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Gerritt,First off thank you for taking the time to post all the links.There was some interesting reading(yes I read them all,lol).My problem still is the dates of the info and articles.There are some from 2006 all the way back to the 50's.Like any body of water I am sure if researched many problems would come up.That is the past.what steps have been taken to correct it?There was a lot of info of steps being taken to improve quality on a number of fronts by many people and organizations.As I stated earlier,myself and my entire family have been around this river for a very long time and it is improving.Are there problems?Sure,as there is with any body of water but I think some terms used to describe it are way off base.As I stated earlier and double checked,Trout can be found anywhere along this river from beginning to end and if it is really that polluted this would not be the case.Is urban sprawl putting strain on the watershed?Of course but steps are being taken to correct/slow this.As some of the articles hinted at this is a working river and always has been so it will never be pristine but it is coming back.I personally never keep anything I catch anywhere but know lots of people who eat fish out this river and are fine.I for one am not claiming you hate the river or never fish it but unless I see more facts from within say the last couple of years it is hard to accept claims of a river being that dirty.sorry to ramble but just my 2 cents.Again,thank you for posting what you did.

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That's right. And to be really, really honest the fishing is absolutely terrible. Don't waste your time going down to the Grand at all. The fish are all deformed and contaminated, that is if you are lucky enough to even get a strike! And the water clarity, well forget it! It is so poor that the few fish that reside there can't even see the bait you are offering!


And lets not forget about what the polluted water will do to your boat! If you're lucky only the paint will be stripped off the hull. If you are unlucky your entire hull will disintegrate right under your feet!


So stay away. Stay away I say. Don't go near the evil muddy river. :devil:

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That's right. And to be really, really honest the fishing is absolutely terrible. Don't waste your time going down to the Grand at all. The fish are all deformed and contaminated, that is if you are lucky enough to even get a strike! And the water clarity, well forget it! It is so poor that the few fish that reside there can't even see the bait you are offering!


And lets not forget about what the polluted water will do to your boat! If you're lucky only the paint will be stripped off the hull. If you are unlucky your entire hull will disintegrate right under your feet!


So stay away. Stay away I say. Don't go near the evil muddy river. :devil:



LOL :clapping: I hope Fishmaster doesn't read this :D

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I wouldn't eat the fish from in there... They are fun to catch but seriously guys the guide to eating Ontario sportfish says I can eat some stuff common sense would tell 99% of us otherwise. Say's you can eat sucker out of the Don river in Toronto. Also Suckers, Browns, and Bows out of the Humber. Ohh and anyone up to eat your fair share of Salmon, Browns, Bass, Bows, Pike and Perch out of HAMILTON HARBOR? Yea all straight from the guide guys. If ya take a peek at the grand you will see what runs off into it, lots of nice sludge down in dunnville, and all the way up. Its your choice of course but I would NEVER unless i was going to die of starvation and could risk dying prematurely eat fish out of the river that far down. Way upstream, sure you can find clean waters but caledonia and the like areas, you're eating a heck of alot of contaminants.

Bon appetite!

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Eating fish from polluted waters doesn't make you sick right away. It's the stuff Cancers are made of later in your life!!!


C&R is the best way to go in tainted waters, if you want a fish fry... do yourself a favor and find some clean water!



There ya go... Thats exactly what I am trying to get to. Thanks Glen!

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Guys with names like Muddyriver and Paleface fish the Grand. Hummm?? :clapping:


27 Sewage plants on the Grand serving 700000 people. I wonder where the sewage from the Big Horseshoe goes. Gerritt, hard to find clean water now a days anywhere.


The only way the GRCA and other "Friends of the Grand" will get any funding to do their job, or to have at least something to show for,...is to make things really bad first. In this case the Grand, in other cases Gun control, Global warming, you name it. They need bad studies and horrible scientific data to push through a new plan and have every little guy think that the government is doing an awesome job. You can't fix if there is nothing wrong.

From what I read is that the water has gotten better since the 60's but could use just a little more 'help', so more rules and regs for urban development, roads, pestisite use etc etc, simply more rules and regs and.. more rules coming our way, all they have to do is put out some bad data, eventhough the river is better than 40 years ago.



Next time you catch a fish from the Grand, take it home and enjoy. Just not around Kitchener. I think Fishmaster has minnows, he might be out now, but he will get some again.

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I know I did Chris... but I was too busy reading I suppose....


as for the previous comments, thank you for them and not turning this into bash fest.


Some insightful information and opinions. But I do have to tend to side with Environment Canada and not the Ontario Government on this issue. If the federal government deems it the third worst river in Ontario... well I am going to tend to believe them as they do not have a vested interest in the river...


Where to be honest the provincial government does... it is in their best interest to not publicize the fact that is it the third most polluted river in Ontario. Why? well for one it make them look foolish for not spending the $$ required to revitalize the water system, it could have a detrimental effect of license sales as well...etc etc etc.. there hundreds of reasons why it is better for the province to be hush hush and pretend everything is status quo.


The evidence is before us, it is up to use to decide how we use it.



What a loud of crock. Do you watch to much Xfiles and Oliver Miller films? I have personally collected fish for the samples that the MNR uses for the guide book. The samples are tested in private laboratorys and the results are made public in the form of a guide. The government has bigger conspiracies to cover up like aliens and where did all that $$$ for the toilet seats get spent. Sheesh they are talking about two different things here one is water quality which is for drinking and swimming and one is about chemicals transfered to fish and how they can affect our health. Every vegatable you ate used crap for fertilizer and you dont seem to have a problem eating them. I grew up on the banks of the river in the mid sixties till the eighties and the water quality is vastly improved. The fertizer and phosphate loading is bad for water quality but is excellent for nutrients and fish growth. It is even a technique used in fisheries management in the rocky mountains to "pollute" the rivers to improve fish population and growth dynamics.

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Personal decision on whether one desires to eat anything at all. Sure the fish from some bodies of water are not too healthy to eat but what really is? Fast foods are out and all the prepackaged processed foods are just nothing but poison in a box. Holy crap! you can't even eat bean sprouts, lettuce. How many other so called healthy foods have been pulled off the store shelves because it was toxic? And where do you think all that sewage sludge ends up????? Yep right on the farmers crops, that crap you flushed down the toilet last month is on the celery you ate yesterday. And that Chinese made toy your kid has in his mouth probably contains lead

or some other toxin that it hasn't been tested for.


And oh yeah what about all the imported foods we get in the winter, not all comes from the southern U.S, a lot of it comes from Mexico, Peru, S. Africa, Chili and of course they have excellent trustworthy farming practices in those countries, gag gag. So no matter what you eat it carries the possibility that it too is contaminated. Even processed foods originating from N. America contain ingredients from some not too careful countries. And I haven't even hit on Americas favourite baseball park food, hot dogs!


We all worry too much and remember, believe nothing what you read and half of what you see. That goes for the both the good and bad reports. (Some may say what I just wrote here or this thread.) So don't fret over your neighbour chowing down on that salmon out of Lake O. or the walleye from the Grand or even the Pike out of the Montreal River everything is contaminated to a degree from something.


....Oh yeah Hi Bosc and Fishmaster, how ya all doin'? See ya on the river. LOL Muddyriver.

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What a loud of crock. Do you watch to much Xfiles and Oliver Miller films? I have personally collected fish for the samples that the MNR uses for the guide book. The samples are tested in private laboratorys and the results are made public in the form of a guide. The government has bigger conspiracies to cover up like aliens and where did all that $$$ for the toilet seats get spent. Sheesh they are talking about two different things here one is water quality which is for drinking and swimming and one is about chemicals transfered to fish and how they can affect our health. Every vegatable you ate used crap for fertilizer and you dont seem to have a problem eating them. I grew up on the banks of the river in the mid sixties till the eighties and the water quality is vastly improved. The fertizer and phosphate loading is bad for water quality but is excellent for nutrients and fish growth. It is even a technique used in fisheries management in the rocky mountains to "pollute" the rivers to improve fish population and growth dynamics.


sounds good to me :thumbsup_anim:


ive been eating catfish, smallies, pickerel, and pike out of the river in the brantford area since i was a few years old. my dad and grandfather did the same. my grandfather is almost 80 years old and doing great and ive heard many stories from the days where you eat what you catch with catch and release being unheard of.


-people seem to feast on bass, pickerel, and perch from lake erie....where the grand flows into


-veggies are grown in soil thats full of animal feces and chemical fertilizers


-chickens sit in and often eat their own waste when picking up food. but that crispy skin tastes so good even though it was caked in crap before being slaughtered


-its difficult to breath in the summer in major cities due to smog


-people drink too much, smoke, do drugs, etc...



i dunno about you guys, but eating a few fish from the grand doesnt really have me concerned. we're all going to die sooner or later...

Edited by ch312
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You guys PH, Bosc, FM. STAY OFF my river, :D

Thats my spot :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim: .

If you only new the politics on Tuna.

Tuna, 5 times over the consumption in Mercury. Their ship to Japan, processed then shipped back for us to eat. I love that Mercury, makes me want to eat Walleye from the river and drink Coffee thats made from the water that comes from L. Ont.

Gerritt, see you at the Awards Night. Spiel will be there

March 25th. We'll have a few POP'S

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Neat Pictures... weird how nature works!


We found disformed frogs in the pond behind our cottage for years just outside of Owen Sound in Oliphant... I always thought the animal that survived like that was pretty special as they beat the odd s.


I always chuckle when I see that first picture. There's no way a fish like that would survive if it had a conjoined fish in it's gill rakers. It's simply two pike on a stringer, the smaller of the two with it's head stuck in the other's gills.


For the second, I've seen the same scenario happen many times if hatchery raised trout...



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And oh yeah what about all the imported foods we get in the winter, not all comes from the southern U.S, a lot of it comes from Mexico, Peru, S. Africa, Chili and of course they have excellent trustworthy farming practices in those countries, gag gag. So no matter what you eat it carries the possibility that it too is contaminated. Even processed foods originating from N. America contain ingredients from some not too careful countries. And I haven't even hit on Americas favourite baseball park food, hot dogs!


I conquer. I've read studies on the subject. Chili, among other countries, has very lax policies on pesticide and fertalilzer use.. Makes you wanna cringe doesn't it??

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I have no idea where the grand river is and i have never even heard of it. So say I never even came on this website and read this article and eventually found out about the grand and fished it and caught a walleye and decided to eat it, as long as it looked healthy i would have had no idea and probably would have just been carrying on with my life unless i got sick....point being i would have just been better off not knowing.

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