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....I've used that technique succesfully on several occasions, including a dog's paw once. A word of caution though, it can tear out blood vessels and or nerves if the hook is in a bad location! :whistling:


Ouch no wonder he was downing that stuff like it was juice. Now i never had a trebble stuck that deep in my hand but would it be easier to push the trebble through your hand and then cut it off. After that then just pull the hook out?

That just looked awfull.

  cram said:
lots of important nerves and ligaments etc in that part of the thumb.....they should have taken him to a hospital.



Definately if they were close enough to one...I have stuck myself past the barb three times. Twice in the thumb and once deep into the muscle in my back. The back and the first thumb were NOT coming out. Both involved a trip to the hospital where they had to cut me to get it out. The third one in the thumb was deep too, stuck up again the bone on the inside of my thumb at the knuckle. Too far from a hospital, and not willing to give up a day of fishing we did the old line wrap and yank trick. Worked great, caused alot of pain and I still have no feeling in part of my thumb because of it.

  Spiel said:
....I've used that technique succesfully on several occasions, including a dog's paw once. A word of caution though, it can tear out blood vessels and or nerves if the hook is in a bad location! :whistling:

The thought of tearing of the blood vessels and nerves just gave me the Willies.



I know just how the guy felt. Unfortunately when it happened to me it was a 6/0 Vibrax Muskie Double Buck lure.


The hook entered the back of my hand between two knuckles and the point was sticking out my palm. To add insult to injury, there was a very upset 15Lb Muskie still attached to the other treble of the Double Buck .


When the hook got me I was about to unhook the Muskie, still in the water, without touching him - I thought.

He had one hook through the snout, figured I could just reach down with the needle noose grab the hook in front of his nose and twist him free.

I guess when he saw my hand coming he decided he should jump straight up into my face as I was leaning over the gunwhale of the boat - he just missed my nose, and as he dropped back to the water, the hook got the hand with the pliars.

Of course my fingers jerked open - pliars to bottom of lake - and the Muskie decided to renew his fight with my arm now acting like a fishing rod, as he tried to swim down and yank me overboard.

I immediately - in panic - grabbed for him with my other hand and got a grip on his snout and kind of the lure, cutting that hand with a hook point as I wrestled him into the boat.

Of course I was alone, except for my dog, and I was now lying on the floor of the boat, on top of the fish sort of to keep him from thrashing, cause when he did that there was a bad crunching noise coming from my knuckles with the hook thru them and I was almost passing out from the excrutiating pain.

Of course the pliars were gone, and as soon as I let go of him with the "good" hand he would go nuts again flopping around and causing me to see stars.

Of course there were no other boats in sight, and my dog did'nt seem to understand my commands to open the glove box and get the other pliars - even though he was a very smart Border Collie.

I finally figured to place the other 2 hook points of the treble thru my hand on the walkthru windshield edge, thereby hanging the fish's weight on the windsheild, and somewhat taking the pressure off the hook in my hand, glorious relief. I was able to snatch out the other pliars and snip the wire joining me to the Muskie.

I was then able to unhook him, and recessitate him so he could live to swim another day, and maybe battle another Muskie angler and win as he did in my case.

The whole episode took probably only a minute or 2, but it seemed like forever at the time.

I ended up at the local hospital, where they froze the hand and used mini bolt cutters to get the hook out. The doctor was kind of funy, he unwrapped the cloth I had on it and says right away, Oh another Muskie guy - you're lucky we had one in here with a big old treble in his leg 2 summers ago, and we had to send someone out to buy these nifty little bolt cutters as our regular side cutters would'nt cut the hook point off.


Point to this story ?? Always land the fish with a big enough net, or cradle. Always unhook em before any pics are taken. Keep extra pliars, and mini bolt cutters on board if your after Pike, Muskie.


Believe me - it hurts - a lot. Really - a lot !!





I guess if your not in range of a hosipital you got to get that hook out somehow. I had a hook right through my pinkie finger last year. The hook went clean through and hit the bone, luckly it didnt get through that, after a trip to the hospital and a numb finger later i was ok :).


you dont need to numb your hand just rip it out takes less time and you can keep fishing just hold your hand and get some one to rip it out. when i got mine in hand it went into the palm and had a 1-2lb smallmouth hanging off the other side unhooked the fish and let him go and walked to shore where my friend yanked out the hook


Didnt happen to me but i know the couiple that it did ...fishing derby......out in the middle of the lake...probably close to 6 foot waves and the rod goes off.....wifey runs to the back of the boat to grab the rod and trips up.....right into the curtain of lures hanging on the side of the boat....at least 6 lures set into her leg...seriouly set..fish gets away and off to the hospital........

The next day we are all sitting around having a few drinks and admiring all of her new bandages up her leg ( looked like a cast ) and i turn to her hubby and ask what he won...he looks at me like im from Marz and i say ....well the reason you two were out on the water yesterday in those conditions was because it was Ladies Day ..and as far i know ...you were the only one to catch one....

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