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Quinte Dec. 17th - Report! Some Pics Added! And Another Pic Added!

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Posted (edited)

Got a day release from the "Warden" and hooked up with my good friend Tom for another day at the BOQ. Left Bowmanville at 4:30am arrived at Picton Launch and on the water by 6:30am.

Decided to take a look at Picton bay, cruising at about 20mph, looking for bait fish or wally's on the graph. Very little to nothing marked in the harbour or bay so made our way out to McFarlins and did the same thing, with limited results on the graph.

Decided to move east of the ferry, again, looking for bait or marks. The graph looked encouraging so we started setting lines. It was a very grey/dark morning, with rain on the horizon. A slight wind from the southwest gave us a very small "walleye chop". We decided to set up a spread that would give us the best possible coverage of the water colum... so cranks were set to run high and deep.

First fish of the day came about 1/2 hour into the day! It was raining/misting, but boy was it nice to see the rod bend like that! It didn't bend like that the whole weekend at the Quinte GTG... anyway, she was a 12.5lber and a good start to the day! Next fish, a carbon copy of the first came from the same set up, (runnin high) on a crank.

This is where my report goes slightly down hill! I double checked everything I needed before I left the house... except the BATTERIES IN MY DIGITAL camera! After shots of the first three fish, the batteries died! No spares... could you hear my sreaming at myself from Toronto? Tom's camera was still ok, so we did get more pics. I'll add them to this report once I receive them.

We boated around 5 fish during the hour long rain. The wind came up during the rain and afforded us some more wave action and in turn, some more fish action. As the clouds began to clear a little, we started to see the cranks set to run deep, start to produce. We were running 5 colors of lead off planer boards and they we hot the rest of the day. We celebrated two double headers, one triple that self converted itself to a double and ended the day with 21 for 25 fish! Four fish outta the 21 were under 10 pds, kept a 5 lber that was not gonna make it and all others were released healthy.

I must admitt that we worked very hard to identify a repeatable pattern. The only patterns that we able to establish, were that there were no real patterns!!! We caught fish with the graph bare, and marking fish everywhere! I guess, I'd suggest that you fish high in the water colum early and start to drop them down as the day progresses. However, that being said, we caught them at all levels, throughout the day!

Boat traffic was very light, we saw maybe 6 boats in the Reach. Lots of fish that were eager to cooperate and generally, a much nicer experience than fishin the Q in Novermber.

Special thanks to FishnSled for technical help! Terry, sorry you couldn't make it!

We caught all fish but one on two lures... Reef-runners and Tail Dancers, with the one exception being the last fish of the day, on a Rouge. Color did seem to matter, but can you really be sure??

Planning on another outting between Xmas and the New Year, with the long term weather forecast what it is, shouldn't be a problem at all! Pics to follow!

Thanks Fishn'Sled for helpin me out with the pics!


Edited by Headhunter
Posted (edited)

Here's the pics!


Joe can describe the fish. The cast is in order of appearance. :D



The first pic just added is the first fish of the day. Just over 12 pounds! There ya go HH!













Edited by fishnsled
Posted (edited)

Thanks again FishnSled! The first pic is of yours truly with an 12.5lber, caught in the rain. The 2nd pic is another beauty double digit, the third and fourth is the same fish. i took two because the fish didn't cooperate on the 1st shot. i have one more pic at home on my camera, i thought I sent to myself, but again, I'm very challenged when it comes to this technology stuff. Try and get it up tomorrow.

Will also add to this thread as soon as Tom sends me the rest of the pics.


***All pics on my camera are now added. Thanks again FishnSled and we'll get out next itme!

Edited by Headhunter

WOW...thats an awsome amount of fish you guys caught :thumbsup_anim: . way to go its,nice to see a few guys still fishin the bay,now with this weather again im wishin i didnt put my boat away last weekend, :santa: thats a very cool report and a great way to wrap-up 06...merry xmas :santa:


first....kick myself in the ass, for not going

well I just got back from having root canal so that's punishment for not going..




no,.. make that double wow...you guys sure had a great day


Great report HH. Way to go guys :lol:


I second that motion Terry. Kick my butt as well. I just knew they were going to be biting this weekend but did the old shopping for Christmas trip again instead. Paul and his buddy got 15 but the camera was on the wrong setting and they came out blurry so he's a little disappointed and didn't do a report.


Of course next weekend is pretty booked up. I wonder if the family would understand that we can't make Christmas dinner because we'll be at the BOQ :rolleyes::rolleyes: No, I guess not :(:lol:


At least you got some sweet pics HH. Very nice indeed.



  Headhunter said:

ended the day with 21 for 25 fish! Four fish outta the 21 were under 10 pds, kept a 5 lber that was not gonna make it and all others were released healthy.


Absolutely outstanding guys !! ....... 17 pickeral over 10 pounds in 1 day :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:

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