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I knew he'd be back.....


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lol, he is a pussy!! he acts tough, tell me one time when he has dropped the gloves with ANY heavy weight in the league!! rite, he hasnt, when he does fight, he will fight someone whos not a fighter, but as soon as someone comes along that can fight he runs away and hides. hes got no respect for the game and if someone does deserve to have his ass pummelled its him!


Amen brother!!

Gotta love a guy who picks his spots......




Have to agree with chickenhawk (for once)..... why chirp about a thread? you read the title, did you not? Don't like it...here's a simple answer... dont read it!

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Avery is actually a pretty smart hockey player...


grinders like him are a diime a dozen in the nhl, you would be amazed at how quickly and easily you can be watched by teams one minute and yesterdays news the next.


Avery has made a niche market for himself, he has differentiated his hockey SKILLS (and trust me he has em) to set himself apart from the pack. whether he has done this intentionally or by fluke is up in teh air, but nonetheless, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE ROOM FOR AN AVERY IN THE N.


he pisses players off, can play when he wants to, and he attracts fans...why wouldnt there be a handfull of GM's interestetd in him???


hes got a big yapp adn its got him in hot water his entire hockey career, hes used to it, hes not gonna change it, too much....maybe lay off teh jokes about the ex.


at teh end of the day, love him or hate him, he has created a niche market for himself in a sea of players jumping at teh bit for a shot in teh big show.





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For Stoty and Uglyfish. I did some research and I think you guys dont know what you're talking about. You guys have been watching too much womans hockey.


Lets see what does Avery does and 90 percent of the Habs, Sens, Leafs don't do. Bet ya he aint no Pussey.

1. Goes into corners

2. Drops the gloves

3. Goes for the net

4. Stands up for his team

5. aggravates the other teams

6. No I would not say he is a chicken, What I like about him is he is Canadian bred. He knows what it means to


Just to let you know, never said he won all his fights, yea hes got a big mouth. Hey, Id take him for the most of the Habs anyday. Hopefully his Sensitivity training didnt turn him into kinder, gentler, Sean Avery like. If so hes better off playing overseas. We need a "who likes Cherry Thread". Bet you will see a trend here with the Avery haters.





Edited by holdfast
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It's the Bull he pulls night in and night out.

He is all about attention, good or bad.


What he doesn't realize is that he is an embarrassment to everyone, not just himself.


Does he drop the gloves....sure...but picks his spots most of the time, and when he doesnt..he gets beat (above links).


He is a class-less person, on and off the ice. Period.

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okay...i agree with stoty that he has no class....no one can deny that.....but what holdfast said was completely true.....make fun of me all you want but personally i think he is a valuable player i've said that many times.......he's not my favourite player he is just an exciting player to follow.....don't know what he is goin to do next....positive or negative....



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make fun of me all you want but personally i think he is a valuable player i've said that many times



I never made fun of you CH....but the ...i've said that many times...from your quote above is my point. You have done Sean Avery to the point of silliness on here...pick something else. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one who feels this topic has been beaten to death. Let it die in peace.

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I never made fun of you CH....but the ...i've said that many times...from your quote above is my point. You have done Sean Avery to the point of silliness on here...pick something else. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one who feels this topic has been beaten to death. Let it die in peace.

No, I like this thread, if you don't, why don't you skip it. Yea I guess Avery is Controversial, I hope his Diversity training doesn't make him into a mindless, Hopelessness player that he wasn't before aka Mtl Canadians. Don Cherry for Prime- Minister. By the way, I think he dislikes Avery.

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Lets see what does Avery does and 90 percent of the Habs, Sens, Leafs don't do. Bet ya he aint no Pussey.

2. Drops the gloves



He puts on a show, but thats about it.

C'mon Holdy you must have played a bit to be such a fan.

He's useing the old strait arm clutch every time.

Oldest trick in the book when tossing with a guy you know is more then likely gonna kick yer little behind.


Grab the sweater cross arm to tie up the arms then keep your foe an arms length away with your head turned and way...way back.

The distance keeps his pretty little face clean...sure he'll get some lumps on the back of his noggin but its all for show.

Plus that little death grip on his opponents sweater gives him the ability to pull him close with head down to minimize the damage if the battle goes south...AKA the Turtle LOL!

Sure he'll muck it up, but its all for show...he's not laying the beats to no one.



I'll meet you half way...he can play a grinders game better then half the Habs or leaf for sure!

I just don't think his antics, or morals fit my idea of Canadian hockey.


A couple guys who played that ruff an tumble grinders game in the corners, and could draw penalties, and knock some teeth out when need be that come to mind...

Wendle Clark, Cam Neely, Ricky Tocket....maybe even Mr Bertuzzi(allthough he's a case on his own)

Avery could take a lesson from them on class for sure.

Edited by Cookslav
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I never really cared about the guy, especially when Cherry stated that he should of had his head cracked when he acted like an Idiot with the goalie. However when this Avery thread emerged a while ago, I kind of started liking the Guy. When guys call him a Pussy they have no Idea what they're talking about. Lets see, sticking up to Iginla and Jovanowski, in my books that's not a pussy. What is, well I wont mention names but only to say, if your a Habs fan, you'd be embarrassed on whats going on with that team the last few years. If I was Gainy, I would take him and get rid of a half dozen Pussy Habs and call up some more young Guns. At Least The Leafs are trying.

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