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Cooler Question.....NF

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Anyone have experience with using coolers during the winter months??...Me and the lads are headin 6hrs north next week for some fun and fish and I don't have room inside the truck for the cooler...The plan is to strap it down to the rack of the ATV in the back of the truck...


Will things like BEER, eggs, BEER, fruits, BEER, veggies, BEER, freeze within the 6hr drive???




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It really depends on the quality of the cooler and the outdoor temperature. If you tried to transport eggs, fruit and veggies around here today, they'd probably be frozen within a mile or two. -28C here right now. -34C tonight.

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It really depends on the quality of the cooler and the outdoor temperature. If you tried to transport eggs, fruit and veggies around here today, they'd probably be frozen within a mile or two. -28C here right now. -34C tonight.


Dan, it's one of those Coleman "Extreme" coolers....great in the summer...It's kept blocks of ice for 6 days during camping...Never used one in the winter..We're headin up to Temagami next week leaving the house at 05:00AM and the forecasted lows are in the -30C range...it's things like the eggs, milk, cream, lettuce cheese, etc...that I'm worried about... not the meat...now I'm wishing I would have bought a supercab instead of a regular cab pick-up!!!

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Yea, at these temps you might want to wrap the cooler in a blanket, then a tarp or something like that.


Thanks for all the replies guys!!..Dano gave me an idea :thumbsup_anim: ....I'm going to put the cooler inside of my -25C rated sleeping bag and then secure it down really well to the ATV rack so it doesn't blow off on the road!!...The worse thing that could happen is that the beer won't be as cold as I'd like when we get up to the cabin!!

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I don't believe you would experience any freezing in 6 hours. These Xtreme coolers work because their design slows down the rate of heat transfer. In your case, the heat is on the inside of the cooler instead of on the outside of the cooler. The rate of heat transfer isn't going to be any different because of direction. I have one of these Ultimate Xtreme coolers and I can attest to the fact that it can keep ice for 6 days during summer trips. The manufacturer probably has someone on staff who can respond to your question. If you opt to use your Xtreme cooler to transport some groceries, I'd appreciate hearing how well it worked.

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I agree with douG

that cooler is well insulated and will keep the warmer temp in it for a long drive.

liquid has a very hard time freezing when it is being transported because it keeps sloshing around .

if in doubt put a couple of waterbottles in it that are warmed up.

warm water freezes faster then cold water and stop half way up there and check the water bottles.


just my 2 cents worth.




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if in doubt put a couple of waterbottles in it that are warmed up.

warm water freezes faster then cold water and stop half way up there and check the water bottles.


just my 2 cents worth.


Dann: Where did you get this from? It's a myth. Water freezes when it gets below 0 deg C. Warm water takes longer to freeze.

Although I wish you were correct than our southern lakes would freeze much sooner than the northern ones. But I'm afraid it ain't so.



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It's really simple. The same cooler that can keep stuff at 0C for days when it's 30C outside, will keep stuff above 0C when it's -30 outside, at least for six hours.


As for the warm water thing, Woodsman is correct. That myth started when someone compared water that had been boiled with water that hadn't. If they start out at the same temperature, the previously boiled water will freeze first since it has almost no dissolved gases. Other than that, cold water will freeze faster than warm water.


As for taking the lid off to see if things are frozen, that won't help at all.


Now a thermos bottle is a different story. It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold. The real question is, How do it know?

Edited by douG
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Dann: Where did you get this from? It's a myth. Water freezes when it gets below 0 deg C. Warm water takes longer to freeze.

Although I wish you were correct than our southern lakes would freeze much sooner than the northern ones. But I'm afraid it ain't so.





i got it off a science show years ago.

they were saying that the molocues move a lot faster when water is taken from one temp to another quickly.

they said cold water boils faster and hot water freezes quicker.

but that was awhile ago so mabe its been proven a myth since then..





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Skeeter, put ice water to boil with your potatoes or pasta next time you're on KP, and let us know.


Here is more discussion on the subject that you ever wanted to read.


Here are the results of some experiments from someone with WAY too much time on their hands.


Go ahead, I double dog dare you.

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Thanks for the info douG.

like i said it was a years ago and so maybe its been proven a myth since then.

quite the interesting read though, thank you.

its nice to know theres people here that are willing to go the extra mile to help out a fellow fisherman. thanks bud




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Any space left in the cooler just fill up with crumpled newspaper because air cools down faster than solids. A couple of water bottles with hot water in it might work just to keep the temp a bit higher in the cooler.


Then the whole cooler wrapped in a sleeping bag trhen a plastic bag or a tarp should be okay.

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