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57" Musky


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I will have this removed immediately if this offends anybody. I honestly am not spamming and will be a member here. I am a Canadian Fisheries fan forever.


Gosh, what a small world. You know this guy? This Video impressed the heck out of me and practically every fisherman I know. It has a ton of talk in my neck of the woods.


Honestly, My post was to find out from this forum where this Lake was located.



Thank you very much for the info. Please let him know we are very freaking impressed that he successfully caught and released such a trophy. Many people would have hung that on the wall.



Thanks again!!!



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I was happy to view this....thanks web-fisherman.


What I don't understand is why people will automatically label a post as spam if it's they're 1st or 3rd post in this case that directs you to a different site that is clearly related. It's not like it asks you to be a member first....would you still consider it spam if it was hosted on youtube?


I could see if it brought you to porn or anti-virus like sites but as a computer admin myself, I think people are too easy to jump on these. It turns people off that could be a valuable member of a great forum community.


Just MHO and of course, up to the admins of this site to decide upon.


I do love to see the posting of the can of Spam.....MMMMMmmmmmm, Spam!


Cheers and thanks for sharing.



Edited by legacey
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Awesome fish indeed, but Ben, wasn't that fish actullay caught a year or 2 ago ?? Seems to me I recall seeing that video clip quite awhile back.


You are right lew, I believe it was the summer of 2007.


Web-Fisherman - I'm not offended but then again I don't own the site and do not determine what is and what isn't acceptable/spam.


As I mentioned before, Lac Seul is in Northwestern Ontario. The muskies in the lake are concentrated in the Eastern portion of lac Seul. The town of Sioux Lookout (where I live) is a great starting point with several lodges and access areas.


Another interesting fact about muskie fishing on Lac Seul is that it is a CATCH AND RELEASE lake ONLY. Zero muskies kept, no matter what their size they all go back.


I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have about Lac Seul. It truly is an incredible fishery.

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I actually was looking on the internet for any lodges in that area. Do you recommend any? I will without question take advantage of your knowledge when I book a trip there. I still cannot believe what a small world it is. You knew Nate and you live near the Lake.


You are close to some of the worlds best fisheries. I live right on Lake Ontario in Rochester NY and its still a hike to get up by you guys there.


Great - Thanks again. I will email you



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right on man, that thing is huge, and to boat it by himself is a whole other feat right there :o


I have caught a couple muskies into the lower/mid 50 incher range and even with help was a task getting them in,my 3 biggest ones never even came into my hand,no pics, no nothing, 2 where released at the side of my dock with a quick flick of the plyers, and one on the bank of the Upper Niagara while like 10 people stood there like this :huh: when I got it to shore, knelt down and popped my jig out without even handling the fish at all.


I have been in the boat by myself and hooked and lost a couple I wouldn't want to deal with at boat side anyways being solo :lol:


There is a big difference between a 3 footer one many people catch in the K system than fish getting into the 30-40lber range.


Thanks for sharing the post and the link

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Web-Fisherman....thanks for the post, I found it very interesting...I'm new here also and hope the "Old Guard" welcome us and not push us away because we don't have as many post #'s as them...I think this Board is "Great' and hopefully the "Old Boys" will respond to some of our posts and learn from them as well as contriputing more usefull info...Take Care

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.I'm new here also and hope the "Old Guard" welcome us and not push us away because we don't have as many post #'s as them...


Sorry ScugogBoy, would you please clarify that for me? I'm one of the ol' farts? :dunno:

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