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Trout / Salmon Report & POACHERS CAUGHT ON FILM


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Well it was a nice morning to take a few drifts close to home at the Humber River. landed 2 nice Brown Trout both about 6 pounds and released along with 4 Chinook.


My day soon went for dump when I witnessed two folks SPEARING Salmon just upstream of me with a pitchfork type lawn instrument.


The guy kept 2 fish inside of 5 minutes and left. It was also the day the movie function on my camera didn't seem to work. I and an independent other party watched it all go down in front of us from above hidden in some trees.


I have still photos of the 2 culprits here and have notified all authorities. It will be my 3rd time being involved with these types of crimes as a witness.




I wish one day the respect for all wildlife can be better entrenched in our laws and better education be available.

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Oh wow... wish I could have seen the actual action on video too.


Hope they can charged heavily!


Wish there was a shot of them with a salmon visible and not covered by that white bucket plastic bag.


Maybe some picture of pitch pork striking the water.


Oh yes,,, that sure isn't a fishing rod. You can clear see some pork alike spear in one end.

Edited by mikeymikey
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Good on you.


Did these dolts not say anything to you when they realized you were snapping pictures of them.


What a pair of goofs.


I dont care if they knew they were breaking the law or not.

Its everyones duty to KNOW the law when heading out onto the rivers and streams.

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Although I applaud your effort, what you have is photos of a garbage bag & an impliment a thoughtful citizen could be using to pick up garbage along the park trails. A Ministry rep wouldn't even present this as evidence to the Crown to lay a charge, as you could never get a conviction on what you have. If by some miracle, a C. O. was interested, as was a Crown Attorney, NOW it would be your word against the 2 culprits who's only interest was to clean garbage from the park. (Have you any proof there was illegally caught fish in those bags?) Recognizable shots of the guy actually USING the fork to spear the fish, and taking the impaled fish off it would have had a slight chance, but law enforcement people are very leary of doing all this paperwork, only to find their witness is not prepared to donate a few day's work to sitting in a courtroom And last, but not least, can you AFFORD a day or more off work, to attend court as a witness? You get about $10.00 witness fees, outta that comes your parking, gas & lunch? Been there . . . . done that! Like I say, you are applauded for dutifully being a good citizen, taking the time to do something, too bad it's been wasted!

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I wish the video was working on camera as I said because all speculation would be set aside. And, there is another concerned citizen who was not an angler provided contact info and will serve as witness.


I hope this doesn't become the white bucket thing because its not my intent.

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Photoz, I dont believe the COs need to make a case to the crown to initially lay the charge.

It happens quite a bit in enforcement, people who are outright guilty with next to no proof will still be charged

and its used as a slap on the wrist. Dont forget, if these people have to show up in court they also

lose a days pay.


If you are charged and still found not-guilty, the initial charge stays on your record.

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Guest gbfisher

in the mud? You use a net? You took your camera to shoot poacher shots?? :huh:


ah well ...........rather would have seen fish in the mud instead of what you see everyday on any river in southern Ontario this time of year.... B)

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Although some people don't believe there is sufficient evidence there for charges to be laid, I would disagree. The photos you have obtained certainly will assist in identifying the pair which is usually the most difficult part of a prosecution. The photos's, coupled with a detailed statement from yourself as to what you observed them doing is no doubt sufficient evidence for charges to be laid.


I applaud your efforts as I'm sure every other "Sportman/Sportswoman" on this board will


Well done



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I applaud your efforts ranger, keep up the good fight.


I'm with JA on this 100%. You did your part :clapping::clapping::clapping::worthy::worthy::worthy:


If I see something like this, I will do exactly same thing, regardles of the opinion of armchair "experts" :dunno: (lawyers, attorneys, COs and others)

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Well i comend you for doing that !!!!! :thumbsup_anim: i hope when you forward all that evidence that its enough for the MNR to lay charges. :wallbash::angry: ..but lets see what they do about it...i was once told they have to be caught in the act,and that 3 witnesses wasnt enough :unsure::dunno: to lay a charge...you know the way the law works???? :glare:

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Problem I see is once they get home they could say there 3rd friend was carrying the rods or they were given the fish by an anglers and they were just there for a walk .. when I used to fish Bronte (10 or so years ago) people would ask to keep your fish without even fishing (always threw em back ) .. without "caught in the act" pictures or video they will prob get off .. your word against theirs . you done good though .. keep it up .. and get that camera fixed while your at it

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