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Changing employers (NF)

huey graphite

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Well....after 17 years of commuting 70kms into the GTA each day, I've finally found employment closer to home. At the beginning of March I start the next chapter in my career as the Production Manager for a PLC and servo motor repair company. Half the distance of what I'm used to. The fuel savings and reduced wear on my car alone will be great but more importantly...no more 5:00a.m. wakeups.


On the downside, getting vacation time this early on in a new company will be unlikely and for that reason may have to miss the annual spring fishing trip with the boys. I've been fortunate enough to be able to go every year for the past 8 years.

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I'm sure you're going to find the stress level drop down a "notch or two", just by getting away from some of the rat race traffic and having a bit more time at home. For me it's 8-10 minutes to work and there isn't a rainbow with a real pot 'o gold that could ever change that.

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I just changed employers recently as well. I went from a 127 km one way trip to a 27km one way trip. The difference is amazing. Just wait until you do the new 'commute' a couple of times, you'll wonder how you managed the old one for so long!!! <_<

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Congrats to you, I dream of cutting out my commute. You might exlplain to your new employer that you've had a regular trip going and had already made plans for this year....it's always possible they'll grant you the time off....never hurts to ask



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YEah, it's great to get a job closer to home. Like Mo says, maybe your new employer will grant you some extra vacation based on your experience and years in the business. Sure - ask away. Where I work, when we hire experienced people, it is very rare to start at the bottom to earn their vacation.

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Great news! A new chapter. Always a bit scary, but things just have a way of working out. My commute is 55km each way every day. I keep checking for things locally to pop up...I'd gladly take a 15-20% pay cut to work closer to home. It's expensive working in Toronto...not just for gas, but everything else that comes with it!!!


Good luck...and dont worry, if you have to skip one year on that fishing trip, it'll still be well worth it.

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Well....after 17 years of commuting 70kms into the GTA each day, I've finally found employment closer to home. At the beginning of March I start the next chapter in my career as the Production Manager for a PLC and servo motor repair company. Half the distance of what I'm used to. The fuel savings and reduced wear on my car alone will be great but more importantly...no more 5:00a.m. wakeups.


On the downside, getting vacation time this early on in a new company will be unlikely and for that reason may have to miss the annual spring fishing trip with the boys. I've been fortunate enough to be able to go every year for the past 8 years.


good luck on your new job, i envy you not having to commute very far....i commute 100km to work one way

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If you have the ability to negotiate with your new employer, now is the time. If you need to ask about vacation time, or any other "benefit" that the company offers, it's best done before you have signed on the bottom line. You may at that time, have some leverage with the new employer.

Once everything is signed, it can be perceived to be in bad taste to either try and negotiate after the fact or ask questions about the package. They would of course assume that you didn't ask the right questions prior to acceptance, which could force them to wonder on what basis you accepted the offer?

First impressions are difficult to over come.


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If you have the ability to negotiate with your new employer, now is the time. If you need to ask about vacation time, or any other "benefit" that the company offers, it's best done before you have signed on the bottom line. You may at that time, have some leverage with the new employer.

Once everything is signed, it can be perceived to be in bad taste to either try and negotiate after the fact or ask questions about the package. They would of course assume that you didn't ask the right questions prior to acceptance, which could force them to wonder on what basis you accepted the offer?

First impressions are difficult to over come.



Thank you for the advice. I appreciate you sharing your knowledge considering your experience as a career developer.


The company in question made me an offer last summer but came in lower than what I currently am getting. I respectfully declined. Well, much to my surprise I was called again a few weeks ago and this time successfully negotiated what I was looking for including additional vacation time. I want to make a good impression from the get go and will decide later on whether or not to make a request for the spring fishing trip.

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i hope to feel your joy one day !


i took a job downtown since the pay and career path was better but after 6 months of 1.5 hour commuttes.. Drive to train... 45 train ride .. .then 15-20 walk .. Is getting old .. If my office just moved to Barrie Id buy a house there and be done with it !! :)

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That is great to get a job closer to home.

I wish I could say the same but I travel 300km a day to go to work :wallbash:.

Good luck and enjoy being close to home.


300km's...wow...and I thought my 254km's per day was alot!!! well done!

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