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2 Day Pre Christmas Chrome-A-Thon!


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The conditions looked prime for some great steelheading this week. The heavy snowfall last weekend combined with the recent mild temps meant one thing: run off and perfect river conditions.

Both my buddy and myself were off for a few days, all the chores were done along with most of the Christmas shopping, so the stage was set for a Fri/Sat steelheading jaunt.

I booked a small cabin right on the banks of the river. Stayed here last spring, it's great little pad to crash in and perfectly located for the fishing.


Here's our home for Friday night and the view from our cabin.






Friday started out with a bit of a surprise though. Most of the snow had already long melted and the river had dropped to low and clear conditions. Not a huge problem though, just have to adapt. The estuary is always a

good bet 'cause it's a bit deeper and wider and the fish generally aren't as skittish, so we humped it down there

first thing.






In short order I managed to get into a few..
















With the clear water I was forced to run a somewhat unorthodox rig. A small, slender

pencil float with a clump of shot bunched up directly underneath it, tight to the floats stem. Just

enough weight for the float to right itself and run straight. Then a tiny black 2-way swivel and roughly 5' of straight 4lb fluorocarbon to a tiny #14 hook and either a micro roe bag or single egg.

It's very much a finesse presentation that only really works in very slow estuary water..

Needless to say it was effective! :)


After a while it started to get a bit stale so we moved upstream a bit, adjusted our presentation

and got into 'em again.














I thought this one was a particularly nice pic. It's kind of hard to tell, but the fish is

being held almost entirely underwater.




Things started to get stale again so we hopped in the car to check out some water

way upstream.




This pool had a gorgeous little waterfall bursting into the head of the pool from

a little feeder creek..




Things were a little slow up top although my buddy Louis managed one solid

fish right at the end of the day.




After that it was a quick pit stop for some take out pizza and wings and a hungry ride back to

the cabin where we wolfed it down in record time :P .


I settled back with a cold one and watched Louis blearily eyed tying roe for Saturday's fishing :D .




Couple of drinks and it was off to bed...


Today was about as perfect a day as you'll ever get this late in the year. Overcast skies and very

comfortable temps, didn't even need gloves.

Things started off a bit slow, but we got into 'em eventually.

It was just a matter of tweaking the rig a bit 'till we figured things out.






















This time of year it's amazing to be able to fish in such perfect conditions.

It's usually bitter cold and iced over by now, so the last couple of days were

a true gift :) !

Thoroughly enjoyed it as well the company of my buddy Louis, great trip!


Cheers, Mike

Edited by solopaddler
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As always, wow! I am starting to hesitate before opening your reports b/c I know it will make me jealous of your ability to completely dominate such an exciting way to fish. Heck, I've never even caught a steelhead on a float set-up but I can imagine how awesome it would be to hook up with such a powerful and fun fish with that long soft rod. Hurry up and write a book so I can learn it too!!


You're pictures are always awesome too, well framed and a great variety of poses, holds and angles.


Thanks again for the great report.




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nice to see you ditched the spawnee :lol:


HAHAHA! It's obvious there's another board you read.


As a matter of fact I didn't ditch the spawnee. I tied up

enough for both days before I left WITH the spawnee.

In RECORD time I might add! :D


Louis is sloth-like he's so slow tying that way, LOL!

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Great fishing report & pics !!!!!....thats some heavy duty fishing & catching boys well done !!! nice scenbery too,looks like a great spot,i bet its hard to leave a place like that,with all those fish being there,it sure looks like it doesnt freeze over either???well thanks for sharing,it makes me want to hit the river real soon !!!!!

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Just what I always wanted for Xmas!!!!!!!!!!




How'd you know Mike???


Really, you shouldn't have. :santa:


Hey man the feeling is decidedly mutual whenever I read your posts! :)


When you do finally move back down south I'm sure we'll be able to get out once or twice. ;)

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Oh sure....you and moosebunk arguing about your trips. Jeez...you guys catch more fish than anyone...LOL. What...so Solo's steelies are what...more shiny? Moose's pike are what...fatter? My hobbit hands cant handle the kind of fish you guys catch!!


Great report Mike...I though you may have gone out seeing as the weather looked prime. And here I am....at the in-laws place in Michigan...without any fishing gear...


Have a great Christmas Mike!

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Oh sure....you and moosebunk arguing about your trips. Jeez...you guys catch more fish than anyone...LOL. What...so Solo's steelies are what...more shiny? Moose's pike are what...fatter? My hobbit hands cant handle the kind of fish you guys catch!!


Great report Mike...I though you may have gone out seeing as the weather looked prime. And here I am....at the in-laws place in Michigan...without any fishing gear...


Have a great Christmas Mike!




thats sacreligious......some very nice water in that state too


Hey Mike many have called me fat portly some have even called me a large jolly sort, but sloth :clapping: thats a good one

Edited by aniceguy
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I don't mean to be a stick in the mud but is it just me or do the handles on your rods, and your wading gear look like they are brand new every outing? :lol: I don't know where I'd wipe the roe goop and fish slime off if I didnt have my waders and jacket, which might explain the smell in the garage :canadian: ... How's he snipe? Not a fan of the look but curious how it fishes



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I don't mean to be a stick in the mud but is it just me or do the handles on your rods, and your wading gear look like they are brand new every outing? :lol: I don't know where I'd wipe the roe goop and fish slime off if I didnt have my waders and jacket, which might explain the smell in the garage :canadian: ... How's he snipe? Not a fan of the look but curious how it fishes




I clean everything after every outing, well at least the rods and reels.

Trust me the jacket is covered in goop. :)

The Snipe is alright, nice solid very very smooth reel. It's got by far the strongest clicker

I've ever seen on a pin. No need for a rubber band with this one.

It seems a bit light to me after fishing with 5" reels for quite a while now.

It would go nicely on a nice light 13' rod IMO.

I was running it on a 15 and it didn't feel quite right.

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Oh sure....you and moosebunk arguing about your trips. Jeez...


Cliff.... you're having great success on the water too.


Mike.... looking like summer 2009. But, where I'll end up isn't set in stone. Bren wants more school and the two that offer what she wants are Queen's and Lakehead. So, I could be living on Superior, I could be on Lake O. Either one has their perks. Until then the steelies will have to wait I guess.

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Awesome report again, Mike, like Cliff said both your's and Moosebunk's posts are always a great pleasure to read and always makes me envious of your outings.


I'd agreed with DouG, looks like you and MB have great material for the publishers.


Merry Christmas to both of you (from a guy that can only dream of fishing trips like yours).



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