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Fishing Show Question


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On Lady Walleyes recent post on catching whitefish the thought occurred to me. Why didn't Italo approach her and include her in the show? Now stuff like that is important. It could broaden the base of viewers. Local fishermen can and do outfish the TV guys on their home lakes. Always wondered why they don't do that more often, locals could add their own ways and techniques. I suppose the sponsor of the show may not like it if a competitors brand shows up but would it always be necessary to show the bait/lure?

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Two favorites....


The Musky Hunter

Simply Fishing


I do like Al's show though also.


I have never caught "Fishing with Joe Boucher" I cant find when its on, even if its aired in this area.


They are all true to fishing. No gimmicks. Just fishing. With Tips and Pointers and Locations to look for. They explain, they dont sell.


Facts of fishing is quickly becoming a favorite as well, with his cast counter. But his subway bit kills me.


I would enjoy Extreme Angler a little more I think if they change the Voice over....OR change how he talks





I dont understand what the pause is for between every word. its frustrating. Humorous but frustrating.


I still like the show, but they need to fix that.

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My top picks have both been mentioned already, Bass Edge and The Bass Pros.

Bass Edge is a more typical fishing show with the host and a guest in the boat. What makes it different is that the fishing is inter cut with segments about tackle selection, mental attitude and practice etc.


Personally I'm tired of the two-buddies-in-a-boat format. That's what makes Bass Pros my favourite show. It's you and a pro in the boat. He speaks directly to you about what he's doing and why. There are three segments to the show and each segment is different. I bought the Season One DVD set and will buy Season Two even though I have already watched each weekly episode. I feel the information is that good.


Personally, my biggest problem with US Bass shows is that most of the fishing is on reservoirs, which are often shallow and muddy, whereas most of my fishing is on clear natural lakes.


The best multi-species fishing shows, IMHO, are In-Fisherman and Linder's Anglers Edge. The Lindner's tend to fish their home waters of Minnesota, and many of the In-Fisherman shows are also shot in the same area. These waters are very much like the waters in most of Ontario. All four of these shows have outstanding photography and high production values, so there entertaining to watch even for non-hardcore anglers. I like how they cover two or three different subjects on a show, since I might not be interested in every topic.


It's not realistic to ask for TV show that are shot and shown in the current year. What do you want a live feed from the lake? If you're seeing Spring fishing from last year this Spring you're very fortunate. In most cases I find that I need to be making notes for the future...grin.


I also enjoy Hook and Look, the underwater footage is great.


Another great new show is called City Limits...Bass Pro Mike Iaconelli and a local angler try to catch a couple of limits of Bass in six hours inside the city limits of a major city! This is the old "two buddies" format, but because it's shot in a single seccion, it's interesting to watch Mike as he goes through the highs and lows of the day. It's also reassuring to see that even one of the best pros out there struggles to find a pattern on unfamiliar water and it's informative to see how he puts a pattern together. The fishing footage is inter-cut with footage of the two anglers doing a postmortem of the day. The two are interviewed separately and this can be pretty funny. It's another great touch, in my opinion. So far I have seen him in Washington DC, Sacramento Cal. and Chicago Ill. The Chicago episode was particularly interesting to me because at one point they were fishing under a bridge on the street where my son lives in the downtown area...grin.


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Any show that teaches me at least one new trick per episode is good in my books.


What I can't stand is somebody fighting a 2lbs walleye as if it's 8lbs , with a lot of ooohhh aahhh's and pull the rod on this side then pull the rod on that side just fighting the fish for no reason except to fill up 2-3 minutes of airtime.


or all they show is a guy just casting and catching one after the other without as much as explaining what lure or how to !!

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I think a show should teach the experts could do a much better job of explaining the why`s, where`s and how too, unfortunately there is very little of that going on. I recently watched an episode of a locally produced show they were doing a show on Lake Simcoe and of course the boys were having fun with the smallies but it was almost painful to watch how the camera man did everything he could do to keep from showing any background the only time you saw any background was when the host`s were in open water with no background showing.

Most of the locally produced shows won`t even tell you what body of water they are fishing on unless of course they are being put up for free.



Another thing I don`t care for is watching the host fish at some 1000 dollar a night fly-in place I could care less. I would much rather see our hero`s do shows on lakes where the average Joe actually can fish.

If I had to pick a favorite it would be Al Linder`s Fishing Edge and Bob Izumi`s Real Fishing and Fish`n Canada before the format change.

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My personal fav show is


Next bite. That says alot since im a bass guy and they are not lol


Simply fishing/musky hunter are good shows


Getting hooked is a great show to. The other day when it was snwoing i watched an episode where they where fishing a new body of water for musky. No guides, no big famous fish factory lodge. THey actually had to leave one lake and go to another one casue it wasnt working out for them n the first one. TO me this was a real fishing experience. This episode puts them in my top 5 shows


Extreme angler-i mentioned i didnt give them a chance until they became advertisers here but im glad they did, There show is now a fav of mine and there staff that are members here contribute in a great way and help make this board stronger.


I guess i like to see guys fish without guides, without fishing honey holes that they know where fish are. I like it to be as real as possible. And yeah i liek to here about there sponsors. Its what allows them to produce there show that i watch so i dont mind hearing about new products and such.



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Back when I was younger and like most dreamed of a career in a fishing show I thought here's a neat twist.....


What if you say take a map of Ontario----throw a dart at it--blindfolded or not and go there and make a show....


Now that would be like any Joe average having to find out where to go--where to stay--what fish are there and how you found and caught them.


You could end up from the Grand River to Lake of the Woods and any or all points between.


The educational portion would be the list of tactics you go through till you hit what worked.


Ah but alas it was not to be.

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I used to love all the shows on TNN back in the day. Roland Martin, In-Fisherman, Bill Dance, Fish Fishburn, and the guy in the Atlanta hat. I ahvent watched many new shows - all I get here in Halifax is FNC, Bob Izumi, and a local show.


The format I'd like to do with Fishing Fury is to keep the action as the show, and then have the tips and tricks as seperate videos avialable on the website.


After reading all this, I really need to find some time between rasing my son and woring 2 jobs to edit our pike video from LV 2007!

I'm gonna try and take all these tips into account!!

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In fisherman, Muskie Hunter, & Getting hooked are great shows.


As for wanting to learn the where,when, why,how,etc.....umm that kind of defeats the idea of fishing. Cant expect people to give you exact GPS coordinates with water temp, setups, and lures. Get off your arse and find things on your own.


What if you say take a map of Ontario----throw a dart at it--blindfolded or not and go there and make a show....


Thats an awesome idea.

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The only shows that have anything thats fresh and worth while for me are Musky Hunter, Urban Outdoor Adventure and Next Bite all of the other shows just seem to be a repeat new or not. Seasonal and weather related shows along with graphics I find to be the most useful. Watching someone catching fish for twenty mins just dosent cut it for me any more.

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Not too sure - we were heading in the right direction a couple years ago, but the all mighty dollar has been holding us back. We wanted to put together a show with no advertising from sponsors - the TV execs dont really go for that kind of thing - no sponsors - no money obviously, and we cant fund the project ourselves. We'll just be posting episodes on the web only, but they are gonna be few and far between until we come up with some cash. We filmed about 12 hours of footage last May without a camera man (sort of like Survivor man) I haven't gone though it all yet, but hopefully its turned out ok.

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Well i think that GETTING HOOKED, :clapping: ...AND...THE NEXT BITE !!!! :w00t: both are the 2 best shows out there for sure,very down to earth informative and to the point,no fancy dancy just what you need to know,and equipment,and the methods you need to catch fish !!!! those to shows have what it takes to be A+ fishing shows....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Good topic!


Lindner's Angling Edge is my personal favourite with all the old regulars from the early "In-Fisherman" days.


Locally, Urban Outdoor Adventures with Shaun Rickard is good. I really can't stand the shows with all the music blaring and camera shots jumping all over the place. i could care less about them having some hockey player or other celebrity out there fishing.


A pet peeve of mine right now is that I pay a premium to receive WFN, and it seems the only time I get to sit and watch a show, they have that stupid "Line Dancer" infomercial on!!! Give me a break!


The least they could do is show it at 3 or 4 am in the morning (sorry Lew! LOL) where it belongs.

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