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Interesting Read ...NF


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Guest skeeter99
Refreshing to read what needs to be said.



very refreshing


and the truth hurts


I like the part about how the UAW and I know the CAW is on entitlement they think they are gods and we will not survive without them


and the bullying of workers who do to much work (that is exactly what happens)


and the lazy electricians (the exact truth)


the bailout will work short term, but I dont think the long term so much


all 3 need to streamline the models of cars they have


not have 2 pontiacs and 2 gmcs competing in the same market for 1 buyer in that particular segement


and honestly I dont think this will be done with the current leadership (yes they are trying) but it aint gonna work


the big three will always exist even if they fail someone will buy them up cheap and do a complete overhaul and make money it can be done

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Oh so true!


Government agencies are often no better. I've contracted to the government in the past and everything was governed by flow charts and quota sheets.

So pathetic to see people scorecarding the number of calls they answer and then stop answering the calls once the hourly quota had been met. We, as contractors, got warned for exceeding a "safe" daily workload. It's a good thing some of these govt. agencies did contract out a lot of departments.

The sad thing is that although industry may have to wake up, governments won't. Part of it is bureaucratic inertia, part of it is the public "need" to govern and regulate every minute detail of our lives.


Knox is preaching a simple economic gospel, but big business and the general public will never accept it. We live in a society that no longer accepts the notion that sometimes you have to accept limitations and do without.

Edited by bigugli
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New Messiah to wave his magic wand? While I don`t disagree with some of his points, this is sort of typical from a member of the party of Bush down here, especially one with political ambitions in his party. Dude is a salesman pandering to his base.


The old Messiah is leaving office with an approval rating just in the 25% range, a basket case of an economy handed to our new Messiah, no clear schematic on how to assemble the pieces, a couple of ongoing wars not started by him, and everyone expects immediate results, forget the events of the last 8 years or the cause.


Independent voter and I am still waiting to see some one from either party that has all the right answers, continue to whine about the auto workers while Madoff with the money wanders around freely. Has checks for 173 million ready to be sent out to family and friends(of other peoples money?) 1+ million in jewelry ready to be mailed out? and a little more regulation isn`t in order?

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Guest lundboy
Independent voter and I am still waiting to see some one from either party that has all the right answers, continue to whine about the auto workers while Madoff with the money wanders around freely. Has checks for 173 million ready to be sent out to family and friends(of other peoples money?) 1+ million in jewelry ready to be mailed out? and a little more regulation isn`t in order?


Madoff is nothing compared to Robert Rubin... And no one is saying a word about it. They are only making a fuss about Madoff to divert attention from the really big crooks.



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I find it interesting that the "manager" of a company is bashing a union and people think this new or note worthy? What would truly merit interest is for the media or management to acknowledge three basic facts.


1 NO UNION ANYWHERE ever wrote the contract they received from a company they merely signed up for what the MANAGEMENT offered them. So why does no one blame the management?


2 Free trade instead of fair trade is what has caused all this and I have never heard the UAW or CAW ask for anything but fair trade. So blame the businesses and the politicans who have bought the garbage that free trade is beneficial to any but a select few.


3 In the same time that management salaries went up 580% the percentage of labour costs in building a big three car went from 20% down to a maximum of 8% that it costs now. So where is the waste and inefficency really happening?


I would like to see what the people who bash unions at every turn are going to say when they are gone and they get to see what companies unchecked will do to wages and the standard of living in North Amercia.... People obviously don't know the history of capitalism if they really believe unions have no place anymore.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I find it interesting that the "manager" of a company is bashing a union and people think this new or note worthy? What would truly merit interest is for the media or management to acknowledge three basic facts.


1 NO UNION ANYWHERE ever wrote the contract they received from a company they merely signed up for what the MANAGEMENT offered them. So why does no one blame the management?


2 Free trade instead of fair trade is what has caused all this and I have never heard the UAW or CAW ask for anything but fair trade. So blame the businesses and the politicans who have bought the garbage that free trade is beneficial to any but a select few.


3 In the same time that management salaries went up 580% the percentage of labour costs in building a big three car went from 20% down to a maximum of 8% that it costs now. So where is the waste and inefficency really happening?


I would like to see what the people who bash unions at every turn are going to say when they are gone and they get to see what companies unchecked will do to wages and the standard of living in North Amercia.... People obviously don't know the history of capitalism if they really believe unions have no place anymore.


You sound like a Union Rep lol. I have worked for a few in the past and I find they help the bad apples more then the good workers. The one time I needed them, they didn't help me. Yet they help all the puppy makers and druggies keep there job just fine. So I guess if your a lazy worker or have an addiction that Union is the way to go! We have laws in Canada to protect the workers, so why do you need a union? They were good in the past and helped make the laws what they are, but now they just getting rich.

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I would like to see what the people who bash unions at every turn are going to say when they are gone and they get to see what companies unchecked will do to wages and the standard of living in North Amercia.... People obviously don't know the history of capitalism if they really believe unions have no place anymore.


Yep, if people (workers) knew their history they would be afraid of a land without unions. For those that say my work doesn't have a union and they do fine....in most cases your doing fine because the unions exist.



PS......not even sure why I am posting...this is just going to end up in an argument :wallbash:

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We have laws in Canada to protect the workers, so why do you need a union? They were good in the past and helped make the laws what they are, but now they just getting rich.


Not a union rep at all in fact I have never belonged to one. I do how ever know my history with respect to when and WHY labour laws were passed. If you take the time to do some research you might be surprised to learn that in almost all cases labour laws came into effect AFTER those rights were won by a union first...


If you thought that your union couldn't or wouldn't protect your interests just wait until you have to rely on the labour laws to do it.... In Ontario I just found out that it would be a minimum of 8 months before the board here would even begin an investigation. Which tells me not only is that not going help me before I would be financially ruined but that that there sure are a lot companies out there not following the rules if there are that many investigations going on.


So I remain unconvinced that companies tend to do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do. Unions might overdue it some times but then again management are the ones who allow it to happen.

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I am a Union Crane Operator with Local 793. All the companies I have worked for make a pile of doe, they are not going broke.


The companies I have worked for make money because of good management. If it was the union rate that was killing the auto industry, why is the construction industry making a fortune?

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I am a Union Crane Operator with Local 793. All the companies I have worked for make a pile of doe, they are not going broke.


The companies I have worked for make money because of good management. If it was the union rate that was killing the auto industry, why is the construction industry making a fortune?


In part because nobody imports building from China or Japan :whistling:


I do agree that bad management has caused most of the problems in the auto industry. However, they do face a different set of challenges than the construction industry.

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It is funny that the banks are not taking the bad rap for everything. They showed up in private jets as well, employ pretty much no-one compared to the auto industry and have taken the bailout money and sat on it, not lending it, therefore inflaming the auto sectors problems. I would not suggest that they should throw it around like nothing because thats how this mess all started. With that being said, responsible lending will stimulate the economy.


Anyhow, I am hoping to get my sled out of the shop tomorrow and look forward to some fishing finally.



Cheers to all, and I hope the end of this economic situation finds us all well.

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