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My first Salmon from shore....


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That's great Cliff, way to go and congrats :thumbsup_anim:


What a beauty.


So what was the one thing Bly bought? A net?




Thanks Joey...She didnt' buy a net. I had a salmon hooked the other week, only to have it break my 30lb power pro. She went out and bought shock leaders to try to avoid a repeat of that experience! I must say that it came in very handy!

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Woooah nice salmon man. What pound line were you using? I lost three salmon today...I think it has something to do with the lb of my line.


I was using 30 pound power pro...with a shock leader. Since power pro has no stretch, break offs can happen fairly easily...had one do just that last week. Good luck and at least you had 3 salmon on...many nights I'm out there with not even a hit.

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Carole whats this the hubby outfished you?Nice job with the net :thumbsup_anim:


Has to happen one in awhile.


:clapping: MTP






LOL Mike, some things will never change. Carole still has Cliff in the salmon department... she landed a 36"er from my boat in June






Ya, what he said :lol::P



All joking aside, it is a great fish, he deserves it and I am very very happy for him!!!!

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Nice going. You are certainly hooked now. All that practice with Carp is paying off now. I took a walk out that way on Saturday night for some fresh air but didn't fish.


I was actually saying to Bly that landing carp was GREAT practice for me. If I had not landed them earlier this spring, I think I would have lost this one for sure. They are similar in some regards, but I learned how to play BIG fish targeting Carp.

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Hi Mikey, here's some info I found about Shock Leaders from another site


Shock Leaders.


Shock leaders were first used by Sea Anglers and adopted to Carp fishing by the first Anglers to start to fish for Carp at distance.


They consist of a heavier breaking strain Monofilament line usually between 18- 25 lb and enable us to launch heavy weights long distances with the aid of large test curve rods which could not be compressed with normal main line.


There are many knots that may be used to join 2 lines together here below are the 5 most common, starting with my all time favourite the " Mahin knot " this knot may seem complicated to tie but believe me after a bit of practice you will have it off to a tee, when this knot is tied properly you will have a very strong conned shaped knot that will glide through your rod rings with great ease. I would suggest you try them all however and see which one suits you and your type of fishing. Which ever knot you choose you should always make sure that all the components below the knot can slide easily over the knot in the case of a break.

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Btw... what is a shock leader?

Also, I am interested fishing gears used. Thank you :)


Hey there! That was great info toronto angler found, I had no idea it started with carp. Anyhow, because I used 20lb power pro line, there is no stretch in it. This can be bad as it's possible to have a line break because of that. When a line stretches, it's able to absorb some of the "shock" from a quick run. Simply make a heavy mono or florocarbon leader and put it between the power pro and your lure and you have a shock leader.


I was using a 6'6" Shimano rod with a Pfeluger spinning reel.

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Congrats Cliff on your first salmon. No doubt took many hours of work.


I have personally never found the need for shock leaders when pier fishing for salmon (with 3/4 cleos, 2oz buzzbombs, J-13) but if you're casting lures 150 yards into the distance, my carping friends rate tapered mono shock leaders very highly.



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MJL - I wouldn't have put a shock leader on if I didn't have a break off just the other day on a run...not on the cast. I am using a small 6'6" rod, so the rod couldn't absorb a lot of the shock...who knows, probably a combination of that and drag set a bit to tight....I just figured I'd try this to see if I could minimize the shock on the 20lb power pro if the fish took a quick run. I caught this guy at the location of my home carp swim...you know the area, so in order to try to control the fish and not have it hit the "abundant structure", I had to thumb the spool a lot to try and cut those runs short. I'm just rambling here...LOL

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ccmt, that's freaking awsome. I remember my first slamon. I couldn't even talk I was so excited, congrats man. And just if you don't mind me asking how much yards of power pro do you have on your spool. Because I could only fidn the ones that come 200 yards in a spool and Saturday night I got spooled!! And no my drag wasn't to loose. After it was on it's last few yards i tried to tighten it up and just pull it in well it stopped for about 3 seconds and zipped off again. But now i got 400 yards of mono on my reel. I'd like to see him try again :P

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There is nothing like the feeling of hitting a nice Chinook from shore eh? Congrats on your first... I'm sure you will be a regular spoon chucker like the rest of us now :clapping:


BTW when I use braid casting for kings, I also use a mono or fluoro leader... I learned my lesson years ago with a few less lures. I use a 6' leader myself.


Good salmon fishing!



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