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Thinking of trying to get out on Tuesday

Big Cliff

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I've been watching the weather reports, last few days have been too cold for me and Beans to get out and enjoy ourselves. We have company all this weekend, and Monday I have to make a quick trip to Sudbury. Going to be raining anyway. Tuesday's forcast is for a high of 9 and only a 40% chance of scattered showers so I'm thinking Tuesday is the day. Anyone else heading out? If so where? Would be nice if we can hook up with a few others. Now, beans and I don't travel too fast and we don't walk too far, but I do have a quad so we can still get around (as long as the ice is safe (we don't swim so well in cold water anymore either LOL).


Anyway, if anyone wants to hook up, simco or Jacks Lake works for us.

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Do you know why they don't send donkeys to school? Because no one likes a smart As_s LOL. (Darn editor)


Wish I was down South this year but it aint going to happen so I'll just have to make the best of what I have to work with.

Edited by Big Cliff
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Hey Cliff,


I have been closely monitoring the waether reports and I don' think this warm weather will have that great of an impact on ice conditions. By the looks of it, we are not even going to hit double digit temps as originally forecasted and it will not be a sustained temperature. I am sure we will lose some ice, but not enough to stay off the ice. In saying that, as you are well aware, take every precaution when heading out. GOOD LUCK!!!!

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Cliff I am hoping to be up in Muskoka (around hwy 118 and 169) ... some really nicer laker territory ... Im going up on Monday for a few days ... let me know if you want to hook up on your drive southward ... if there's ice I'll be on it ... and where I go is only about 100yds from the car ... pretty easy walking.

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Thank you very much for the offer, I'd love to hook up with you but I have already made other plans. Perhaps we can work something out for another time! I haven't fished lakers in years and I wouldn't mind trying for a few white fish this year.

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I got to agree with Grant...the warmest it will get at night up in Apsley is -6C...that should keep the ice tight...


Now they (forecasters) are calling for -1*C,+1*C and -3*C degrees for the next three nights...


What other job can you be wrong most of the time and still get paid???


Oh Ya...baseball players...if they are right 1/3 of the time they are superstars with a batting average of .333...Must be nice... :whistling:

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Well, I'm hoping the weather forcast changes. Sounds like we could be in for a wet couple of days, not much fun when you are standing out in it all day. I'll check in Monday evening as soon as I get back from Sudbury. I've got everything ready to go just in case.

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