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Is it cruel to enjoy Rodeo


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Don't change anything because it's "UN Canadian" change it only if it's "UN you"; each to their own!


As far as watching animals performing and doing what they are best at: Well, from my own experience I truly think that in many cases these animals are better cared for than many domestic animals (yes there are always exceptions).


I have a German shorthaired pointer, from the time he was seven weeks old I started training him as a field dog. Work, work, work, we would be out in the heat, the cold , the rain. Up early in the mornings, often training until dark. By the time we would get home we'd both be sore and tired but just try to get out of the house with his leash or a gun without him, you'd break his heart!


Andy turned out to be an excellent field dog and won many awards and field trials, he loved it, the being around other animals, the competition, the attention. If you ever get to meet Andy you'll find out that he thrives on the attention. Andy loves to please, come to our house and he'll immediatly go get you a toy, a slipper, anything he can find (we finally taught him not to bring any of Sue's underware). That's just Andy and he is proud as punch when he makes you happy.


Andy is getting up there in years now, he has a bit of arthritis and I had to make a set of steps so that he can get up onto our bed but still to this day, pick up his leash (we really don't need it but he thinks it's part of going for a walk) a fishing rod (he thinks fishing is just hunting with a different tool) or a gun and no matter how sore or tired he is he'll be right there. In fact we have to limit how much activite he does get because he would literly run, hunt or fish until he droped dead if we would let him.


Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in crulity of any kind but for the most part I think that many of the animals that are trained to do what they are best at are happier, better fed, groomed, and cared for in general than many of the so called "pets"!

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(we finally taught him not to bring any of Sue's underware


hhhaaaahhhhaaaaa....too funny.


Well trained animals are amazing...look at the great hunter in BC who together with his "killer dog" managed to find the evil one who murdered his three little kids....part of me wishes he would have allowed his trained dog to rip the creep to shreds.


Cruelty to animals...like dog fights...I personally have a hard time with.


Educate me here for a sec...with a Rodeo, what cruelty is there?

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Educate me here for a sec...with a Rodeo, what cruelty is there?



...have you ever noticed where they cinch the big strap to make the broncos and the bulls buck?

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Cliff I know what you mean about forcing bird dogs to take it easy. They seem to have more hunt than common sense.


I don't think rodeo is cruel. I love watching bull riding. I think it's more the rider that ticks the bull off more than the flank strap.

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First it was Rodeos that were cruel and next they will be teaching to our youths fishing is cruel to fish. Don't let these tree huggers take over the world. They hate everything people do because they are unhappy and have WAY too much time on their hands.


If you want to piss these people off, work hard and enjoy your life, they hate that :)

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For me, I don't see what entertainment value there is in tieing a big leather strap around an animals nut sack, then hopping on with spurs and going for a ride...but that is just me.


You need to decide what it is for you. Some people think fishing and hunting are cruel (P3TA Aholes). Some people think that spanking your kids is cruel (I recieved a few growing up, and for the most part I am alright)


Its more then alright for us all to have our own opinions, but don't let some wanker give you his, because he says it is the right one.

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For me, I don't see what entertainment value there is in tieing a big leather strap around an animals nut sack, then hopping on with spurs and going for a ride...but that is just me.


You need to decide what it is for you. Some people think fishing and hunting are cruel (P3TA Aholes). Some people think that spanking your kids is cruel (I recieved a few growing up, and for the most part I am alright)


Its more then alright for us all to have our own opinions, but don't let some wanker give you his, because he says it is the right one.

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There's a difference between rodeo and how you treat your hunting dog. Some aspects of rodeo are by nature cruel and abusive to the animal and if people treated their dogs in the same manner they would be charged with animal cruelty and the public outcry would be in favour of the charges. Go chase your dog around the neighborhood, throw a rope around it, yank it to the ground then tie its legs together. Put a cinch around your dogs genitals and tighten it to the point of pain for the animal then see how long your kid can stay on top of it while kicking it with spurs.


Before anyone goes off on me I spent most of my summers working my uncles farm and have been around horses and cattle for many years. I have had to put both animals down, I have slaaughtered my share of chickens and beef cattle and pigs and have no issue with any of it. But a few aspects of rodeo aren't much different than bull fighting, uneeded cruelty to an animal that serves no purpose other than entertainment and I have a hard time justifying hurting an animal in the name of fun.

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I love the bull-riding....but I cheer for the bulls. I don't like some of the other stuff. Especially that calf roping business.


And I'm not some tree-hugging, unhappy, people-hater with too much time on my hands either.

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There's a difference between rodeo and how you treat your hunting dog. Some aspects of rodeo are by nature cruel and abusive to the animal and if people treated their dogs in the same manner they would be charged with animal cruelty and the public outcry would be in favour of the charges. Go chase your dog around the neighborhood, throw a rope around it, yank it to the ground then tie its legs together. Put a cinch around your dogs genitals and tighten it to the point of pain for the animal then see how long your kid can stay on top of it while kicking it with spurs.


Before anyone goes off on me I spent most of my summers working my uncles farm and have been around horses and cattle for many years. I have had to put both animals down, I have slaaughtered my share of chickens and beef cattle and pigs and have no issue with any of it. But a few aspects of rodeo aren't much different than bull fighting, uneeded cruelty to an animal that serves no purpose other than entertainment and I have a hard time justifying hurting an animal in the name of fun.



Yep, thats basically how I feel.

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