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Well There is a Secret Out There After All


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Well Friday around noon went to try our luck for some crappies....the crappies werent biting but the OOS largemouth and a few pike were hungry for some salted minnows....had one pike that was close to 15 pounds wrap itself up right by the dock and snap the line....either way still lots of fun on crappie gear....


On Saturday we chose to sleep in because we knew we would have our little river.....took a drive by all the other rivers and sure enough....PACKED....so we ventured down to our little spot and wouldn't you know it.....no vehicles.....get down to the river....no footprints.....ahhhh...nothing beats having an entire stretch of river to yourself on opening day.....here is a taste of the stretch we were fishing....you can tell it doesen't get fished much...lots of thick bush..












Next up is a taste of what comes out of this stream...ended up getting 1 little rainbow and 3 gorgeous browns....well they were gorgeous but lost their colour by the time I took this picture..






Now this fish that my buddy caught...we ended up getting 2 fish each and I also caught a catfish and he caught a sunfish....anyways this fish is the dark one in the above pictures....we were standing there fishing a hole and I was retying....we were bottom bouncing salted minnows with our crappie rods which was alot of fun when you tied into a fish....anyways I look down into the hole and in about 2 feet of water this fish was just sitting there....I said Dan look at that....so he threw his minnow upstream and drifted it down in front of the fish...the fish took a look at it and backed off...Dan let the minnow sink into the sand and the fish moved back up towards the minnow....Dan gave the minnow a twitch and the brown lunged forward and nailed it....I yelled FISH ON before Dan even set the hook....anyways here is that fish shortly after it was landed and that is the sand it was sitting on behind Dan....




One other cool thing that happened on Saturday was I had 2 jack rabbits run not 2 feet from me....I literally could have stuck out my leg and tripped them....it was so cool....they followed the path from the far side of the river....across an old tree over the water....around the bend...right by me and up the hill on our side of the river....I wish I had time to videotape it....we found multiple turkey feathers....and loads of deer and raccoon tracks...just an amazing day...I got to experience mother nature at its absolute finest....it is really nice when you have places such as this to escape from the crowds and the real world.....Absolutely one of the best openers in a long time!


P.S. I apologize for the dead fish pictures but I'll have you know they tasted fantastic...



Till next time,



Edited by chickenhawk
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DUDE! Did you go home to your parents place for opener? Because I'm fairly certain I know where you were fishing, and I'm almost %100 positive I was shootin' the poop with your buddy opener morning. I could be wrong but man he looks like he dude I was talking to, he was using salted minnows to, and the creek looks awkwardly familiar. It's a nice little stream not far from my house. I'll PM you when I have a few minutes.


Either way - nice fish. That area (if it is where I'm thinking) is beautiful, but the snags frustrate the hell out of me. Not to mention I got a tick on me opening morning....


Thanks for the report - Cheers,


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Beauty fish! Nothing better than a fresh trout meal. You certainly found a gem of a fishing spot.


Top Angling


On another note, how big on average do those resident browns get on average - What's a big resident fish? I've occasionally caught them by accident while fishing for steelhead. Never really tried to fish for them. That brown in the pic seems pretty big compared to what I've caught in the past.

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average brown in that creek is about 2 pounds...those fish were some big fish from that creek...heck of alot of fun on light tackle...Stoty im not sure how to do it so i jus copy and paste the direct link into my post....figure it works jus the same...i guess it can be a pain in the arse for you guys....i'll try and get it to work....


till then,



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