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Brown Trout (and a bonus Coho)


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So yesterday I'm checking the freezer to see how my roe supply is and darned if I'm not running low.

Wonder how that happened? :)

I decided to make a suicide run to favourite spot for browns today...Worked 'till 6am this morning then left straight from the office with my gear in tow...I had to work fast as I had to be back in the office at 2pm for another 16 hour shift :P .

Anyhow I'm basically a zombie at the moment but mission accomplished. Tied into a bunch of hen browns as well as 1 bonus female coho.

This is pretty much the only instance where I'll harvest these fish, once a year every fall.


Here's a few shots of the browns...





And the bonus coho...




And best of all...


Brown roe



And some very sweet bright orange coho roe



Look out steelies here I come! :D:D:D

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Wow! You did good Mike. That roe almost looks edible.


A few years back I was tying up some roe bags at my desk when the office manager strolled in.

I had a similar container of roe sitting up on the counter with an open box of Ritz crackers beside it, LOL!

He thought the roe looked good too and before I caught on to what he was doing he had scooped up several big piles of it and wolfed it down :w00t: .

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That brown roe is crazy with the color variations from egg to egg.

Ive been caught tyin up at my desk as well.....never gotten one to sample though lol. I mostly get Ewwwwws! hell i dont care anymore, i get suited up right at my desk now when im going to the streams from work. lol Waders and all.

Oh and if the "Dump" you guys are referencing is Burt........be prepared for an even bigger slugfest there as theyve made some changes. Waders are no longer an advantage as anglers can access the creekside all the way to the tressle now with an added rockwall (party wall) Its empty here because i took this back in August i think. But trust me, it is elbow to elbow currently lol



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A few years back I was tying up some roe bags at my desk when the office manager strolled in.

I had a similar container of roe sitting up on the counter with an open box of Ritz crackers beside it, LOL!

He thought the roe looked good too and before I caught on to what he was doing he had scooped up several big piles of it and wolfed it down :w00t: .



heheheheheheeee...did he come back for more? lol


Browns sure are beautiful fish.

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BONK :clapping:


Sweet haul there bro, well worth it when you got a pile of gold like that after an outing!!!!!


I got the Doughnut on my trip this past weekend, my fav lil gem Cr was still nil for water, but I do have enough eggies to last me, I pray till next fall :Gonefishing:


Got loose bow, got loose/skein shlam-o, but still in the hunt for the elusive brownie gold!!!


Awsome outing bro!



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