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whitemans creek warning


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August 16, 2007


Anglers asked not to fish for trout in Brant area streams

The Ministry of Natural Resources is asking anglers to voluntarily refrain from fishing for trout in several streams in the Brantford and Burford area. Fish populations, particularly brook and brown trout, are under stress from this summer's low water levels and higher than normal water temperatures. Species such as brook and brown trout need cold, clear water to survive.


Anglers are asked to voluntarily stop fishing on Whiteman Creek west of Brantford, Mount Pleasant Creek south of the city, and upper MacKenzie Creek - upstream of the town of Oakland until conditions improve in these cold water streams.


Water levels on these streams are at or near record low levels. The low water levels combined with elevated in-stream temperatures have put trout populations in some reaches or sections of the streams at risk. It is possible that the low flows and warm temperatures have already resulted in the loss of some fish and the situation could worsen if the hot and dry conditions continue.


The ministry asking anglers to use other water bodies and to fish for species, such as large and smallmouth bass or carp, which are more tolerant of warmer water and reduced flows.


Just thought I would share this in case anyone had thoughts of going to Whitemans and with time of year.This was taken right from the GRCA website.

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Why do they ask? Why not just close... I mean they dont ask us to voluntarily stop having fires during a fireban. Its like they are saying that they would like people to not fish for trout, but cant really do anything to stop it.



because the OMNR doesnt have the capacity to enforce a closure due to stressed thermal regime

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They are the LAW after all.


All the creeks and streams and rivers in this area,are WAY DOWN.Some are even a slow trickle. They are in a VERY SAD STATE.


The Mad is 1/2 of what it should be,the Bear, well I have not seen it this bad ever. The fall salmon run is going to be DEVISTATED .

Edited by misfish
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yup I took a drive up to whitemans two days after I returned from Quebec and I was suprised at how low it was in some spots... It didnt seem particularily low where I was but It was particularily warm... After checking it out and seeing how the temp was I headed out to the dam where you can catch bunches of smallies... no need to kill trout when you can have fun with otherfish too

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the local creeks i fish are very low now, i was at a creek later on today and the water has droped a foot. i still fished it but only in the deeper and colder pools. i infact saw some very nice brook trout today in some very shallow water and didnt bother to cast to them as i figured they were under to much stress as is. i still got some nice brookies today in the deeper pools and they still took off strong :thumbsup_anim:

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Was talking to a guy the other day about trib fishing. He said he caught 3 in an east end trib recently and released them all. They all swam away, but when he walked down stream, he noticed 2 were floating. He packed up his stuff and left even though he could have likely caught all day long.


It's always refreshing to hear this from fellow anglers.

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Well thats to bad,but like mishfish said why dont they just put up NO-FISHING SIGNS AND CLOSE IT FOR A WHILE ?????????? and yes right now our eastern tribs are so low its unreal....on the news they said its the driest summer since 1959...dam we need rain and lots of it..... :dunno::glare::blink:

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