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Balsam Muskie Charter Fun


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A few weeks back Mikeh asked me if I'd like to join him on a muskie charter with Davis Battah of Figure 8 Muskie Charters that he'd one during one of the OFC auctions. Hmm let me think about that - 'of course' I say. Well today was the day so I picked up Mike at 5:30 and we headed for Balsam. The ride up was fun with fog, drizzle and darkness but we made it in one piece and met up with Davis. Davis was a great guy, his son was ill the night before and Davis hadn't had a lot of sleep but that didn't slow him down at all. Very professional guy who knows his stuff and really did a great job telling us what he was doing and why (even if we'd been skunked it would have been worth it just for the info gleaned during the day). His boat was great, I'm jealous of everything on it - the boat, motor(s), electronics, rods, reels, baits - all top of the line gear that had me drooling as we pulled into the lake a bit after 7:30am.


At 8am we heard our first squeel of line pulling off a rod and Mike, as the guy who set it up, was given the honour of first fish. Turns out it wasn't a big guy:


<a href=" First of the day title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2327/1782056112_4a83cc1384_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="First of the day" /></a>


and he was let go boatside without bothering to measure him or otherwise stress out the little guy


<a href=" Small guy release title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2154/1782057982_c19c5ada3c_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="Small guy release" /></a>


An hour and a half later (9:30am) it was my turn. At first I didn't think she was big but as I got a better look I realized how fat this one was. Before I could a good look though Davis took care of some dental work:


<a href=" Dental work title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2135/1781213435_9c02d530ed_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="Dental work" /></a>


Then it was time for a quick measure that showed her to be 45" with a 20" girth. They're definitely putting on the feed. Then it was time for a pic with my new personal best:


<a href=" 45 inches of fun title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2139/1782039128_0914067700_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="45 inches of fun" /></a>


We quickly put the lines back out and only a few minutes later we had another hit and Mike leaped up to bring in his biggy only to have it come off after a couple pulls :(.


I jokingly said well thats your turn I'm up next! and then an hour later when our next hit came I told Mike to grab it but he said no its your turn. I said I was kidding but by this point Davis is looking at us saying 'someone grab this' so I grabbed the rod and started reeling and saw a big head pop up in the water. ooooh Mike this is a good one. This girl gave a nice fight too (considering we were using 100lb line and other heavy gear) - a couple nice runs, a charge at the boat and a barrel roll but eventually I got her into the net. It was clear this was a little bigger and sure enough:


<a href=" A new personal best title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2131/1781194265_ee2811bce9_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="A new personal best" /></a>


47 1/2" with a 19" girth. Just broke my personal best again and its only 11:30am. Here's the required release shot:


<a href=" The release 2 title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2125/1781190063_79e66de710_b.jpg" width="1024" height="768" alt="The release 2" /></a>


After the 4 hits in 4 hours so far we figured we were looking at a good day and I didn't feel too bad about Mike not getting to land a big one yet as I was sure we'd have at least one more.


Yeah you can guess where this is headed - the winds picked up the rain came down, the temperature dropped and the fish switched off completely. Davis wasn't ready to give up though and thanks to the nice cover he has for the Lund we stayed on the water til 5:30pm but it just wasn't meant to be. 3 for 4 was still a good number but we'll have to go back to get Mike the turn he gave up with the big girls.


Big thanks to Mike for the invite and Davis for the great day on the water (definitely recommend him to anyone looking for a great day of Muskie fishing). Now I just have to go buy some real cold/wet weather gear - dang that got miserable out there today


edit: added release pic

Edited by TbayBoy
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Woo hoo!!! Great report and pics! I'm very jealous...LOL. I really wanted to be on the water today, but I went to pick up a new trailer and then hightailed it to Hamilton to pick up my boat. Maybe next weekend I'll get her out on her maiden voyage.


Congrats x2 on your catches today....hard to believe the fish you've been getting into....I remember fishing with you earlier this year....we were daydreaming of fish that big....LOL.

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Great report!

Seems like you have done well with the muskies lately.

Nice of Mike inviting you out, sure paid off for all.


Gotta get one of those jointed perch coloured lures whatever it is.


Very nice,



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Where's Patrick?


I'm calling Cheaters to have you profiled.

Can't wait to see the confrontation in the parking lot at the dock!


Blood amazing. You've been a very busy angler this year.

Your odometer must have turned over a few times.


Great report!

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Hehe Snag. On the drive back me and Mike were talking about getting out on his boat again before end of season and he said 'just let me know when Patrick is dragging you back to Balsam and we'll book around that'. Patrick and I tried Balsam earlier in the year for smallies and didn't do too well but I'm beginning to change my view of that lake :) I'm pretty sure Patrick and I have a few more fishing trips left in us this year.

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