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Fisherman attacked

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I think the age for a young offender needs to be re-considered. What is it now 17? Maybe should be 14. Even a 13 year old considers himself an adult (or know-it-all) that is, of course, until he gets caught by the gents d'armes ! I'm sure once they look at the world through iron bars, they all turn into young innocent children !

What kind of parents do these kids have ? They must learn this punk-donkey attitude from somewhere ! :dunno:


Makes my blood boil.



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Hopefully the victim was no one from this board.... That really is terrible. I recently completed teachers college, and as a student teacher in elementary schools I was shocked by the number of suspensions and discipline issues with upper year (gr 8.) students.

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F'ing punks.


Real tough when you have weapons and a group of people. Its pathetic.

Screw the young offenders act.....they deserve what they would get.

Man oh man, I hate little punks.

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Freshwaterfanatic... my wife is a Principle in the Toronto board and quite frankly, I can't/won't post here what I've learned about what goes on in these schools... the thread would be locked up faster that Amy Winehouse! :wallbash:


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F'ing punks.


Real tough when you have weapons and a group of people. Its pathetic.

Screw the young offenders act.....they deserve what they would get.

Man oh man, I hate little punks.



:w00t: You and me both Stoty!!!

They're prolly thieves too, and pounding the snot out of them would be a pleasure!!! :angry:

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Freshwaterfanatic... my wife is a Principle in the Toronto board and quite frankly, I can't/won't post here what I've learned about what goes on in these schools... the thread would be locked up faster that Amy Winehouse! :wallbash:



ya no kidding, I certainly wouldn't speak any specifics, thats just a bad idea.....


think she could get me a job for the fall??? :whistling:

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The real problem with this is that if the fisherman had needed to defend himself physically he would have been charged with assault while these little sh*ts went free.


And I agree with questioning their parents. What must they think, or do they even care when their kids act like this. If I did anything like this growing up my old man would have taken me out to the garage with a golf club and taught me a lesson.

Edited by timmeh
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They're prolly thieves too, and pounding the snot out of them would be a pleasure!!!



Ya, I wonder what would happen in that situation.....if a group of teens came at me with golf clubs...I would sure as hell defend myself.

I could care less how old they were, if they had weapons. which is exactly what I would tell a judge as well.

I may not take down all of them, but I can guarentee you that at least a few of those little sots would be eating from straws for the next few months!

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I 100% agree with all these views---unfortunately as P' offed individuals all we are doing is agreeing with one another


Now collectively we can bump the issue and start calling our MP's (I think them instead of mpp as young offenders act is federal)


and try to enact change.


I think they just passed a "tackling violent crime bill" recently--maybe it has some teeth.


On another view---this 12-17 year old gang mentality is more evidence of youth raising themselves--anyone read "Lord of theFlies"

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That is very true bushart.

Look at the movies/video games and tv shows children have access to these days..... hard to find one without violence.

Its the parents responsibility to raise the children. And apparently arent doing a very good job.

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Now, I moved away from London back in the late 80's... but if I recall correctly, that area of town, Kipps Lane, has a long standing reputation as being one of the rougher parts of town... just so ya know! Certainly in no way makes it right... I just can't imagine what went through that fathers head, in respect to his child and the crap there were going through... ignorant bastages!


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Forget the young offenders act, they use it as an excuse, they know they will only get a slap on the wrist. Kids today are smart and know thier rights and will take advantage of them.


What every school should have is a program where each and every kid is taken into a maximum security prison and brought into the inside life of being behind bars. When I was a kid I lived in Lansing Kansas and I had to go into a prison and see the inside and let me tell ya it scared me into not even risking a speeding ticket. You have these young offenders go in and let the inmates have a few minutes with them and I guarentee at least 85% will straighten up. Of course there always will be bad people who dont care about consequences but it would help. I know of several programs in the states that take first time offenders into prisons and have a group of inmates sit with them and tell them like it is and also make them go into the show hall and eat amongst the inmates all the while being taunted and have comments thrown at them.


If a group of kids approached me and assaulted me or my wife or friends I sure wouldnt hold back because they are kids, I would make sure I got some good shots in. The law definitely needs to be changed and these kinds of kids need to be treated like adults.

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I really do not want to chime in but I hate hearing this bull......I would beg to differ on the Violence in Video Games/TV thing.


That is just an easy cop out for the simple fact that the parents of these kids have just done a piss poor job teaching/showing these kids respect for anything or anyone.


They want $200 shoes they get them, iPod....got that....cell phone...sure why not.....


The Parents not only have to correct the behaviour but also play a major role in the social development of these kids. The kids will generally model their behaviour from what they learn in the home. What ever happened to parents actually having arguments or disagreements in private away from the kids, or the Parents that are screaming and yelling at other parents, kids, officials at hockey/soccer games.


Kids are seeing constant conflict everywhere and this translates into their own deviant behaviour and lack of respect for EVERYTHING.


Everything stems from the "parents" and I use that term loosely.


I grew up playing Hockey, Football, Video Games, Watching Rambo movies and Hunting.....I am a poster child for being exposed to "Violence" as a youth.....I do not have a violent bone in my body....Parents just taught me Right from Wrong and how to respect others personal space and belongings.


ANYWAYS.....Wish me luck on getting off my HIGH HORSE.....LOL

Flame away.... if you feel the need


Just my $0.02

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I usually use a step stool for getting on/off my high horse.


Granted some of what you say is very true--I grew up watching Elmer blow daffy's bill everywhere but Tuesday and it did'nt make me a murderer (fish/deer excepted)


I'm far from a politically/social teaching genius but the years have taught me a few things. such as


My wife stayed home to raise our 2 kids---did we struggle --you bet--was it worth it--u bet


Anyway I'm currently formulating an opinion/overview of what this latest generation is doing.


For time and eternity every generation except the last few has had some hard issues to face--be they war/famine/disease/depression--whatever


Now us boomers and maybe post boomers worked at achieving something through the ranks and times have been good.


Now this latest group only sees the material gains and not what it took to get them nor have they had to suffer ( North America)

any hard times---look at the mortgage crisis in the US--it almost took down the country.


It all boils down to instant gratification and even at that 12 year old stage it appears heading down a dangerous path and I'm not sure all the social experts do either.


Damn I fell off my step stool



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All these kids know that they are protected under the YOA. I'm all for giving kids a second chance, but certain things need to be severely punished. Gang violence and crimes where the safety and security of a person is threatened need to be treated as serious offences.


Also, this crap about not publishing the names is bull. The public should know which kids in society are misguided and need to be re-educated on how to live peacefully. Besides, shame can be a powerful motivator too. The shame will be the kid's and the parent's and may force some real results.

Edited by hooked on fishing
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:w00t: You and me both Stoty!!!

They're prolly thieves too, and pounding the snot out of them would be a pleasure!!! :angry:


Me too!

Oh the joy of getting into the mounted position, and trapping their right arm under my left knee, and asking a**hole how is it feel now? Then proceed to let him have 4-5 good shots. Then they are pretty quiet fer a long time.

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