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Hey Everyone,

I think it would be nice, seeing that this is a new board, to Re-Introduce ourselves, to everyone.

Some members of the old board have been on it for a long time, and it would be nice to get to now alittle about them too.


I joined the the old board back in June 2006.


I've rediscovered Fishing 4 years ago, after about a 10 year hiatus :(:dunno:

But now I've come to the point of near obsession, as any of my friends will say.

My main target of fishing is Bass, but I've also been trying for a Muskie for the last 3 years. :dunno:

I also began FlyFishing this year, and even tie my own Flies.

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I joined the board before the old board, I think in 2004.


I have an obsession with fishing but dont get out nearly as much as I wish I did. Hopefully that will change in a month when I get my full liscence and no longer have to rely on mom and dad for rides to the lake. Im 17 and would like nothing more than to be drifting my favourite stream right about now.

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LOL...this is sounding like Fishing Anonymous!!


Hi...I'm Cliff and I have a fishing problem.....


I joined the board in Oct...just last month. My wife and I fished as teenagers, and re-discovered it this past summer. You should see us out there shivering with high winds and freezing cold temps, but hey...like I said....I have a fishing problem....


Does anyone have pics of my kids? I'm beginning to forget what they look like....LOL

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Many of you have seen my reports, and know that I am a true multi-species fisherman. I am happy catching anything from Carp to Coho Salmon, Perch, Panfish and Trout are all worth adversaries.


The best part of this community is meeting and fishing with the good-hearted folks that are so generous to others and of course the Swills!


Happy fishing, and I'll see you on the water!






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Hi all,


I was formally known on the previous board as AmandaB (wife of TonyB) and yes, we are still married I just changed my name on the new board.


I fished as a child with my uncle in various rivers throughout Pennsylvania (the Mongahela and the Yock (sp) for those who are familiar). When I met Tony, he reintroduced me to fishing and I enjoy getting out the odd day...hence the signature line!


Below is a pic of my first large salmon (and largest fish caught yet).




I do have one rule when fishing...if the fish is bigger than my hand...I'm not touching it! :blush::dunno:

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Ok... here goes....


My name is TJ and I'm an alc... no wait... wrong meeting...


My name is TJ and in 1998 due to alack of work in my chosen profession (Aggregate and Exploration Geology) I started doing websites to help bring in some dough..... mainly fishing related stuff for lodges etc.. and on Fri Jul 02 1999, at 06:52:51pm I registered www.ontariofishing.net to start a search engine for fishing related websites and to promote the lodges that were doing business with me...


I remember thinking that if I could only get up to 100 visitors in a day, it may be worthwhile to start a messageboard... lol


Now we are here ... uhhg... lol... and I webmaster and market for around 200 lodges throughout Ontario... Both Monique and I work full time at it, year round....


We fish mainly northern Ontario... and are not afraid to say we catch and consume.. as well as release. We do alot with our kids... I'm proud to be in Ontario.



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Hey all, My name is Jarred. Formerly Jimmynorth and most recently Jiggernaut before settling on just Jigger. I fish up in Haliburton mostly for bass although had a great year focusing on musky. I recently relocated to Brooklin ON and hope to put the boat on as many lakes as possible next year. I like fishing :thumbsup_anim: and hope to hook up with some people that also like :Gonefishing: ! Take it easy. Great new look BTW!

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Hi I"m Kerry and so far I've gotten to keep my name on all the boards since march 2004 so all's good. Hopefully I'll get to do a couple of meet and greets or outings this year.Tried to no avail 9 times this year for a musky on Balsam but after seeing fishinfools' post on crappie there i'll be sure to bring some lighter stuff with me next season.

I'm not a big poster as I browse the board more often than not and enjoy some of the members that really know how to write up a story.BTW keep them comin too.

And again to TJ and all that make this board run--GREAT JOB!


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On the old board I was JD, this new board I thought is was a good time to change my name, so I went with my real name Pat, I was going to change it to the Toolman, because I have more tools than Home Dept has, but I thouhgt my real name would be best.

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I've been around for awhile, but I don't post a lot. I'm boatman everywhere I go. I got the nickname on a fishing trip about 10 years ago - And it has nothing to do with boats.


I grew up in a bait shop in a small town north of Kingston. I've fished all of my life, but it didn't turn into my principal hobby until college. I've recently begun collecting and rebuilding vintage 1950's OMC outboards. I now have 3 motors for every boat and 2 rods for every motor. Good thing I have a basement.

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I've been with OFC for 3 boards now, which I think is about 3 years ago. My son Ned Devine (who also lives in Brooklin Jigger) put me onto it, and it's become a disease since then.


My father past away when I was two and I was fortunate enough to have an older brother (13 years older)that introduced me to fishing and the outdoors.




I'm sure that one of the things that has driven my passion for fishing is the "connection" that I get with my Dad who was an avid fisherman.




My brother Bud and I from a few years ago.



I have been fortunate to have passed this passion on to my two boys and it has given me the best "Quality" time with them now that they are in their 30's and have families of their own.


Ned Devine (Paul)



Tracker Terry (Terry)



And now its being past on to the Grandkids

The M&M's






Two years ago, I was able to fulfill another dream by getting a job at Bass Pro Shops when it opened (I've been a Bass Pro junkie for years). This has also allowed me the priviledge of meeting so many awesome folks that frequent this board.


Me with Johnny Morris (the BPS Big Kahoona)



I also enjoy two Great trips each year:


31st Annual Invitational Bass Classic




FishGuts Fall Classic



And then there's all my Toonie Tournaments (see signature)


Sorry for all the full size pics. Does anyone know how to create the small ones??


Its great to see this board grow and mature and still maintain its dignity. Still the best place on the net!

Thanks again TJ, sorry your chosen profession never worked out :rolleyes:

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When I was 2 my grandfather was taking me out fishing. Caught my first fish on Moira Lake. A pike, I was told, at the age of 2 1/2. I still have many memories of Moira and Stony Lakes where my grandfather and I would spend lots of time fishing. The trips were something I looked forward to all year.

Skip ahead several years and I am living in Niagara Falls. I would fish the Whirlpool nearly every day. Always fish in there. Nothing more than a 7 ft Ugly Stick I got when I was 13 (and still have) and we would tie into salmon after salmon in the hey days of the 80's when 20 fish days were normal.

Now I doubt I could make the trip up those stairs...I used to run up them!

Since those days I've been busy in all aspects of fishing. More of a walleye chaser now (thats a walleye in my avatar). Caught shark and cuda in Florida....thats a total blast.

I joined the old old board in 2001 or 2002 can't remember. I was a total newb tho.I was kinda fascinated by the whole interweeb and got into it a bit. Took a few classes and taught myself the rest.

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Some of the best memories of my father (died in 1994) were trips to a cottage every summer. We'd sit on the dock and I'd catch tons of sunfish and pearch. When I was really young (around 5 or so...that would make it around 1975), he'd act as excited as I was. He would fish with the big guys later in the day, but he'd always make sure to spend time with me. Unfortunately the cottage we used to go to was sold and that brought fishing to an abrupt end for me.


Skip ahead to May 1993. My dad had been fighting cancer for about a year. After his second round of chemo, he called me and said he hired a charter on the BOQ and would pick me up. We spent the whole day on the water, catching mostly small things. All those memories of childhood came back. I think he knew this was going to be his last fishing trip.....he died in Feb 1994. I was honoured that he wanted me on his final fishing trip.


Skip ahead again to 2006. My wife and I were looking for things that our whole family could do together. We have a 14 year old and a 4 year old so it was hard to find something we all could do together. My wife and I went to a local pier in the summer and we saw lots of ppl walking around and as we headed out, we saw lots of people fishing. That afternoon, we bought the kids fishing rods and the next day we headed back to the pier. Both kids were having a great time out there....and the longer we watched them, the more my wife and I wanted to throw a line in the water. We looked at eachother and I took off to Canadian Tire to get a few more rods and fishing licenses for the two of us.


That did it!!! My wife and I are "hooked" on fishing again. My 4 year old loves it so much that we've had to bribe her from a dock after 9 hours of fishing!!! She has a fish book and she has to match each of her fish to that book. She can now identify fish better than I can.


My wife (blyght on this board) and I get out as often as we can and had some great success catching Walleye. She has landed a 13 lb monster and I caught an 11lb and 12.5 lb eyes. We cant wait until next spring....my 4 year old saw a truck today with a fish on it and said sadly "I wish it was summer again so I can go fishing".


Thanks Dad!!! Because of him, I'm now passing this great sport to my kids.....

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I was osprey at the previous board . My favorite species is walleye and spend most of my fishing time at the French River( Wolsley Bay area). My day trips are mostly spent on Lake Simcoe fishing pike , perch and of course them huge smallies. My favourite fishing partner is my 19 year old son and believe it or not he has taught me a few things. I never posted a great deal but always checked in to see what was going on and have always enjoyed the old site. This site is looking pretty awesome and Kudos to all involved.

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Well I was RICHESOX on the old board, so I too switched over to my real name, which I had used as my signature line before. Been fishing as far back as I can remember, mainly from docks and along the shore for whatever would bite. Started out fishing with my father and eventually, when my daughter was little, I'd take her along for some shore fishing at a local lake.


In the early 1990's, we took our first big trip to the French River and stayed at Bear's Den Lodge. Met the owners at a local show, and they only live about 1/2 from here. Well, after the first trip, we fell in love with the area and remain so to this day. We returned for a few years in a row to the point where it seemed the fishing dropped off and got tougher, so our fishing trips stopped.


Late in the 1990's, we started to make the treck to the Rideau System in Eastern Ontario for basss and small pike. Became great friends with the owners and have been returning each year ever since. After a few years of renting boats, we purchased our first one. Targe Pro-Angler V-16. Had that one a few years and upgraded to a Tracker V17 WT, which we have now.


A few years back, I had a strong desire to return to the French River, and so we did. Was trolling and landed my very first musky, a nice 29", which we CPR. We''l that did it .... bitten by the bug. We take a two-week trip to the French the last two weeks of September, splitting the time with one week at Rainbow Camp on the North Channel and the second week out of Wolseley. My PB was caught on the North Channel at 43" (CPR of course). Got Skunked this year for skis, but that's just fine.


Three weeks of fishing in Canada each year. Third week of July out of Rideau Ferry (bass) and last two weeks of September at the French (Muskie/Pike). Actually, with my schedule at home, this is about all the fishing I get during the year. Being in Central PA, I've not even purchased a fishing license here in the states for the past couple years. Sad huh ?


I'm considering coming up for the OFC outing at Lakair, so we'll see what happens. I'd be boatless and would need to find a place to sleep. I have yet to meet any of the OFC'rs, but I'd really like to before long here.

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I was fishboy on several boards and still am. I do most of my fishing in the Haliburtons which means targeting bass in summer, lakers in the spring and winter and the odd pickeral in those "special" lakes. I also have access to a some pike water and there are muskies spread across most of the lakes now. Of course there's always panfish with the kids.


Out of curiousity, do we start back at post #1? I've seen a few guys with big numbers.

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Hey my name is Jay I'm from belleville on the beautiful Bay of Quinte lived here all my life and I took fishing back up a couple of years ago with my little brothers (martycoo and acmangler who are both members of this board) who awakened my interest in the sport again after a ten year hiatus. Now I can't get enough fishing in, looking forward to tomorrow fishing with carp another member of this board at the g2g in P town. I work in a nursing home and have two beautiful little girls and a beautiful wife who are also becoming interested in angling. well enough about me........tell ya anymore and I'd have to....well you know LOL....... :lol:

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I can't say for sure, but I believe I have been around here since the first version of the board! Many, many changes, and every one of them for the better.

I used my own name (BrianS) at the beginning, but changed over to Rattletrap2 somewhere along the way.


My main species is Bass (both Largemouth and Smallmouth), but I do fish for Walleye, Crappie, Pike, and whatever else comes along.


In my younger days, I did some stream fishing for native Brown and Rainbow Trout, but I have not done that for a long time around here. I did get to do a little this year in North Carolina, and that brought back some memories. I am looking forward to the hard water season again now, and that is something that hanging around on this site did for me! I used to hate winters between Bass seasons, but really enjoy the ice fishing now. Sure makes the winter more enjoyable!


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I'm not sure how long I've been on OFC, but I made the "old members" photo thread, so it's been a while. Born and raised in Thunder Bay, I became obsessed with Steelhead fishing in the 70's. I could hardly sleep when the run was on back then. But the first fish that I ever caught was a Brook Trout, when my father took me out to a few local creeks when I was probably 7 or 8 years old. My passion for Brook Trout fishing took a serious turn about 15 years ago when I started fishing them seriously. I haven't looked back since. I still do some Steelhead fishing and dabble for Walleye, but come late August and early September I'm totally focused on the Brook Trout. I've met some great people from OFC that I wuld have never met otherwise and hope to meet more in the future.


OFC really does rock!!! :thumbsup_anim:



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hi all,


I joined in june or july of 2006 and i had 187 posts.


Iam 15 and luv to get out and fish as much as i can my favorite species to fish for is trout and i had finally caught one on tuesday i will post a report as soon as i get the pics sent to me.



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Hi, I've been lurking on this board for a long, long time. Had some fun with some members quite a while back under the board name "The Perfect Angler"....anybody remember??? :D I've been fishing for over 40 years. A mult-species angler all of my life, I was hit with the muskie bug in 1989 and have been fishing for them ever since. Just started to get back to fishing some other species again last year, but still have a passion for the mighty lunge. I was the editor for Muskies Canada's bi-monthly publication, the "Release Journal" for three years from 2002 to the end of 2004.


Here's a pic of my bro' with a typical Ottawa River muskie:


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Hi everyone, my name is Mike (setomonkey here) and I've been on the board for a while, not sure when but it was two versions ago, so it's been a few years.


Really enjoy the board, I've learned a lot and I've had the chance to meet some OFNers too.


I never fished as a kid and only started fishing about 7 years ago, after a friend of mine who's fished all his life finally convinced me to go out with him for an afternoon. We fished his parents' lake from a 12' tinny and I still remember how excited I was when I caught my first fish (sunfish). :D


Caught a bunch of panfish and small bass that day on jigs & worms, and I was hooked. Got my first rod that Christmas, along with a small tacklebox that I was sure would be more than enough for my needs. LOL. Now I've got 6 or 7 different rods & reels, and a big tacklebox that my wife affectionately (I think) refers to as my "tackle suitcase". Quite a lot more than I ever figured I'd need, but not as much gear as some guys have! :o Still waiting for the right time to get my first boat...


I like fishing for lots of different species, but my favourites are bass, pike, muskie, & trout, though I don't do much musky or trout fishing.


I travel as part of my work and whenever I can I try to find some time to fish wherever I'm visiting. So I've had a chance to fish in California, Illinois, Florida, New Mexico, & Utah (so far). This is the first and only striper I've ever caught, on a reservoir in New Mexico a couple of years ago.





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