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the secret spot


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Forget the internet. What about the guys on the rivers that make more calls and receive more calls than an internet trouble shooting line. Have seen quiet rivers on weekend mornings full of fish turn into the Ganny on opener with just a few phone calls, no internet needed. Very common amongst the fashion show steelheaders...just as dangerous. Bigger problem is that these guys can catch fish.


The way I see it, more guys on the river forces me to up my game to stay on fish.


I'm actually surprised how quiet some stretches are even on weekends, considering these spots are accessible to the entire GTA.


We should try to promote our sport, not turn people against it. Unless its on private property, no one has more rights to a public spot than others. Even if you've been fishing it for years. Your spot is full, get up earlier. Weekends too busy, fish weekdays. Lots of garbage, get a garbage bags and pick up after the slobs.

Edited by Gawel
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I'm actually surprised how quiet some stretches are even on weekends, considering these spots are accessible to the entire GTA.



Here, Here...Michelle and I find rivers to fish everyweekend with in 2 hours of the GTA with no one else on them. Then we drive by places like the Notty, Big Head, Ganny etc., take some pics, have a laugh and continue on.

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No offence taken from my position - being a site supervisor, I get called cheif all the time ( among other things - lol ) and didn't even notice - HOWEVER - I do have friends that are Canadian Natives that you wouldn't want to say that to!







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this one may not last too long so i better get my 2 cents in


i live in southern ohio and am pretty sure i can google map every trout stream in southern and middle ontario with enough clarity to see every access point there is to it. the days of that secrete spot you speak of are long gone.


as for the fish numbers on the decline? maybe they are, or maybe they are on the rise thanks to all the hard work and volunteer efforts put in by the good people who donate money or time at fish lifts,hatcheries or local fishing clubs. the more people that are out there fishing is actually a good thing, they just need to be trained to do things the right way and to respect the land. getting on a message board and peeing and moaning about things isnt the way.


do you volunteer or donate? if so great, if not maybe you should since it concerns you.


i have never been steelhead fishing, and probably never will, i love reading the reports that some of the good men and women put on here, but hate the fact that everytime someone does well they have to hire an attorney to defend themselves. if this continues nobody will want to post reports. if its legal and you dont like it just dont post, its that simple.


a zebra without stripes is still a zebra "fish on" everybody. think before you post and welcome to OFC.



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this one may not last too long so i better get my 2 cents in


i live in southern ohio and am pretty sure i can google map every trout stream in southern and middle ontario with enough clarity to see every access point there is to it. the days of that secrete spot you speak of are long gone.


as for the fish numbers on the decline? maybe they are, or maybe they are on the rise thanks to all the hard work and volunteer efforts put in by the good people who donate money or time at fish lifts,hatcheries or local fishing clubs. the more people that are out there fishing is actually a good thing, they just need to be trained to do things the right way and to respect the land. getting on a message board and peeing and moaning about things isnt the way.


do you volunteer or donate? if so great, if not maybe you should since it concerns you.


i have never been steelhead fishing, and probably never will, i love reading the reports that some of the good men and women put on here, but hate the fact that everytime someone does well they have to hire an attorney to defend themselves. if this continues nobody will want to post reports. if its legal and you dont like it just dont post, its that simple.


a zebra without stripes is still a zebra "fish on" everybody. think before you post and welcome to OFC.







NOW that is a great reply!!! - job well done!



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Maybe a different curve...


As a kid I grew up about 15 miles north up a tributary from Lake O.

The stream ran through our property and for years never saw another fisherman.

Back then the stream was all Speckles and small Browns, nothing else.

We'd fish all summer long and a 14 inch fish was huge.

I still remember the when the first stocked Salmon and Lake run Rainbows started coming up that small creek.

Guess what came with them ? Fishermen.

My brother and I never really cared, heck each spring and fall we

were able to fish for these monsters that destroyed our tackle.

Pretty much freaked us out as kids.


With the stocking of these fish, and the distances that they run upriver, people are gonna follow.

The spots my brother and I had to ourselves we soon learned to share.


Lake O. tributaries will always be insane, it's cuz the fishing is great and close to millions of people.

As far as posting about specific rivers you might as well forget worrying about it.

That "honey hole" your so worried about is already known, or been fished by, hundreds of people.

Blame the fish.

I doubt discussing specific rivers and general areas on this board is gonna change a thing.


Just go fish the next run.




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I can understand why this dude is mad or frustrated. He feels threatened about his spot and that maybe he wont catch his fish anymore or not as many. And man that would kinda annoy me too. But realistically theres nothing you can really do about it. We all want to catch the fish, we all enjoy it, and it hard not to be selfish about a spot ESPECIALLY with rivers. But man u need to just chill.... season opener in 2 weeks and you can literally go wherever u want.


the cities are getting bigger, and communication is getting easier. Almost impossible to keep secret creek a secret. Just enjoy fishing, and if u want to be competitive with it, then go tourny it up...


I dont have a boat and come fall i try to hit up the dams for walleye late night.. like midnight...and everytime theres about 6 people there. nothing u can really do. I just try out new lures and try to perfect my game to advantage me over them.


thats my 2cents :asshat:

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Just for calling Wilmot creek - the "willy" you should be banned from all steelhead rivers. Probably calls em chromers too!


There is only 1 secret steelhead river in Ontario and I plan to be there on opener


and count me as a big vote for limiting access to rivers at this time of year. I totally agree with you Wayne. I don't understand why we protect every other fish during spawn except steelhead.

Edited by Fang
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Just for calling Wilmot creek - the "willy" you should be banned from all steelhead rivers. Probably calls em chromers too!


There is only 1 secret steelhead river in Ontario and I plan to be there on opener


and count me as a big vote for limiting access to rivers at this time of year. I totally agree with you Wayne. I don't understand why we protect every other fish during spawn except steelhead.



Because the centre pin elitist morons would protest parliament hill threatening hunger strikes.... and the liberal idiots in the GTA would listen to their plight.. I like steelhead fishing... but these morons make it alot less appealing.. they prefer to fish and pose as if they were on the cover of a magazine.. where as I prefer to fish for fish..


As of late the mods of this site have been conscious of this.... and I applaud it...


Hence the reason you will not see a steelhead post from me... I learned my lesson two years ago from a member on this board..... since then not a friggen chance would I post a steelhead report.. it is just not worth it... Yet.. he posts about his exploits and you all love him for it... He knows who he is.....


so I choose to keep my adventures to myself because of this person and those that are like minded, of which there are many


I inform those that are like minded as me, and we share info via PM.. I might share the odd picture or two on the board though..


Overall though unless it is a group trip I tend to keep things to myself as I do not need the hassles from the year round steelheaders


I know that spot, your holding the fish wrong, why did you not edit out the background now millions will be there..... etc etc etc etc..


unfortunately many feel the same.. it never used to be like this..




I fish for fish...


others fish for internet steelhead forum glory.... enjoy it boys.



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I've got a spot so secret, the fish don't even know about it. Surprisingly enough there's no fishermen there either. :dunno:


Isn't funny how all the fish seems to know where to go so that they end up where the fishermen are? How do they do that? They must be really smart. :Gonefishing::canadian:

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I was just browsing around Google Earth as matter of fact. Noted how clear of passes they've made along the North shore of Lake Ontario. I can read the A/C unit model number off the Nuclear plant roof at Darlington! LOL Nice creek just west of it that's probably loaded with phish. A few more over from there.. Nice and clear on the Nottawasga coast line as well.... think I can see the fish in the ladder on the Beaver!


Now just wish they'd do some more passes for clarity where I really need them.. like my land up North so I can sever it on my computer in advance... before paying a surveyor to do it officially.

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fishing is about getting off of your butt, getting out there and exploring whilst having fun ejoying the beauty of the outdoors


that's your opinion. For some people it may actually be about catching fish to feed your family...and if you can get that done sooner, you can get back and spend some time with said family.

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mmmmmmmmmm....Google Earth, A great way to find new spots......secret spots...so we can post our GPS coirdinates here and ruin them for all future generations.


Fishermen not practicing catch and release ruin fishing spots not google earth, fishing shows, internet forums. if all fishermen were like musky fishermen and practiced c&r more seriously could you imagine how strong the fishing would be in this province? Which by the way already could be considered the fresh water fishing capital of the world.



just my 2 cents worth



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