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They got me!!


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Went to Canadian Tire this morning to grab some Dexron. Bank card declined. HUH? Get home check account. Wiped out. When they got all of the money out they tried to put in blank envelopes and get 3000 more. HA. Suckers. Thank god for daily withdraw limits. PC Banking and CIBC were right on to them, they froze the account.


I had already transferred a big chunk of money out to put on my truck the other day, or they could have picked away at that without me knowing over a couple of days.


The damage. They got 5 bills. Bank already gave it back. Fraud team will start investigation on Monday.


The bank takes the hit on this sort of thing but they make it back through service charges and stuff like that, so it does affect all of us.


Anyways. The lady on the phone told me to watch gas stations, little ABM style machines ( you know the ones that rip you double 1.50 ) convenience stores, and the no name convenience store gas stations.


So be careful folks, I am going to go back to carrying cash for a while. See if I can't get mugged instead :whistling:




Cheers Folks.

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Wow, that sure sucks. At least you got it back. Our bank has the cards with the new chip in it to stop this sort of thing. Don't know how successful it will be but I hope it works against these fraudsters.



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Grimace I feel your pain/loss. That's how I started the New Year. Got woke up at 10AM on a Saturday morning...from TD bank's fraud squad. Cleaned me out of $2400 in one day before the bank noticed irregular stuff on my account and froze it.


Took me 20 days to get it back...AND my wife is a manager at one of there branches for God's sake. It is so common it is unbelievable. My wife processes 6 or so a day at her branch. One of her own Tellers has had her card scammed 3 times!!!


I used to be one of those people who made NO effort to cover up the machines when I was punching in my Access Code numbers.. Now I huddle over the darn thing so tightly that if you poured water over me, NONE of it would leak through to touch the keypad!!!! A sad reality of our times I am afraid.


Chip cards will fix this in the near future....until the fraudsters figure that out as well.

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My bank was great with me. So skin off my :asshat: I am just glad it happened to my spending cash account. Which is also a good idea. You just transfer money from real bank account into petty cash bank account from home computer and go do your business for the day or vacation or week-end or whatever.



A pipe fitter foreman I was doing some crane work for one day told me his visa got hawked and they cleaned it out by buying a 4000 dollar bigscreen. Guy couldn't fit it in his car so he got Future Shop to deliver. HA. Didn't take the fuzz long to grab him. Anyways that was more of an old school stolen visa crime. Still thought it was funny.



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been there too its tough and you feel violated.....change the daily cash withdrawl to 100, all deposits outside of your normal amounts set to a verification hold and a fraud alert on your acct


Thats what in a way saved me. Although i have my limit set at 500. If they would have been happy with just stealing the 500 I would prolly have a tough time proving it wasn't me that took the money out. They tried to stick empty envelopes in so they could take more out. Only electronically done transfers will work on my account for deposits and withdrawals.



It is also good idea to have a petty cash account for your use as when you go to BPS and you get in over your head you have to go home and transfer money into it go back and purchase. A lot of the times you will come to your senses and say NO WAY I do not need another bloody St Croix!!!! lol.



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My wife tried to use her Interac last week and the transaction wouldn't go thru, saying the card hadn't been activated, even though she'd used it for years. She contacted the bank who informed her that someone had tried to access her account, but the bank somehow picked up on something odd and immediately disabled her account.


She had to go to the bank and get the account re-established but that was a small price to pay to have her money still intact, and it's nice to know the banks are on top of this stuff and are looking out for the honest folks.


Now, if she'd only tell ME where she stashes all the loot :lol:

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It is also good idea to have a petty cash account for your use as when you go to BPS and you get in over your head you have to go home and transfer money into it go back and purchase. A lot of the times you will come to your senses and say NO WAY I do not need another bloody St Croix!!!! lol.




A. you always need another fishing rod lol


B. thats what the shoe box behind the furnace is for :clapping:

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Its amazing what people will do to avoid a real job!!!! At least you got your money back.


You've hit the nail on the head. Do you think that the crime rate is going to get better as people (kids mostly)realize that there are less and less opportunities for a good job?

We had better find somewhere for people to work in this country soon.


PS. Sorry to be a downer.

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Chip cards will fix this in the near future....until the fraudsters figure that out as well.



Too late they have been hackable with chips in them in Europe almost since they were introduced...




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Debit cards are not fraud-proof, they are actually really, really easy to copy.


Easiest way to avoid it is to use a credit card for everything, pay off your balance monthly and check your statement on-line often. You also get free "points" by using the CC as well.


In every way a CC is better than a debit card, or cash.


Glad the bank fixed you up.

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Well be careful where you use that "safe" credit card.... when you hand it to the full serve gas station attendent... and they write all your info down while in the booth.. your name...the card #.. expiry date.. 3 digit security code on back... then they go home and knowing you're a regular customer they pull out the Midland phone book.. look up your address and then go online to tiger direct and order computers... you'll go back to cash PDQ (oh and not buy gas at NOCO anymore!)

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Well be careful where you use that "safe" credit card.... when you hand it to the full serve gas station attendent... and they write all your info down while in the booth.. your name...the card #.. expiry date.. 3 digit security code on back... then they go home and knowing you're a regular customer they pull out the Midland phone book.. look up your address and then go online to tiger direct and order computers... you'll go back to cash PDQ (oh and not buy gas at NOCO anymore!)

ha Wayne sounds like this is from Experiance eh buggers

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Was just lucky enough that tiger direct called me to confirm the order.. since phone # has to match what's on your credit card data that's what they used when putting in their order.. but a shipping address that didn't match mine!

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my 16 yr. old daughter nearly fell victim to these vultures ,, deposit an empty envelope and try to grab a grand from her account.

account was frozen, she couldn't pay her bill at the restaurant,, luckily her bank was right next door and she went in and questioned ,what's up? they had all the info they needed to take the cash , just asked too much of a student account and were shut down .


man ,,that's scary stuff !!

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An employee at the Beamsville Pioneer hit the accounts of 50 people a few years back. The employee had wired a data recorder to the Interac system and then used that info to electronically make numerous transactions. I try to not use my debit card outside the bank.

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