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Weekend report


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Headed back up to Haliburton to see if the Muskie would be a little more co-operative than last weekend. They weren't. Lots of rain still has the water very high and the fish rather lethargic. After buzzing through all the traditional spots on Saturday without a sniff, I tried some more out of the way spots, and had a good sized 'ski roll over on a marabou in-line that I was throwing. Nothing came of that fish and I ended up heading back without anything to report but a little pike and a bass that was hanging out in 20fow.


So later on that night, while enjoying a few wobbleys, we noticed this big ole moth bashing itself against the bay window. When it landed, I thought I'd check out the macro feature on my camera...




Theres a good half-dozen of those, I thought it was pretty cool...


So morning rolls around and I'm sure the 'skis are laughing at me. I decide to do the milk run again, this time in slow motion. I messed around with a jumbo jig and creature combo last year and tied it on and vowed to only use that rod, forcing me to slow right down. The first spot I hit still didn't produce, but at the second spot I got one. Way into a tangle of trees that came from about 16in to 25 fow within 5 yards or so, I felt a distinct TIC. Fight on!


I've got to give dues to Fluoro leaders at this point. The leader I use is 100lb Seaguar and its awesome! This fish had me in a mess of trees you wouldn't believe and I thought that if anything was a test for the fluoro leader, this was it... Not even a flake or nic to be found. Go fluoro!


So the fish came to the net, I see a guy putting his boat in and ask him to take a pic " no problem!" hes already on his way to see the 'ski. With the fish safely unhooked and in the net, I get my tourney paper out and get ready for the shot. Out comes the fish, he takes the pic and alls well. She took a minute or two to revive, giving me a chance to get a rough measurement at the side of the boat. Later on, I measured the line, it came in between 45 and 46in. At the very least a pb by .5 an inch! So I turn on the camera, scroll to the pic...




As you might have surmised, I left the camera on macro :wallbash: So the lesson I learned this weekend was...

Always check your camera settings BEFORE you head out on the water.


Sorry Slammers, I'll get the hang of it yet!

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Guest Johnny Bass

Nice ski Jigger! At least you have a picture of the beast, but my eyes are still hurting from looking at the picture.lol

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Nice musky jigger, great to get a PB, 10/10 for patience and perseverance...i dont think i'm cut out to be a musky fisherman...lol..too impatient. Bad luck with the camera...can still see the fish though :thumbsup_anim: . I have a problem with leaving it on video mode...think i'm taking a pic only to find 20mins later i hit the record button...so i get 2 secs vid of me or someone holding a fish, then a long video of ther blackness of the inside of the camera case...lol...lucky the camera switches off after 1 minute!!!

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Dude nice fish, good to see you getting on them!


I had my video camera on picture mode with no pic card as I fought a bridge tarpon for 20 minutes. Te fight had 10 crazy jumps and all kinds of action. Went to check the camera and saw " no memory card"


can never be too prepared on the water!

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Great report despite the fuzzy musky picture. That moth picture turned out pretty good though.

Lots of big strange insects come out up north at night in summer.

Thanks for posting,


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