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Posted (edited)

Got out of work at noon today figured i'd head down to Quinte just past Belleville

for some ice fishing for walleyes. Had everything ready to go the sled, the sonar

all my ice rods, jigs and spoons. I was quite excited knowing i'd get into some fish.

I knew it would be windy and chilly but that was no big deal, so off we went.

The 401 was open and the drive was uneventful and fast. Went past the spot

where the horrific pile up was eastbound past Coburg, but still all was clear.





Buddy then says 'look how dark it is ahead'. Next thing we were in near whiteout conditions,

a few kms. past the accident sight.





Saw a few cars spun out way over down ditches, soon we were doing about 40 km/hr.





It just kept getting worse and worse, we were know doing about 20 km/hr





This squall wasn't just going to be driven out of after a couple of km. It was getting evident

that it stretched down the 401.





Near Trenton it was obvious we had about 50 km still to go but at 20 km/hr

it would take forever. The visibilty was ZERO, lots of cars off the road etc...

So i decided to head back home westbound to Toronto on the 401.

The drive home was more of the same except the squall was all the way now back to Bowmanville.


I was disappointed by the long drive and lack of fishing, but super happy to

be home in one piece after that. Certain moments out there were the scariest of my life.

Driving blindly for a 100 km or so isn't fun.



Edited by ehg

You did the right thing!! Sure...the fishing would have been great...but it's not worth getting hurt. The fish will still be there the next time. Better luck then!!!


I was in a similar situation on Jan 19 when I went to Lake Nipissing.

By the the time I got to the proverbial snowbelt (Barrie) it was a white out off and on for about 2 hrs. White knuckle driving, and more stressfull and tiresome, but I made it.

The wife read her book, and was very nervous... she didn't want to look at the near invisible piece of road.


I find that my polarized sunglasses help immensely, and without them I would not be able to see a thing. :mellow:


Glad you made it back safely, those squalls can be tricky things. I ran into one just 5 minutes from my house....took me 20min to get home from there :( Hope it's cleared up by 5am.


Be safe out there folks, catching a fish just isn't worth some things...



  Clampet said:
White knuckle driving

Thats the way it was Clampet! Especially with 18 wheelers still ripping by at high speeds within inches.

Pulling over wasn't an option.


3hrs and a 100 km of driving the length of a squall wasn't expected today.


The pictures don't do it justice.




Glad to hear u made it back safe. My plan was also to get out on the ice today. But we had those same conditions pretty much all day here in dover. Was so bad at times i could not even see the Gazebo frame on my back deck from my back patio doors. So decided to stay home where its safe & warm.


Smart move heading home. Not worth getting hurt for fishing and especially on that stretch of road it can be bad like that often.


Better Luck next outing.


You did the right thing by going home.

No fish is worth getting into an accident and possibly injuring yourself.


There will be other fishing days.


Hi Ehg,


Let me tell you what you missed by going back yesterday. It was a great day fighting the winds, snow and freezsing my butt off trying to get all of our gear off the BOQ. I think I am still trying to thaw out,a nd today I will play it say and sit on a warm couch watching the Super Bowl.


As for walleye well we got nothing nor did anyone else that was out fishing. It was not a great day at all.


I'm glad you made it back safe, it was a wise decision and if you made it out maybe we could have talked you in pulling our gear off the Bay, becasue that is all we did. :D




  DT10Sam said:
Hi Ehg,


Let me tell you what you missed by going back yesterday. It was a great day fighting the winds, snow and freezsing my butt off trying to get all of our gear off the BOQ. I think I am still trying to thaw out,a nd today I will play it say and sit on a warm couch watching the Super Bowl.


As for walleye well we got nothing nor did anyone else that was out fishing. It was not a great day at all.


I'm glad you made it back safe, it was a wise decision and if you made it out maybe we could have talked you in pulling our gear off the Bay, becasue that is all we did. :D




Sounds like it was a brutal weekend everywhere in Ontario.


Good thing i turned around from your description DT10Sam.


Anyways if anyone in around T.O needs a few dz. fresh emerald shiners i have some.

PM me or heck i'll put them on your doorstep if your close, i'm around Little Italy.






glad you made it home safely. I do anywhere from 60 to 80 thousand km a year and I have been caught up in plenty of squalls like that. I know what you guys mean about how nerve racking it is and am way to familar with white knuckle driving.


Lets hope your next trip will be better!




No sense in taking chances when conditions are like that. There are bound to me many idiots out there. There will be more fishing days to come. Glad to hear you're home safe and sound after that.


Save those minnows for your next trip out to Cooks... perchies don't care if they are alive or not! Leave 'em outside to freeze solid and bring them in the house the night b4 your next outting and your good to go!



Went out this morning to check my minnow bag/box to find a solid 8" block of frozen minnows.

Looks like i will be taking your advice Headhunter. I'll try Quinte again next, usually hook minnows

through back off head on jigging spoon, so they die fast anyways.







Hey egh,


I can relate to that drive on Saturday. Drove out to Trenton in it around 12pm, (for my nephews 1st B-Day) stayed for a couple hrs. and headed back to T.O. around 5pm.


Here are a couple pictures out the front window...








A couple random shots...





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