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Hi Y'all,


Well for the past two weeks or so I have been spending most of my time in a small lake connected to the main Wabigoon Lake. I have been targeting pike and bass. What i started to realise was the bass were holding up on shallow sloping rocky/bolder shorelines with no weed. I also found a little bay where the walleye are feeding ferociously at the moment, i have even been getting them on jerk/slash baits and Mepps spinners, this might not come as a surprise to some walleye anglers, but when i told a few people round here about this they were surprised if not disbelieving.



Anyway, i am in my local tackle shop getting minnows, and chewing the fat with the owner and his son....love this shop.....my home from home almost, and asked his son if he wanted to come out with me to the lake, as this is also one of his favourite lakes. He loves fishing just like me...lol...must suck to have a dad that owns a tackle shop :whistling: and he does not take much persuading, he lives on the lake as i do so plan was he'd drive his boat over to my shore and pick me up.....his boat is a bit nicer than mine :rolleyes:.



I was really pumped and also a bit nervous....pumped cuz this kid can fish, fishes a lot in this particular lake and i figured i could learn a lot from this trip, but at the same time nervous cuz i had hyped up the bass and walleye fishing and did not want to disappoint...i know...i know....cant control what the fish wanna do...but I’m sure a lot of you have said to someone " you gotta come to this spot with me...its awesome"....and then get skunked....lol. Well we did not get skunked.....i learnt loads....and i really don’t mean this to sound like bragging...cuz its not....i think i even showed the kid a few new tricks on a lake he has fished all his life just about.



We hit the entrance to the lake at about 3pm, and Kyle says we should maybe start with getting some walleye....so where’s this hot spot?....so we cruise round the corner and anchor up where i have been getting them. Kyle is excited, he is liking the terrain on the fishfinder....rocky, mudflats, drop offs, shallows and deep holes in a very small area...also fish showing up. I am nervous and praying the fish are there........



Kyle decides to go with one of those Knuckle head jigs and a leech.....opens his tackle box....wow...an Aladdin’s cave...not jealous....really...lol. I am pleased he is trying leeches cuz he has always told me to use them when i go to buy minnows at the shop, but when i tried them never had any luck...so now he is actually here and can show me. I decided to go with my trusty bobber and live minnow.



We cast out and wait.....and wait....and wait.......uh oh...... :unsure: noting happening. I reel in and grab my second rod with the Mepps spinner and cast at shore. I have not even started to reel before the first walleye was on. Kyle just looked at me with an amazed look and says " i have never seen or heard of anyone catching walleye on those on any of the Wabigoon chain lakes". I say " me either....i was also getting them on jerk baits the other day, Kyle again says he has never caught walleye using them...and quickly sets up a second rod with a Perch pattern....casts out a couple of times....and wham!!! Kyle was now totally pumped, any doubts he had about what I’d been saying gone he concentrated on the crank bait for the next hour......lol....neither of us got any more on artificials....but the theory/method had been proved to work, and having an avid walleye fisherman (10th in the recent walleye masters on Wabigoon) endorse a method i had recommended felt good....maybe all the fishing i do was beginning to pay off.....lol



KYLE'S 1ST EVER WALLEYE ON CRANK BAIT (lol...i think that’s what those lures are called)







Like i said , not a sniff on artificials after that....but Kyle was getting all the keepers on his leech and jig, right under the boat. It did take a while to convince him that we would do better anchored before we arrived, as he likes to troll for them, but again he was amazed at how good the fishing was with anchor down right over the side of the boat. My bobber was not doing anything.....but i was determined to show how effective it can and has been, especially after always jabbering on about it at the shop. So i decided to keep the bobber but switch to a leech instead of a minnow......for about an hour it was non stop on the bobber, and at one point Kyle was gonna set one up himself! After a while the bite slowed, we were catching lots but we were only keeping the 17 inchers...of which i got 2 and Kyle got 5. I also got a couple of crappie on the bobber.







We had enough to feed both of our respective families.....so Kyle wanted to show me where he catches a lot of his bass. I was really looking forward to this, cuz as i said, him and his dad have had some lunkers out of here, and figured if i add what he knows to what i am finding out ...well...cant be a bad thing. So Kyle takes me to his spot and we start to cast out.....made two or three passes of the 150yard stretch of shoreline with no takers....Kyle using his crayfish pattern wiggle wart...me on my yellow and black mepps. So i says to Kyle we should try the spots i have been talking about.....the shallow sloping rocky marks i'd been finding...and off we went.



I pointed to the 10yrd stretch of shore where i said Kyle should cast, pointing out the rocks/shallow slop etc...etc... two casts later.....bam...he has a fish on...please don’t be a pike....lol............












I also pulled a small one out of the same 10yrd stretch , then it went quiet. I pointed to another shallow/rocky point across the bay and we headed for that. We pulled three or for more out of there.....i pointed to another stretch of shore i had caught on....same story...3 or 4 more. After about half an hour of fishing the marks i had been doing well on, Kyle was a believer in the shallow/rocky shore line theory, i was now convinced myself....definitely proven hypothesis...also if there was anything more than sparse weeds anywhere nearby these marks we not catch any bass. As it turned out we caught over 20 bass that day. Kyle said it was the best session for walleye and bass he has EVER had on this lake...he must have fished here 1000's of times....we pretty much proved a theory....and as a novice fisherman in these lakes i got to feel like an expert fishing guide...lol....here’s some pics of the day......










































All in all one of the best days fishing I’ve had, great company , plans coming together, learnt lots, fish were co-operating fully and we got our supper out of it....oh yeah...all the bass were returned safely to grow bigger .

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Ok...you know what? I've been saying this and that about where you live being like heaven.


But now your starting to rub in in my face and it's starting to piss me off!!!! LOL. :P:thumbsup_anim:


What a great report....good on you for taking him out fishing too....seems you both learned a lot from eachother that day!

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Great report, Limey! In my experience with jerkbait walleye...I also find that a couple of fish will get caught quickly, then the action dies off. I've done well changing the baits up quickly...as soon as a few casts go by without a hit, I'll throw a similar lure in a different colour, and get a couple more. Action dies down, I change up again....maybe another hypothesis to test? I mean, since I'M not doing anyhting, and YOU live on the lake, with all the fish, and ...jealousy taking over....cannot type anymore.... :wallbash: LOL

Keep up the great reports! :)

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Cliff and Johnny, thanks guys....it means a lot to me that you are so jealous.....ONLY KIDDING.....it has not gone unnoticed that you always repliy to my posts...so Thanks! Johnny...i'll give that change of pattern stuff a go next week when i get a chance to get out again. Anders.....i think i've seen your great reports...and judging by your avatar photo...i should be moving ....lol...not you!

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Guest Johnny Bass

Excellent read! And some nice fish pics to boot! There aren't many lures a pickerel wont smash when they are active.


Its great to fish with new partners. Every time I go out with a new fisherman? I return a better fisherman. Everyone has their own little tricks.


Thanks for sharing.

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I bet ya not too many people live in heaven like you do ... so your reports make most of us real jealous <_<


Anything thing is that ... i wish i have as much time as you to put on the water :angry:


Ok enough with the jealousy ... great report as always! Keep'em coming to keep us sane :D.

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Great report as always Limey. Those are some beauty bass - ahh to be in a area with year round bass fishing - just rub it in why don't you : ).


By the way, I don' t know if its just me but I can never get your videos to work. I went looking and the link you've got has some junk symbols in it. It should be



but for some reason it shows up here as ending in view[junk symbols]t=MVI_1133.flv. I've tried the direct link here


Bass Video Link


And it seems to be fine, not sure what happened when you copied it but sure am glad I can view it now and get even more jealous :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the replies guys. I'll have more reports comin from next week as i'm done work for 2 months!!!! About the videos, thanks for taking the time to correct the broken links Tbay, it has been mentioned by some, but then others can view them fine. I'm not a computer wizard but will take the time to have a look at what ya did to sort the problem and try like that next time...i will pm ya if i cant work it out...hope thats ok.

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Feel free to PM me (then I can pick your brains for where in Dryden your fishing - might have to extend my next trip to Thunder Bay hehe)


All I did was copy the 'direct link' url (actually just clicked it as it copies for you) and then hit the insert link image (beside the underline u) and pasted in the text from the photobucket page, ends up looking like this:


[url="http://s263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/?action=view&current=MVI_1133.flv"]Bass Video[/url]


If you want to get really fancy though do this:


1. Look below for 'Post Options' and set it to 'HTML On - Auto Linebreak Mode'

2. Copy the 'HTML Code' text from the video page on PhotoBucket

3. Paste it into your post like this


<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_1133.flv">


And you get this:

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i263.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid263.photobucket.com/albums/ii158/vishuscirquel/MVI_1133.flv">


Some days I wonder how I get any work done at all :unsure:

Edited by TbayBoy
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Nice report!! I've been having no luck with your vids either......until Tbay did whatever he did. Now they work perfectly.


The one thing I love about fishing, is you never know everything......there is ALWAYS something to learn. There is no better way than to spend a day fishing with a new partner!!! Everyone has thier own little trick that works for them....sharing them is the key!!



Edited by Sinker
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Nicely done!

Those Mepps hooks have seen better days though...




my shame :blush::blush:



they are tatty, but i do keep the hooks sharp, my only excuse is that i was bangin' the rocks with them, and they got used almost daily for the last month...lol.

Edited by limeyangler
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Hey baby Herc,


No...lol...i have no idea, all i know is from the ontario fishing regs is that in our area Bass is open all year give or take a few exceptions.


sorry mate, cant help ya, but the fishing regs document on the MNR website gives clear map of areas and whats fishable and when.

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