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Hi Y'all,


I was kinda planning Friday evening to get out early Saturday for some Lake Trout, would have to be early as i needed to get some sleep in the afternoon as i was on night shift saturday night. A local buddy of mine had wanted to go for Walleye in the day, but i was not to keen on that idea as the walleye bite aint particularly great at noon in my experience....and the bite has been tough even at sun-up and sunset recently.



I was sat browsing the board when i read a reply to one of my posts from Brkygetr.....basically an invite to go to a lake about an hor away for both of us on saturday morning,,,done deal!!!



Headed out about 5:45 am, found Brkygetr where he said he'd be, did some brief intro stuff...lol...we were both pretty eager to get on the ice, and took the short walk to the lake.



Turns out Brkygetr is a top bloke...thats limey for a great guy....and it was not long before we got into some lakers. We both got around 4 fish, but only kept 4 as we were trying to see if we could hook a really big guy. We did end up keeping one of the smaller ones as it was bleeding from the gills and would not have survived.



Action went exactly according to Dale's prediction...ie bite from 8:30am -10am....then again around midday.




Dale was using white tube jigs tipped with a big dace minnow, i was using a homemade dropper rig and the other rod was a 1/2oz white ball jig(long shank hook...great for sucker minnows) with dace minnows and sucker minnows i brought with me.



The lake was pretty slushy, well ...very slushy, and we stayed at the first main point as the lake opens out. We were no more than 30 feet away from shore but still in 25 - 49 FOW. All the trout (and Pike) hitting half way up the water column around the 25 -15 fow range. We did try brieflty for whitefish, had something take a look on sonar , but no takers.



On the subject of sonars, the interference between Dale's flasher and my Lowrance was terrible, we did not use them much at all in the end.



The first trout nearly dragged the rod down the hole, only Dale's keen eye and my rod rest lock saved it.



Then it was pretty consistent for both of us until we left around 1pm.



Like i said, Brrkygetr(Dale) is a top bloke, down to earth and addicted to fishing.....my kind of people...lol, we shared some stories/jokes/banter etc...caught lots of trout, if not the big guys we were looking for, but not a bad size in my opinion.



Great day, great company.



I tried playing around with the Windows Moviemaker as it compresses the clips automatically allowing faster uploads....so dont judge to harshly on vid quality...lol...i aint Steven Speilberg











<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/Movie.flv">


Those are real nice lakers and pike!

The lake trout look like a real healthy average size.


Excellent report and effort as always.


Great to get out with other OFNCers, any i've met have been top notch people.


Great report and cool video Simon :thumbsup_anim:


Congratulations to both of you :clapping: Real healthy native lakers and dark colors B)

That jack was somewhat a surprise for both of you.... judging from the reaction in the vid B):lol:


Not the biggest lakers like you mention but sure beautiful :thumbsup_anim:


Again great job to both of you and thanks for sharing



Oh.... forgot to ask..... what is the daily limit on them lakers?


Those are some dark troutses mate. Spawning time musn't have been that far off.. Looks like that first one got away from something BIG!


Great vid, great fun. You're both top blokes.





Wow....I don't really like ice fishing, but reports like this may just get me out on the ice this winter! Great report and video...kudos for getting out with a fellow OFC'er...like others have said, any I have met and fished with have been great times!


Great report Simon.

Plain and simple...that was a great day on the water Simon. Really appreciated meeting you and we will have to do it again soon...maybe next time we will adventure for the 5 lb+ brookies.

The fishing we had was pretty much on the money for that lake but the size was not there... I fished it last year several times but 'I think' I hit it the first time in mid Jan, maybe the pattern will change later in the year. Also we did not get to the area i wanted to fish due to slush...not so much a safety factor as opposed to a pain in the a$$.

Anyways once again it was great to meet you and you did a fairly good job of editing my language....LOL


Cheers mate



  brkygetr said:
Plain and simple...that was a great day on the water Simon. Really appreciated meeting you and we will have to do it again soon...maybe next time we will adventure for the 5 lb+ brookies.



Anyways once again it was great to meet you and you did a fairly good job of editing my language....LOL


Cheers mate






It was good wasn't it...really enjoyed that, and great to meet someone from here... finally! The NW Ontario contingent seem a bit thin on the ground.



I'm up for the brookies any time i'm free, and as you should know, i'll come out fishing with no notice if i'm not working, just give me time to make some sandwiches, buy some red bull and I'M THERE!


The language thing...lol....just so everyone knows....i swear just as much if not more than Brkygetr!

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