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driving test failure

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Today I had my G driving license test and this is what happened...


The retarded examiner was a complete carp. When she walked up to my car she said oh this is your car like if she didnt like it, now at that point I knew I was going to fail because of her response to my car ( its a 93 Honda Civic SI so its not that bad of a car also there is absolutely no rust). At the end of my test after going on the highway she blurted out that I failed, at that point I questioned her how did I fail, then she told me that I hit a curb and never signaled. First of all I never hit a curb and second of all I did signal but I guess she never heard the clicking noise the signal makes since all three of my windows (including sunroof) were open as I have no AC.


I have made a complaint to the supervisor on a piece of paper but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do, since I think I was unfairly judged?

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unfortunately the driving test is completely unfair. I KNOW FOR A FACT that there are people getting their licences in the GTA simply because the BOUGHT it. There are several driving instructors who advertise in different newspapers that they'll teach you how to pass the test...not how to drive....


just do it again. you're not the only one who has failed it. just take you're time, you have 50 years of driving ahead of you.



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unfortunately the driving test is completely unfair. I KNOW FOR A FACT that there are people getting their licences in the GTA simply because the BOUGHT it. There are several driving instructors who advertise in different newspapers that they'll teach you how to pass the test...not how to drive....


just do it again. you're not the only one who has failed it. just take you're time, you have 50 years of driving ahead of you.





They teach you the important and critical points of driving. These are the major strikes on a driving test to watch for!

There not buying their licences...... lol


I think your statement is a bad one. These people are teaching new drivers important lessons that save lives on the road no matter how you look at it. Whether they use these lessons afterwards is a whole different story.

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Was this the Kenora St. Drivetest centre? They're way too busy & frazzled and just fail people out of hand. Try to do your test at the Burlington centre off Brant. Much shorter lines and more relaxed testers.


I've heard nightmare stories about the Aurora centre, they seem to fail everybody atleast twice before marking you for real.

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Was this the Kenora St. Drivetest centre? They're way too busy & frazzled and just fail people out of hand. Try to do your test at the Burlington centre off Brant. Much shorter lines and more relaxed testers.


I've heard nightmare stories about the Aurora centre, they seem to fail everybody atleast twice before marking you for real.




I did do my test in Burlington and I hear the same stories about everyone failing in Burlington. In fact four other people before me failed too. <_<

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OH man I failed my first time too!!!! I had exactly 7hrs behind the wheel, when I took the test.(because my dad had a company car that could only be driven once you were 25 so I couldn't practice with my parents...) So the only practice I had was the 7hrs of drivers ED. I failed because I squealed the tires on a 77 chevette the school driving instructor mobile. The driver instructor made me go show him how exactly I had made the tires squeal because he called the examiner a liar saying there was NO WAY anyone could make those tires squeal. I found a way LOL...


Don't worry about failing it happens, on the bright side I have been driving for over 25 years and never had an accident or lost a point.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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They teach you the important and critical points of driving. These are the major strikes on a driving test to watch for!

There not buying their licences...... lol


I think your statement is a bad one. These people are teaching new drivers important lessons that save lives on the road no matter how you look at it. Whether they use these lessons afterwards is a whole different story.


NO these driver "trainers" are literally teaching them how to pass the test. There are several individuals i know that have gone to this guy and can parallel park with the best of them but he CANNOT pull his car straight into a parking spot. My statement is not wrong. There are several other points that I can make....but i won't

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Its been 15 years since I had my exam: I was told that if I hit a curb I would fail on the spot. So if this is true how could you have hit a curb? I did hit a curb while parallel parking but I was gong so slow that the tester did not notice; be afraid of failing and you will be extra careful.


If you use the same car next time ask the instructor if they want you to use hand signals, or roll up the windows.


good luck



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unfortunately the driving test is completely unfair. I KNOW FOR A FACT that there are people getting their licences in the GTA simply because the BOUGHT it. There are several driving instructors who advertise in different newspapers that they'll teach you how to pass the test...not how to drive....


just do it again. you're not the only one who has failed it. just take you're time, you have 50 years of driving ahead of you.




Yup you Betcha, when I took my Semi Truck lessons (Crossroads Barrie) they told us how some drivers would use a 5th wheel on a Pickup truck and get their Licence. You Know what, I believe them.


Now as far as Pike Hunter is concerned...What is this the first failure in your life and you have to Whine about the Instructor and make a Big Issue on OFC. Sorry, if my heart doesn't bleed for Ya. By the way, it took me two tries for my car License and two tries for my truckers, But guess what? I bet I learned more than the guy that barely passed the first Time. Stop your crying and soldier on. My perspective. I hate whiners

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As an ex-instructor I could rant for about 5 pages on here, but take it from me - it doesn't matter. You may have failed legitimately or you may have been shafted, just take the test again.


My wife and I were both instructors, and we got out of the business because we felt we were constantly urinating contrary to the prevailing airflow. Everybody thinks that we take driving seriously but fact is that most of us don't, if we did there would be a lot less carnage on the roads. The governments that are supposed to look out for us don't really care, nor do some of the alleged safety organisations that act more in their own interests. The problem is systemic and it will probably not change in our lifetimes.


Do you know how long it takes to become a hair stylist in this province? It's a full community college course that takes about 9 or 10 months. A driving instructor course? About 5 or 6 weeks. We have both taught on those courses, and most of the time was spent trying to teach the applicants how to drive properly. Why not make it tougher? Because they would simply go to another training centre with lower standards. The trouble is that being a driving instructor is an entry level job - you get off the plane from who-knows-where or drop out of high school and drift for a few years looking for employment, and if the local convenience store isn't hiring you become a driving instructor.


Recent studies have shown that people who learn from a driving school are no better at driving than someone who learns from a family member, the only advantage you gain is that instructors have a second brake to keep you out of trouble, assuming the clown in the right seat knows how to do their job.


Last, look around you at all the twits you have to dodge on the road, and I can guarantee you that the vast majority of them passed a test and have a license. So what does it mean? Next to nothing. As long as you are a safe considerate driver I really don't care if you've paid the authorities a fee to get a plastic card with your picture on it. If you forget it's in your other pants does that suddenly diminish your capability? Nope.


Just get on with it, and once you pass take it very carefully, because no matter who taught you there is a lot more to learn, and you'll be doing it on

your own with a few frayed nerves to show for it.


And sign your donor card.

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Good old drivers ed teachers. I remember mine when i was a teenager. He had a cottage at the same lake as our cottage, my course was given on Sundays. So he would pick me up at the cottage, to drive into the city and I would get my driving hours this way. Well what do most people do at a cottage on a Saturday night. They drink , so every Sunday morning he was hung over so he would sit in the passenger seat and as soon as we were on the highway he would fall asleep. And I was passing cars doing 120km/hr with Drivers Ed signs all over the car.


To say that a lot of drivers Ed teachers are in it just for the money , would be right.


If at first you don't succeed try and try again.!!! If that tester thinks that you are not ready for your G2's then I am glad that she didn't pass you. Because I drive on those roads also.

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I wasnt making this thread to cry about my failed attempt on the G test. I was just voicing my opinion about what happend on my test and hoping that if anyone else had a bad experience with the Drive test so when I have a meeting with the supervisor I will have some backup on how terrible their examiners really are. Also since there are so many people who get licenses then total their car a few years after while killing a couple of people, maybe they should not just have the 5 week college course but maybe have a 1 -2 year course so they can actually find the bad drivers and pass the good ones.

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Go to Brantford. I took the test the day after I bought my truck. I was use to driving a small car NOT a truck. I couldn't parallel park, do a 3 point turn and spun my tires by accident. I still passed. A guy i knew (DON"T DO THIS EVER) drank a 26er in his car before going in and ended up passing.

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That sounds like the exact response that I got when I showed up in my 1990 civic si! Just try it again, hopefully you'll get a different instructer they all test differently.... BTW I passed. You don't really have to worry until you're on your third try or at the end of your five years like a number of my friends.

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Although I should keep my mouth shut I got to step in and say a couple things.


This is a good learning experience for you and will make you a better driver. When you do finally get your "G" you will appreciate it and realize that a drivers license is not a right but something you earn and work hard to keep. I just wish that so many other drivers would make this realization and then perhaps the roads will be a safer place to be.


On behalf of PH Jr I must say that he is a decent driver who has been driving pretty much daily from Hamilton to Burlington since he got his first level of drivers license (G1 ? G2? I can't figure this new system out) You probably did make some of the little errors which resulted in the failure and don't realize it because as we all get more time behind the wheel we do become more complacent and get a little too relaxed at safety, if this weren't true then there wouldn't be any accidents. That also said I must say that I feel more comfortable as a passenger with PHJR behind the wheel then his mother :whistling: (now I went and did it :angel: )


The important thing to remember about this life lesson is that every once in a while we all get pulled down from our high horse and it helps one become stronger.


Now that you've just turned 18 get out there and get your fishing license so you can go fishing! To heck with the car!!!! so we can read a fishing report!!!

Edited by pikehunter
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It's a disappointment for you...a bit of a hit to your pride...especially as guys will raz the heck out of each other...you no doubt did everything right in your mind but like your Dad said, you may have missed a signal or two...I passed mine on the first try many years ago but I certainly thought at the time that I failed...he would tell me to go right, I would go left....he would tell me to go left, I would go right...at one point he asked me if I had a problem, I just laughed.

I would suggest that you cancel your meeting with the supervisor...re-do the test and maybe wear some cologne next time...just teasing.


Good Luck to you on your next attempt.

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