the States took Steps. Heres how I look at it, are you willing to take the bus, instead of your car, drop from a SUV to a electric car, Pull off all the trucks off the Road and go to an alternate system of commercial transport, Pay a higher price for a furnace, Refrigerater, Commercial goods would be higher because we would have to pay indirectly to companys that are ordered to cut emmissions, go electic or at least 4 stroke, and save on gas by going to a smaller outboard, inboard say 9 hp instead of 30, just so we can lead by example. HOW MANY OF YOU ARE WILLING TO DO THAT. I thought so. My vote will have nothing to do with this global warming. Just my take, now the idiots in Ottawa has Alberta up in arms about their oil production. Theyre saying better look in your own back yard before someone elses. I think they have a point
Bob Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 Yeah, yeah and we should all go vegetarian because all the beef critters we're raising are cranking out "greenhouse gasses" in their farts. This old ball of mud has been going through warming and cooling periods since it formed. It has gone through times when a few volcanoes put more so-called greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than man has in his entire history. There are a lot of scientists that believe man's impact on this warming trend is pretty minimal but they get ridiculed and played down because the "scientific trend" today is to believe it's all man's fault. I remember too, a few years back when they were all crying gloom and doom because another ice age was imminent. Didn't happen! I am concerned about the amount of pollution we chuck out into this world of ours but I'm not too concerned about a one point something degree average temperature shift over a hundred years or so.
Deano Posted February 9, 2007 Report Posted February 9, 2007 It's an everchanging world, the world needs changes to survive. the deserts weren't always deserts, did man cause that. the lands were connected, did man cause them to seperate. Previous ice ages and hotspells, did man cause those. It's naive to think we have that much of an impact on this world. The other day when I brought my mother to the airport, there was a display of a 747 with a fact sheet below. It stated that one transatlantic flight of the 747 would use the fuel equivelant of 80 years of a personal automobile. So one 12 hr flight uses the same amount of fuel I'll use in my lifetime. So if I cut back is it really gonna make a difference. And to think 35 years ago (I know I'm getting old) when I was young, they were talking about a fuel shortage. I am looking forward to global warming, as being up north, the only way for us to change is to get warmer, will suck for the warm places who will be getting colder. I do believe in cutting polution because we should respect nature, who wants to live in garbage, but I don't think global warming is caused by man or that one day we'll run out of fuel. lets start the next fear mongering, the sun is gonna burn out soon.
lilkynan Posted February 10, 2007 Author Report Posted February 10, 2007 During the renosaunce period - England was in a "Global Warming" period - and that was before the Industrial Revolution. Created a lot of great art, fishing books, Shakespeare etc - oy my - a culture that 8 of 12 months is in the snow - may even get stronger and better without snow!!! - 500 years ago there was no snow in Toronto!! - 20,000 years ago there was 3 miles thick of ice on Toronto. Good thing that Pam A is P3TA - good thing I am not!!! Sorry bout the spelin - couple of ryes too many
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