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A couple hours on the ice today


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Hi Y'all,



Got out for a coule of hours today, went back to Burr Lake to see if there were any bigger walleye to be had than the last time we tried.



Within 10 minutes of setting 2 lines down i had two pike on the ice



















Lots of fish on the sonar, most of it very small perch, but some bigger customers showing interest...but no takers. That s untill i swapped jigs for plain hook with sall split shot 6" up the line and just let the minnow swim around and was rewarded with a small walleye.










As the sun started to set the weather improved









The perch stopped sniffing the bait and started to bite more agressively....got through a lot of minnows in 15 minutes....lol










Not many bigger fish showing on the sonar...so went out further despite convention to go shallow as light fades.......and was rewarded with another small walleye, one 17" and one just under 20".








The bigger one was reallly fat, thought it mght have a perch in its gut, but turned out to be full of eggs!!!







Was good to see there are plenty of larger fish to be had in Burr.......i'm gonna work my way down the logging road now and try Ingall Lake...followed by Pickerel Lake. Plan to expand my horizons again this winter and get to at least 5-10 new lakes i have not fished, i'd better hurry up and buy a snowmobile!!!





Tight lines all!

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how much ice is on burr right now?



I measured upto 8 inches, nowhere i drilled was under 5 inches.....all black ice too.




Just in case you are thinking of trying....the Burr Lake i'm talking about is in NW Ontario.....near Dryden....way up here near the Winnipeg border

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you are so lucky! here in the great state of kansas we're easily 4 wks or more from a very short season. MAYBE 3 wks if we're lucky. my son and i did get to spend a chilly morning fishing a coal powerplant cooling lake for black and white bass. note water temps 67 f. what we wouldn't give to be drilling ice for pike,perch and walleye!

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Great hardwater report & walleyes too !!!. :whistling::clapping: ..that lake sure looks nice,so what time is dinner?? geez you have been out a few times already,i think you are going to have a good ice-fishing season,by the number of fish you have caught already,i would work that lake really hard before i went anywheres else,they seem to be the perfect eating size right there in front of your house !!! cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Great report and pics Simon :thumbsup_anim:

Glad you're able to get out on ice and get rewarded..... bonus :canadian::clapping::thumbsup_anim:


In the Outaouais still not much arsh tempatures but for the next couple of weeks, getting colder B)


Might be going out mid December..... just can't wait :Gonefishing:


Thanks for sharing


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Ah Simon you really have me all jealous as we have to wait until we finally go out onto some safe ice.


I really enjoy your early ice fishing adventures much better than the sometimes ugly rants that set in due to cabin fever sometimes.


Oh BTW you should have gutted that Pike before you rolled it in batter :whistling:


I look forward to your next report.


Please enjoy everybite of Walleye as I am all out at my house.



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hey great report Simon :thumbsup_anim:

just hope you don't catch all the fish in the lake before I can get up there over the holidays :santa:


i am looking forward to getting out on the ice with you especially after all these good reports

there is no way we are going to get skunked now that you found the honey hole :whistling:

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