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Argg..very offended.


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I was approached by a man and he mentioned to me that I shouldn't take sunfishes home. I never in my entire life took fish home and it was the first time. I only took 5 sunfishes home because my mom wants to eat them. I was quite offended because I see other people keeping fish beside me and they weren't a minority and approached. This was at Rice Lake and sunfishes can sustain themselves. I see tons of people taking crappie home from the pictures I've seen..argg..


Like I do understand that Bass feed on sunfishes and stuff but the situation where I was approached because I was a minority seemed pretty offensive. I read regs and everything yet people still tend to discriminate.

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Anatz....i am gonna speak up for ya....being " a person of color" as i was refered to the other day. I am not in a position to say whether or not you were approached bcause you are a visible minority, but given some of my life experiences i would not doubt it! But dood....wont be the first or last time, hope your ma enjoyed the Sunfish :)

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Sunfish thrive in just about any body of water that they are in. They are usually the first fish seen from shore and while they are a small fish they have huge numbers. I have never kept any myself just for the simple reason that I would need a whole lot of them to make a decent meal. I wouldn't feel at all guilty for taking any number of sunfish. Sounds like you ran into a grumpy man with nothing better to do than stick his nose in other peoples' business.

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thanks guys! I've caught bass there and I never take them home, but hopefully I'll try to speak up for myself next time. I even told him I never took fish home before but his attitude wasn't friendly at all. Anyways, I'm not trying to point out people but I just feel it wasn't nice at all.

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if he comes up to you again, pull out your cell (if it takes pic's) and snap his pic so you have it for the just in case factor. also, I would point out the fact that you have a valid fishing license and that this is for personal consumption and that you want to see his CO ID. That is if you feel up to it as some people can just been absolute tools and you never know what they may do...

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I am of a minority as well, and I do follow the regs to the dot, no one has ever approached me to tell me any smart comments like this... I don’t think this is a race issue rather than just some loose nuts out there who wish they had some power… sometimes I wish they would just pick on me rather than the guy who wont say anything back because they are being polite.. me on the other hand// before I step on any body of water I read the regs very carefully.. and if anyone did say something smart my bottom half of my shimano would be happy to answer their questions..


It is very unfortunate you had to have this experience, be proud, and if you are doing the right thing then don't worry about anything

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Guest Johnny Bass

Lots of people take bluegill and sunfish home. Apparently some say they taste the same as crappy but who knows(I cant see how)...I would have told them that you read the regs and seen nothing about not being able to keep sunfish.

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Next time look him straight in the eye and tell him "No speaky ingrish"! ;)


... or you could quote him the daily possesion limits for the zone you are fishing and inform him that it's againt the law to harrass/interfere anyone that is fishing by legal methods.


... or you could really blow his mind and start speaking spanish to him! :w00t: "No comprender english, e no molesta mi pescados... puto!



There's absolutely nothing wrong with keeping a limit of Sunfish, they need to be harvested or they have a tendency to become stunted. The meat is very sweet and delicious!

Edited by Greencoachdog
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Maybe he was jealous because you caught more fish than him.

Next time ask him if He's a Conservation Officer & show me your badge.

Otherwise tell him to drift or you'll call the Police!

If I was with ya I'd hand you his teeth! ;)

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Hope you and your mom enjoyed the meal and don't take his comment personally.


Was the idiot telling you this also fishing? If not then maybe he was just another animal rights nut. Keep on fishing and don't let kooks like him get you down. ( Kook, now theres a word I don't here much anymore :lol: )

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I don’t think this is a race issue rather than just some loose nuts out there who wish they had some power

I totally agree.



Being the Rice Lake area, it was probably just some redneck hick thinking he knows it all and was talking out his :asshat: .


You have a fishing licence...so you are entitled (just like everyone else) to keep a certain amount of fish.

Not to mention that sunfish are classified as "panfish" which have no limit. So keep as many as you want!


BTW...sunfish are excellent eating. You just need a little patience to clean the suckers!

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thanks guys! I've caught bass there and I never take them home, but hopefully I'll try to speak up for myself next time. I even told him I never took fish home before but his attitude wasn't friendly at all. Anyways, I'm not trying to point out people but I just feel it wasn't nice at all.


Good Attitude, for every one of those Idiots, theres at least 50 good guys. Good fishing

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Lots of idiots on Rice Lake...


Honestly, take as many sunfish home as you want on Rice. There are plenty of them and I can't fish off my dock without having them go after my lure.


The Americans come to Rice every year and take 200 panfish home...and he's giving you trouble about 5?

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Some people think just cause someone is of different colour they are "rapeing" the resourse. If you have a fishing tag or are under age, take a picture and post it here so we can tell him a thing or 2 about fishing regs.


Take as many sunfish as you want under the regs. Don't worry they will make more, and more and more and more.......


Sunfish taste great (so I was told) just not so fun to clean.

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thanks guys! I've caught bass there and I never take them home, but hopefully I'll try to speak up for myself next time. I even told him I never took fish home before but his attitude wasn't friendly at all. Anyways, I'm not trying to point out people but I just feel it wasn't nice at all.


You didnt have to explain yourself to him.

Its none of his business how much fish you decide to take home as long as you are within the regs.

I dont know why is it so hard for people to mind their own damn business.

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The guy was obviously a bully!


That is the exact same impression I got!


... and my comment about not speaking english was to give you the oppertunity to ignore this confrontational :asshat:


He was trying to ruin your trip, and it sounds like he did a fair job of it... despicable!!!

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A fishing buddy once told me his mom would crawl on broken glass for a meal of Sunfish. Haven't tried it myself but do a lot of camping weekends and will next time I get sick of having Pike :lol:


Keep on fishing and ignore the ..........!

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