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Please don't fish around cottagers' docks


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I know its generally considered good form to fish around/under cottagers' docks. They (and the boats tied to them) provide shade and structure, and that attracts fish. Makes sense. Problem is more often than not that dock belongs to a cottager, and this is one cottager asking you to please don't fish around my dock. Don't troll closely by. Don't stop to cast around or under it. Please.


I know I don't own the water around my dock, and that you're completely within your rights to fish around my dock. Just remember that.....


- I bought my cottage on a lake with 80% undeveloped shoreline for a reason, and the experience I was hoping for has little to do with having you parked in front of my place.

- you and I both likely drove for HOURS (likely through traffic) to get to a relatively undeveloped lake. So on a 10 mile long lake with LOTS of open and relatively untouched places WHY are we spending our wknd 30 feet apart from one another? (me at/in my cottage, you parked in front).

- there are people swimming (often kids) in front of my dock when you troll by. Have some respect for their safety at the very least. Seriously -- my lake is a mile wide (and 80% undeveloped), and twice this year have had boats/lures cruise within 6 feet of people swimming.


Sorry for the rant. Just remember that when you troll closely by a dock or stop to cast around/under it, there's likely a cottager JUST LIKE ME looking out at you who is very irritated. I know we don't own the water, and you have every right to fish wherever you want....but please try to be considerate to us.

Edited by cram
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If I do fish your dock (and I will most likely if you are on a lake I fish) I will be there no more then about 1 minute or so.


If you don't want people fishing near your dock, come down ask us politely and most of us will have no issues.


If there are kids swimming, or even people on the dock I won't fish it.


Sounds like you've had some run-ins with some not so smart people.


Good luck, but I hope you have your flame suit on :)

Edited by BillM
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I don't fish docks very often...but if I see anyone in the water nearby, I don't even get close. If I see anyone in the yard, I skip it too. I've had some cottagers chat with me as I pass by....asking how the fishing has been and actually telling me that there is a huge largemouth under there and to try to catch it.


Just a suggestion, and I know that I'd abide by the request, have you ever thought of putting a sign up that says politely "Please do not fish my dock. Thank you"? I know that I'd comply with your request and be on my way.....and I think others would too. The jerks who don't really care wont listen one way or another, but I think may anglers would be happy to leave your dock alone.


Thanks for speaking up though....it's a gutsy move on a fishing board. If things get nasty here, it doesn't reflect the opinions of everyone. Cheers.

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I have no problem with getting flamed. I spend a LOT of time on the water fishing, and believe me that I salivate at the opportunity to pitch a bait by others' docks (especially those in deeper water that I know hold fish).....but I resist. I never used to, but now having experienced it from the other side resist the urge.


You're right -- most are respectful. Like everything, a few numbskulls ruin it for everyone.


I had someone trolling along the shoreline this weekend. 5 or 6 kids swimming off the dock next door....yet the guy trolls by. Close enough that I cast out my line and hook his. He shouldn't be close enough to me casting off my dock that our lines tangle. He CERTAINLY shouldn't be doing so when there are kids swimming beside his line. The lake is more than a mile wide.


Last summer i had friends swimming off of mine and a guy trolls by really close. I cannonball off my dock (admittedly with a bit of a run) and basically soak him and his passenger. If you're close enough to get wet from people swimming (or within 30 feet of it) then you're too close.

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I know its generally considered good form to fish around/under cottagers' docks. They (and the boats tied to them) provide shade and structure, and that attracts fish. Makes sense. Problem is more often than not that dock belongs to a cottager, and this is one cottager asking you to please don't fish around my dock. Don't troll closely by. Don't stop to cast around or under it. Please.


I know I don't own the water around my dock, and that you're completely within your rights to fish around my dock. Just remember that.....


- I bought my cottage on a lake with 80% undeveloped shoreline for a reason, and the experience I was hoping for has little to do with having you parked in front of my place.

- you and I both likely drove for HOURS (likely through traffic) to get to a relatively undeveloped lake. So on a 10 mile long lake with LOTS of open and relatively untouched places WHY are we spending our wknd 30 feet apart from one another? (me at/in my cottage, you parked in front).

- there are people swimming (often kids) in front of my dock when you troll by. Have some respect for their safety at the very least. Seriously -- my lake is a mile wide (and 80% undeveloped), and twice this year have had boats/lures cruise within 6 feet of people swimming.


Sorry for the rant. Just remember that when you troll closely by a dock or stop to cast around/under it, there's likely a cottager JUST LIKE ME looking out at you who is very irritated. I know we don't own the water, and you have every right to fish wherever you want....but please try to be considerate to us.


Not a rant IMO, you've said your piece and explained the situation perfectly.

I happen to understand your sentiment and agree with you 100%.

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The sign is a good idea, but i think it would dissuade those who are respectful....and they're no the ones who bug me.


I know its a fishing board. I spend more time fishing than any other sport or hobby.


I just don't get why people find it okay to troll by or cast around my dock....especially when I'm there (on the dock, or the yard, or the deck). From my dock i can see miles of undeveloped shoreline. Fish there (like I do).

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If i see the area is undisturbed i fish it, just last month there was a run in with a lady that told us to move on because her dogs are

bothered by us being there i couldn't care less there was nobody on the dock and nobody swimming in the area, just like grandman said "water is public domain"..

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Maybe you should un-develop your shoreline and pull that dock.


Or just get used to it, water is public domain.


Public domain, but you're not fishing there because its a great spot without my dock there. THere is MILES of shoreline that you could fish. You're casting because my dock IS there. Because of the structure it creates. Its not like I'm blocking you from fishing shoreline you'd be fishing otherwise.


Further, while cottagers don't own the water we do care for it. We work to protect it. Our interests are the same as yours.

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I really agree with Bill and ccmt, we can fish your dock if we want to. I don't fish docks all that often, rarely as a matter of fact. I will not fish one if there's anyone around, in or out of the water... especially in the water!


I prefer submerged structure and points... and dams!!! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing::w00t:


Like ccmt, I've had very nice people talk to me from their property... and have heard of cuss fights over fishermen and dock owners.


A friend of mine that fishes docks regularly told me aboot a mean old lady that would bring a block of ice down to the water and drop it in making a big splash and spooking the fish every time he fished her dock, you may want to consider something like this.


The boaters that fish an occupied dock are inconsiderate in my opinion and some dock owners feel like you are stealing "their" fish if you catch a fish from an unoccupied dock... you own the dock, but not the water or the fish.


To tell the absolute truth, I'd rather nobody fish my dock if I owned a place on the water... but wouldn't say anything if someone did.

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Public domain, but you're not fishing there because its a great spot without my dock there. THere is MILES of shoreline that you could fish. You're casting because my dock IS there. Because of the structure it creates. Its not like I'm blocking you from fishing shoreline you'd be fishing otherwise.


Further, while cottagers don't own the water we do care for it. We work to protect it. Our interests are the same as yours.



We pay for our Fishing License so we can fish so we contribute to the environment also, seems to me you just like stirring the pot here lots of people on this board know what they are doing when they are fishing and we dont intend to piss off cottage owners by fishing there docks for there is alot of cottage owners here, sorry you feel the way you do maybe you should get out more and fish.

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I agree with you on this one. I will not fish near a dock when there is even a hint of someone being at the cottage. I've had guys come by so close (with me fishing off the dock with my daughter who is 4) and chuck lures right beside me. I almost yelled out "honey get my gun" but then I tossed a lure and it bounced off the side of the boat they knew I was mad. No matter what I said (had to be civil with the wee one around) or did these TOOLS still sat there for 5 min. And they we not 'kids' either.

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Personally I can't fathom ever doing something like that if I know that I'm bothering or intruding on someone.

Conversely I value my own privacy and can't stand fishing amongst others when I have a choice.


If someone's on a spot I want to fish, I'll move on to the next spot on the lake.


If I'm steelheading and there's a bunch of people encroaching on my spot I'll move on and walk another km if I have to.


I don't get peoples mentality sometimes. It's not the fact that you're entitled to fish someones dock. Of course you are.

It's the fact that you'd even want to in the first place when it's not necessary in order to catch fish and especially when you're annoying someone and/or intruding on them.


It boils down to respect and common sense. You either have it or you don't...

Edited by solopaddler
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I fish docks often, I love pitching senko's under docks its a great tactic for big bass. That being said I never fish docks where people are on or if people are in there yards. I have never left a snagged bait on a dock or a dock line or anywhere someone might swim.. If someone asks me to leave I apologize and leave. Sometimes its the cottage owners who are rude. Maybe they have had some run ins with some idoits but that doesnt give them the right to cus and throw things in the water.


just my 2 cents

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Not a rant IMO, you've said your piece and explained the situation perfectly.

I happen to understand your sentiment and agree with you 100%.



Show some respect.

Go fish somewhere else.


If you can't fish without infringing on someone, pack er up and go fer a drive.

If you can't find a lake to fish without being up someone's rear-end, then I would consider retiring from the sport.

I got too much pride that won't allow me to bother someone just like me who wants to enjoy their week-end.

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A public lake with docks is fair game to me I pay my taxes and buy a fishing licence as a tourney angler , you'd be crazy not to fish them-I generally like to fish them early before people come out-I never leave a hook on a rope or stairs and I don't stay for a long peroid-I've had some really nice conversations with cottagers, on a couple of occasions, gave baits, hooks and tips, even had kids come aboard to see the big bass in the well, that being said-A dock is not a natural part of the lake!, many ,especially the million $$$ ones in the Muskokas are total eyesores in my opinion, they are a priveledge! not a right! some cottagers have told people I know to get off their lake! I fish them with lots of courtesy and never when kids or people are swimming.

Edited by Mark Kulik
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your lake sounds pretty good, I would like to come fish it! We are fortunate that very few "strangers" come on our lake as there is very limited public access (only down a dirt trail or a hike along some train tracks). Although I wouldn't like it if someone fished my dock (because I actually feed bass worms there) I wouldn't do anything about it.

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I'd like to add, even if a dock was vacant I still wouldn't fish it.

I don't like to intrude on other people plain and simple.


Tournament anglers have a completely different mind set.


Each to their own, as I mentioned earlier it's your right. It's definitely not my mind set though.

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