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Best Bud gettin' old


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I hear-ya Landlocked. My girl (in my avatar is about 7 1/2 now and has been through quite a bit in her life.


Started out when she was just about a year old and the day before we were leaving for Canada. My step son was washing his truck and accidentally backed over her leg. Trip to the vet just hours before we were to leave - broken leg. So, fix it up with a cast and have to wait over-night - then get the vet to clear her to go home. This broken leg was a blessing in disguise - as this caused us to take her with us. She's been making every fishing trip to Canada ever since. What a great fishing parter.


She's fallen overboard a few times and have to fish her out of the water. Once it was very rough and I had to go in after her. Aridale's aren't the best swimmers.


Grossly swollen lymph gland that had to be surgically removed as well as a couple deeply embedded cysts that also had to be cut out at different times.


She's been limping pretty bad the past few days. Trip to the Vet last night and she now has a torn ACL. So she is on injured reserve. Have her on some pain meds for 10 days to see if it heals on its own. Keeping that dog calm is like keeping a 2 year old kid calm. Friday the 21st, in to the VET for X-rays. I'm really hoping this was not triggered by problems with her hips starting .. so we'll pray for the best. Most likely looking at yet another surgery for the girl.


She's only 7, but has been through quite a bit and I'm praying she also will be around for a lot more years yet. She is already thinking about Lakair in June ... just like I am. Yup - God willing, she'll be coming along and fishing with the rest of us. I could not have asked for a better companion (the four-legged kind that is).

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Great looking dogs, every one of them.


Afraid my story is a bit of a downer tho'

Sorry about that.

Just got back from the Vets yesterday.

My Old Boy - named "Muskie" is having problems with his hind legs.

He just turned 10 too.

Having owned German Shepherds my whole life I figured I knew what the news would be.

Problem is, during his check up they found a large lump under his rib cage and another one further down his ribs.

I couldn't see much at all but that's why they are Professionals.

It's a big lump she said. About 5" x 7" when she measured it.

We're not gonna worry about X Rays for the hips right now until we find out about the test results on the lumps.

I'm pretty much dreading the news cuz' my last Dog was put down due to liver Cancer. They found a lump.

Sorry again about the downer. Those are some great looking pups you guys have.


Anyway that's about all I can bring myself to type.


Love them every day,

Tomorrow is promised to nobody.



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Landlocked, your bud is a real beauty, even getting older - those dogs look good even when they're old. My Golden, Amber, is just shy of her 13th birthday, but don't really think she'll make it as she has a large, fast-growing tumour on her lower jaw. Dr has her on meds - can't operate as it's penetrated her jawbone, but she has good days & not so good days, but she's full of energy & not suffering. Once she is in pain & can't eat we'll have to let her go, but for now she's ok & she loves to get up north to the cottage - acts like a pup again. Other than that no problems with her eyes or her hips - very healthy. To me, the older she gets, the more beautiful she is. Hope you have many more years with your buddy. DebS







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Hookset, don't give up on your old friend yet. When my dog was diagnosed with her tumour, the vet said she'd likely be gone in 4 weeks - that was in August & she's still here & still lively & happy. The vet also said that she had another dog with the same thing - they gave her 4-6 weeks & she lived for another year after that. These guys are loyal to their owners & just don't want to leave us & seem to try to hang on with all they've got.

I'll say a prayer for you that it's just a lump of fatty tissue (common as they age) & nothing more serious. Muskie is one good-looking guy! DebS

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Well my Sandie just turned 5 and is your typical water loving golden. I dread the day that I have to put her down.




In this picture, I was taking some scenery shots out on Georgian Bay and crouched down to get a shot at water level. When I clicked the shutter she swam into the scene. As I am typing this, she came up to me for a pat!



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Beautiful Dog. I miss mine. A five year old 75% golden retriever and 25% Lab. When I do get to see her, she just about brings me to tears at the happy welcome I get from her everytime. They are loyal friends for sure.


I know what you mean, I miss mine terribly, but am starting to get them on the odd weekend. Its so nice to have them around again.


Beautiful dogs everyone. My lucy is 13 and Misha is 8.

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All of you can take GREAT pride in knowing that you spoiled them rotten and gave them a life they may not have had if it werent for you. As hard as it is when they leave you.........all these pictures should remind you of the WONDERFUL life you gave them. Pets are a soft spot for me indeeeeeeeeeeed!

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When they said man's best friend, they could have not said it any better.There isn't a guy on here that can't say the day they have to let there bud go won't bother them, heck man it breaks down the strongest of men, that bond is something that can't be replicated, my american golden is 6 now and has been by my side since i got him as a pup, and i mean by my side, i can't take a crap without him waiting outside the door, he goes on every familly trip ,fishing everything, they day he leaves me i'm going to be a wreck, i know this for sure. Just this week i noticed Red has a golf ball sized lump on his left arm pit , on the inside of his leg not on his chest (thank god), Iknow i have to take him in to have it checked but finding out some bad is going to kill me, i've been putting it off for a week now ,but made a appointment this morning, Reading these post this mornin was kinda ironic as it's nice to know other people feel the same about there dogs as i do. Iknow some people will read this thread and say heck it's only a dog, but those people have never felt the real love and loyalty a dog can give. Having said that here are a few pics of my bestest bud ever RED!!!

Ridin!! SHotgun!!


His best trick Laying down


Guardian of the livewell!!!


I'm not politicely correct so Merry Christmas everyone!!!


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When , i can't take a crap without him waiting outside the door,


Coffee spitter ! LOL :clapping:


I thought he was an Irish Setter in the first pic, georgeous dog


As an added note......i think we really need to investigate what is in the dog/cat food that we are sold to raise these animals as there is a very high rate of lumps and bumps in thier later years

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This is my buddy who is almost 11. Mostly good days, occasionally his aging body catches up with him (a little like me really).


Rich C, ACL tears rarely repair themselves, especially in dogs. We went through it last year, $3000 later the knee that was repaired is probably stronger than the other. If you opt for the surgery, get her into aqua-therapy. It's the best thing for rebuilding muscle and keeping the joint mobile while she continues to heal. Your vet will tell you when it's appropriate to start.


Hookset, as DebS says, fatty deposits are common in older dogs. Ben has them and unless they get really big, don't effect their quality of life too much. I hope that you get positive news about Muskie.



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As an added note......i think we really need to investigate what is in the dog/cat food that we are sold to raise these animals as there is a very high rate of lumps and bumps in thier later years


That's why for the past 8 yrs I've been feeding my animals a raw food diet...no preservatives, or filler...other than what the chicken get fed :unsure:



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My old guy is around 10 or eleven.We found him eating roadkill in 96 or 97.He was a handful when we first got him but he passed his therapy dog test a couple of years ago and is the best dog you could hope for.Here is T-bone with his therapy dog tag .


Here is his best bud.She is my dog and does not let me out of her sight.She is a 3 yr old Labradoodle.she goes for 85 lbs and will hunt!



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