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Let the games begin!



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Yep get that rain the heck out of here.Been raining the last 4 days.I like the t shirt temps these days.Must be something about growing older and not likeing the cold anymore. LOL



Norm,I would make Chris come over and cut yer grass.LOL

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Yep get that rain the heck out of here.Been raining the last 4 days.I like the t shirt temps these days.Must be something about growing older and not likeing the cold anymore. LOL

Norm,I would make Chris come over and cut yer grass.LOL

I guess you aren't chasing whitetails this year? It is too frigg'n hot for that. Bring on the cold.

One more day of rain should supply sufficient water for the fish. Then, just cool, crisp autumn days are welcomed.

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A huge downpour just went thru here about 30 minutes ago.


Good for the streams I spose, but bad for me.....I just found out my eavestroughs need cleaning. Oh well, I guess now I know what I'm doin this afternoon. :oops:

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I guess you aren't chasing whitetails this year? It is too frigg'n hot for that. Bring on the cold.

One more day of rain should supply sufficient water for the fish. Then, just cool, crisp autumn days are welcomed.



I dont have to walk far to my stand.LOL


November is a ways away,still lots of time to cool down.

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