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Moving (nf)


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My wife and I have, after much deliberation, have decided it's time to get out of down town T.O. and make our way out to the burbs. Our haome has gotten too small for our growing family and I know I can't afford a four bedroom house in the core (nor do I want one there as a matter of fact) We have been looking at properties in the Rouge/Pickering area and continue to do so.

I was wondering if any of you have done a similar move and if so, what are your impressions/thoughts/up side/down side of making such a move.

I'm very fortunate to have fantastic neighbours in my current home... we watch out for each other, share our skills and successes etc... . Has your experience in moving out of the core and into suburbia been a positive one. Are people generally friendly or as a bed room community, do you very rarely see and associate with your neighbours.

I know this sounds like a strange question, but after 20 years of living in the core, I'm looking for some insight/experiences that may help me in my decision making process.

Thanks to all for your consideration...


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Sorry man ,i can't answer about downtown, i'v never lived in a big city, and i don't think i want to. but as for the neighbour thing. i think you get what you give .anywhere you go ! Think of the kids and where they will be in 10 to 15 years. good luck

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I agree Knotaclue, you do get back what you put out with neighbours. That's why my current neighbours and my family have such a fantastic relationship. We share our joys and our pains, our food and our homes.

I've spoken to a few people who have made the move out. I know there is no black or white answer to this question. Some I have talked to have said that they found the people in the burds to be less friendly than those downtown, while others the opposite.

Again, I know no one is going to be able to definatively say which is best, I'm only hoping to hear about people's experiences.

Thanks again...


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HH, I moved out of midtown TO in 1979 for the same reason growing family and house prices. Moved to Woodbridge in 1995, was the best move I made, everything is there, and close enough to TO to make it a pleasant cummute. I'm at Yonge and Eglinton. Three yeras ago I moved closer to Kleiburg even better; lots of open space. (Humber River Valley and Kortright Centre for Concervation) In five mintues and you are in the country, would never move back in. My kids just bought houses and one went to Newmarket and one to Brooklin, they never even thought of TO.

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Hey HH,


I've lived in the burbs my whole life....with the exception of downtown TO living for a few years in my 20s. We just moved again...still in the burbs...one thing I noticed as we drove down the street where we bought was the number of strollers people had out on their walkways/front porches. We have a 4 year old daughter...and we wanted to move to an area with lots of kids. We saw lots of strollers and once we saw the house, we knew this was the place.


Take a look in the neighborhoods for the condition of local parks...if the teenage population is out of control, you can usually tell by the graffiti or garbage that accumulates in playgrounds at parks.


I've never lived in Pickering/Rouge area before....was raised in Ajax, so unfortunately I cant comment on those areas.


I'm assuming you work in TO as well? As a professional commuter (to Yonge/Eglinton every day), I can tell you that the east end, IMO, is better. There are plenty of routes apart from the 407 or 401 that can be taken...esp if you are talking the Rouge/Pickering. The main slowdowns for commuting in the morning is from Neilson to Kennedy and coming home you wont really hit much on the 401....if you can stay in the express lanes. (The slow from Warden to Kennedy eastbound during the evening rush). The main slowdown occurs in the east Pickering and Ajax area. Another thing....and some friends who live in the west end will tell you, you'll travel with the sun to your back both ways. Sounds like a silly thing, but it does make a difference!


Anyhow, that's my 2 cents. Good luck with your decision!

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I agree douG. I am approximately 30 mins from my job by TTC. Lot's of guys I know moved to Barrie but work in the Downtown. They used the argument that they could get a bigger house for much less.


With the price of fuel and cars not to mention their safety and sanity they were crying when the first snow fell.


Do the math on the cost of your vehicles, insurance and and fuel. My commute costs $21.00 a week. We only have one car in the burbs you may need two.


You could easily cover some serious mortgage upside if you converted those costs to a bigger home or renovation.



BTW once you leave the core you move out it is a tricky proposition to move back in. Just my 2c

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my commute costs are fortunately covered...


As are mine, I moved from Toronto to Brampton in 1982 sold the place 5 years latter for a 110K profit that more than covered any travel expenses, then moved to Orangeville and it was the best thing i did it`s a wonderful community to raise a family and as far as an commuting i will take a commute from Dufferin County any day of the week versus the 401,QEW,DVP etc etc.

I am looking to retire in about 7 years or so and i will be on the move again sorta like Port Perry or perhaps the Nippissing area.

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Thanks to all who chimed in, I appreciate your input.

I've been in my house for thirteen years, it has doubled in value in that time. It's simply too small now that we have two kids. I know that we can't afford a four bedroom house in the core, atleast not in a neighbourhood I'd be comfortable letting kids play in! :w00t:

As I work downtown, I currenty ride the TTC to work. I am prepared to use the GO train and understand that I will be losing hours out of my day. I hope that my new neighbourhood, where ever it will be, will have as wonderful friends as I'm fortunate enough to have now.

Again, thanks for your input.


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I live in the Scarborough/Rouge area; less than a mile from the Pickering border. I have never lived down town so I cannot really compare the area to the core; but most of the people in my neighborhood are quite freindly. I don't have any trouble getting someone to watch the house or water the plants while we are away.

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I shoot at my niegbours when they come on the property... so I guess city and rural living are kinda the same.. cept maybe the length of the gun.... I don't see my neighbours much... lol

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