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Pickeral opener '08


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Well, it was good, and the fish were yummy :D Fished in the current and caught fish on everything. Just a couple fish at night, but we were a little challenged by the time midnight rolled around :drinkup: :roll: :D Morning was on fire......we must have caught easily 20 eyes. We kept a limit of the 14-15" males....they're my favourites, but we saw many different year classes. Nothing over 20" landed. I lost a good fish, just before we left....didn't get to see it though :wink: :evil: Back for breaky at 9am.


Great night out on my dads cruiser. We headed out after dinner friday, and spent the night on the boat, anchored over a ton of fish :D






Whities tomorrow :)



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Sinker, it was really nice meeting you and your dad Friday night.


Looks like you called it right on the mark as to location. My spot produced as well (where I told you I'd be).


Opening night I landed 5 then lost 4 more and had 6 more solid hits before I realized that the back trebble on my crank bait had broken off. by the time I realized what had happened the bite was over. Last night we landed 12 or 13, lost a few more, kept 3 for the table. Again everything from a little guy not much bigger than the lure to a couple of nice solid fish but nothing bigger than about 20". I think it is a really good sign, numbers seem to be up and a wide range of age classes.

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Sinker, it was really nice meeting you and your dad Friday night.


Looks like you called it right on the mark as to location. My spot produced as well (where I told you I'd be).


Opening night I landed 5 then lost 4 more and had 6 more solid hits before I realized that the back trebble on my crank bait had broken off. by the time I realized what had happened the bite was over. Last night we landed 12 or 13, lost a few more, kept 3 for the table. Again everything from a little guy not much bigger than the lure to a couple of nice solid fish but nothing bigger than about 20". I think it is a really good sign, numbers seem to be up and a wide range of age classes.


Glad to hear you got into them Cliff!! And the pleasure was all mine!!


It IS nice to see so many year classes of fish. Its been a few years since I've seen so much diversity in size. That's a good thing for sure! We were going to head out for the evening, but the wind was howling, and there were boats going all over, so we just packed her in and headed home. I'll be back up on Monday.....for a quick fish, and then we're pulling the big boat out for its long trip home.


GCD, Kawartha eyes aren't known to be big......just tasty. We had a couple that were in the 2-3lb range, but let them all go. I like the 16"ers for the table best.



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Nice going Shayne. That worn handle on the fillet knive looks like its been through it's far share of fish. Enjoy your time with your Dad before he heads home to the ROCK.


Yup, that knife has seen a few fish :whistling: I'm running out of blade on it too.... :canadian:



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VERY nice catch. I wish more anglers would practice catch and release as you demonstrated here. Keeping one or two for a nice meal and letting the rest go is the foundation to better fishing in the future.





I wouldn't really consider myself as a Catch and Release angler. More like selective harvest. I like fish a certain size for the table.....those are the ones i keep. Anything bigger or smaller goes back.


I have a hard time releasing 14-16" eyes.....just can't beat them in the pan :thumbsup_anim:


Stupid wind kept me off simcoe today :wallbash:



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The lake was beautiful over here all day yesterday, well, until about 8:30 last night. It went from being like glass to 2' white caps in about 5 minutes. Too bad because the bite was really on, oh well, there is always next weekend LOL.

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