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Everything posted by ch312

  1. a small bore is fine for occasional plowing or heavy towing (1,000 lbs+), but the big bores can do it easier and longer. compare them to trucks people use everyday for work. how often do you see anyone moving heavy loads choose a 1/2 ton over a 3/4 or 1 ton? not exactly apples to apples, but the same principal as you're not stressing the machine as much. it's a much wiser financial decision to buy the only tool you'll need rather than upgrading and loosing thousands each time. they all have throttle adjustments, so if you're not ready for the power yet simply adjust the throttle so you don't have full power when you hammer it and then make adjustments as you gain confidence. yep, diff lock is very important. i can't remember how many times the true 4wd made it possible to climb very steep hills and claw through nasty mud. solid axles are a thing of the past. with IRS you have a much smoother ride, more ground clearance, and much better traction due to articulation as solids tend to teeter, lifting one wheel off the ground. i removed the sway bar on the grizz (it's only on there because the lawyers made them put it on ) for even more articulation and the result was better traction and a utility ATV that rides like a sport quad. it requires more body english at high speeds, but it's way more fun. as for the "I'm not going to knock any particular brand as they are all pretty good nowadays" comment, you really need to come down and go for a 100+ (i think the most was 120) ATV poker run on the reserve to see just how well the lower quality machines (polaris) hold up. smoked belts (bad drive system), electrical problems, and overheating are the top reasons for them failing. just overall poor quality. i have a yamaha and would encourage people to buy one as well, but i assure you that i'm not brand loyal and if i was having problems with it i'd sell it in a heartbeat for another brand. i ended up with a yamaha after literally a year of research with kawi, honda, and suzuki not far behind in terms of long term reliability. the result is an ATV with over 5,000 kms (bought it used, i've logged 4,000) that has needed nothing but brake pads, even though it's been rolled a dozen times (fastest was 50-55 km/h) and i drive it like it's stolen. there hasn't even been a single electrical or mechanical issue after it was submerged 2000 kms ago and the motor, cvt, and both diff's were full of water. speaking of water in your ATV... if you ever swamp it you should always remove the spark plug and turn it over to get the water out. if the cylinder has too much water in it and you try to start it the motor can hydrolock and wreck stuff in the motor as it'll try to turn over and compress the water in the cylinder. seeing as water can't compress, there's a good chance you'll break something. stand it up on it's rear to get water out of the exhaust and check the air filter and belt too. kerosene can be used to flush water from the engine and diffs as it displaces water and is far cheaper than using oil to flush the system and works better. lastly, nobody is "too cool" for a helmet. when i first started riding i was wearing mine half the time before i flipped over the bars once and my head bent the steel rack down 1/2", i blacked out for a few seconds, and i still had a couple goose eggs and bruises on my head. considering how beat up my head was, i'd say i was really lucky that i had it on that day. anyone wanna go for a ride? your trails or mine, i'm in
  2. sigh...it's rather frustrating when people think they know more than experts. Canadian Coast Guard: Open your windows, unlock your doors, and turn on your lights to allow for a quick escape from your vehicle. Some ice-safety experts recommend that you have your seat belt unfastened and your door slightly ajar to speed up an escape. Don't wear a life jacket while riding inside an enclosed vehicle; the extra bulk and flotation could hamper your escape through a window. Wiki: Aircraft devices for crew and passengers are always inflatable since it may be necessary to swim down and away from a ditched or submerged aircraft: inflated or foam filled devices would significantly impede a person from swimming downward in order to escape a vehicle cabin. Minnesota DNR: Never wear a life jacket if you are traveling in an enclosed vehicle, however. It could hamper escape in case of a breakthrough. New York government website: CAUTION: Do NOT wear a flotation device when travelling across the ice in an enclosed vehicle!
  3. tires and proper PSI for the conditions are far more important than weight. my grizzly 700 is roughly 175 lbs lighter than my buddies 06 polaris 700, yet i can push nearly twice the amount of snow before losing traction and we both have the same tires and sizes. i do agree with the synthetic rope though and i'll never use wire rope again. once you have power steering you'll never go back... fuel injected is awesome for the easy starts and no choke, just make sure you're battery is properly maintained with something like a battery tender jr... unless you like wrenching more than riding, i'd definitely go with yamaha, kawi, or honda. i've logged 4,000kms of hard trail riding in the last 2 1/2 years and went on a bunch of poker runs with 10-100+ riders. in that short time over a dozen people have sold their polaris' for other brands because they were sick of the headaches, yet i have honestly seen ZERO people "upgrade" from another brand to a polaris.
  4. he sure did snap...for the THIRD time!!! the third time that we actually know of. who knows how many other people have felt the wraith of this pathetic excuse for a mans power trips. it says a lot about the department he works for
  5. as someone who lost a family member suddenly last week, i'm thinking it may not be the best idea to flame someone who recently passed as he could very well have friends and family on OFC that wouldn't take too kindly to such comments. hindsight is 20/20 and i can pretty much guarantee we've all put ourselves in danger at one point or another, whether intentional or not. my condolences go to his friends and family during this hard time.
  6. that's IF you can make it out of the vehicle before it's submerged. i suggest putting on your floater suit in the summer to see just how far down you can swim in a lake or pool while wearing it to understand why it's safer to not wear one. as joey mentioned, the floater suit that would save your life in most situations could actually trap you in a submerged vehicle. although it's highly unlikely, if your vehicle were to go under nose or tail first, or somehow flip, you'd float like a bobber to the floor, windshield, or back window and that's where they'd recover your body. like i said, it's highly unlikely. just giving you some food for thought...
  7. i agree with everything you've said, except for what's in bold. in most cases a larger engine means a larger machine which provides more ground clearance. not only that, but the extra power is definitely welcome if you're going to be carrying a passenger, doing a lot of plowing and work with it, or plan on doing a lot of mudding with the possibility of upgrading to bigger tires. lifts and clutch kits can only help a small bore ATV so much... as with most other thing's you can spend less on the initial purchase, but the repairs and headaches later on will end up costing you MORE than if you would have just bought the quality machine in the first place. besides the cheap chinese atv's, polaris is the worst you can buy. if you don't believe me, i suggest visiting your local ATV mechanic to see what brand he repairs most often. after that, browse through the classifieds and take a look at how quickly the value of used polaris machines drops and how many there are for sale and then compare the number of used machines to other brands. if you need even more clarification, visit the popular polaris forums and you'll see that their "repairs/maintenance" sections contain the most threads. i'd give up ATVing before owning a polaris...
  8. congrats! i'm always glad to see another person join "us".
  9. really? why on earth was he allowed to keep his job if he has done this in the past? here's to hoping they all lose their jobs and karma pays them a visit...
  10. i've used kinek in the past and was 100% satisified. after a free signup you can view a map that shows the participating drop off depot's for the area you've chosen. the one we used charges $5 per parcel and holds them for you for 30 days. it takes about 2 minutes to signup, choose your delivery point, and get the address for the shipper...
  11. pssssst...they offer insurance for a reason that said, i learned a long time ago to stay far away from UPS. if a retailer refuses to send my package with USPS or another carrier, they don't get my money.
  12. very tasty any idea how to prevent those air pockets? should i have rinsed with water after taking out of the smoker?
  13. the blue gear box reduces the speed of the motor to a nice speed for grinding. this unit was put together at least 15 years ago and nothing has been changed since. if it was going to break it would have by now, especially after the meat i've seen it chew up. the recipe for 10 lbs: Dried Sausage Sticks (Slim Jims) Ingredients for 10 lbs. 2 tsp. Instacure No. 1 ----prague powder #1 aka LEM cure 4 Tbls. paprika 1/3 cup ground mustard 1 tsp. ground black pepper 1 tsp. ground white pepper 1 tsp. ground celery seed 1 Tbls. mace 1 tsp. granulated garlic 5 Tbls. salt 4 1/2 Tbls. powdered dextrose ----aka corn sugar from bulk barn 1 1/2 cups Fermento -----instant buttermilk powder from bulk barn Meat Dried sausage sticks are made using a fairly lean type of meat. You may use any kind of cow, bull, or steer meat. The ratio is about 80% lean and 20% fat. Beef chuck is excellent meat for this sausage. Processing procedure; Meat is chilled at 30-32 degrees so that it will not smear when being ground through a 3/16" grinder plate. It is then mixed well for about 2 minutes and then stuffed into 22 - 24 mm casings. Desired length is 6"-9". meat is then placed into a smokehouse at 98-110 degree F with cold smoke applied for about 8 hours. If you desire more tang you may hold this temperature for 12 more hours. Smokehouse temperatures are then raised until internal temperature reaches 145 degrees F. Remove from smoker and place in dry room at 50-55 degrees F.
  14. i'm someone who poses ZERO risk to the public, yet i'm considered and treated as a criminal (yes, in canada, you're technically a criminal) and am constantly defending my right to own and shoot firearms. what these people that know NOTHING about firearms don't understand is that making thing's harder for law abiding citizens does absolutely NOTHING to lower firearm's related crimes. something bad happens somewhere and these people somehow think that banning law abiding citizens from owning a certain firearm is somehow going to make the world a better place. a criminal is going to get a gun if he wants one whether the anti gun folks think so or not. i'd say alcohol causes far more heartache than firearms. go annoy drinkers instead of shooters for a change NO!!!!!! it is a SEMI AUTOMATIC firearm. the EXACT same as ANY SEMI AUTOMATIC firearm traditional hunters would use, with a "scary" costume on... funny. many grew up with a pen and paper. i guess you better stop using the computer and internet? i really suggest people learn about the topic before commenting. SEMI AUTOMATIC firearms are one of the most common actions that HUNTERS use. in the eyes of "them", all semi automatic firearms should be banned. that means no more semi auto centerfires or shotguns for hunters too. are any of those 15 rifles you use for hunting a semi automatic? if so, you're the proud owner of an "assault rifle". this is the HUGE thing many hunters who are against "black rifles" are missing. by supporting the ban of "black" semi automatic firearms you're basically setting yourself up for heartache. you may not like those mean looking black guns, but as firearms owners we ALL need to stand together to protect all of our rights. that said, i have zero black guns and only one semi auto that is a .22lr i inherited. but, i realize that fighting for someone else benefits us all in the end...
  15. on the right of the tree you can see a crease which goes from the ground straight up to where the top of the sign is and then stops. i'm thinking this is the "scar" from growing around the post. i examined it for a good 5 minutes and would bet my boat that the sign was there before the tree. chop it down and put it on ebay? if people have spent hundreds on an air guitar, this tree should do pretty good
  16. roy, it was my first time using this recipe so the only thing i changed was the meat as the recipe calls for beef. seeing as the rabbit is so lean and i didn't add much fat from the pork, i'm actually surprised they didn't turn out dry. aplumma, the oil in it now is black and almost smells burnt. it's totally leak free, so i won't have any worries about using mobil 1 or something like that to keep the heat down. it was producing some heat which was transferring to the auger in the grinder...no good. it's been getting worse with each use so i'm thinking the oil is pooched. will mineral oil provide enough lubrication and dissipate heat properly? it's about 1/3 full. is that proper or should i refill with more? bill, tasty indeed. i'm having trouble limiting my intake
  17. i suggest you read and understand the difference between semi auto and automatic... that's probably because it's illegal in canada and you have never had the opportunity to hunt with one? here's a few reasons to have a handgun: -protection from bears/dangerous game where carrying a full sized firearm is not practical. ie. hiking, fishing, etc -to finish wounded game rather than making a mess with your shotgun or rifle -an option other than a long gun -quick follow up shots in tight quarters. ie hog hunting -shooting at the range with friends and family just because YOU don't have or see a reason to own something doesn't mean other people should share your opinion. i think using a fly rod is stupid and unnecessary because you can use a spinning rod to catch the same fish. i guess it's time to ban fly rods? my point exactly...
  18. i suggest learning about firearms before making ridiculous statements like that. the "assault weapons" the media and other ignorant folks speak of function EXACTLY the same as your grandfathers semi auto hunting rifle or shotgun, but look different. something these ignorant folks are missing is a pump or lever gun can be fired just as quickly as a semi automatic firearm in a skilled shooters hands. "assault weapons" ya know, the kind that look "mean" and "scary". not true, fully automatic assault weapons. it's rather frustrating that these ignorant anti gun folk HAVE ZERO CLUE about firearms and think some should be prohibited simply because of how they look. here's an idea...LEARN about something rather than relying on media lies before spewing filth about it...
  19. it doesn't "seem" like free money, it IS! it doesn't matter how the bands distribute the money, it's still FREE money that is simply handed over to natives. FREE money from taxpayers. if they get 1 billion dollars to distribute among each band, it's still FREE money no matter what it's used for. like i said, education for natives IS free. natives get FREE education and are PAID to goto school. you're telling me that it's fair for a native to get a FREE ride while many non native families are struggling to put their kids through school, if they can even afford it? if so, you really need to give your head a shake. i wasn't going to say anything, but figure i should before i'm labelled a "hater" or "racist".... my grandfathers brother was married to a native and lived on the six nations reserve for most of his life and had 4 kids. therefore, i've been visiting the reserve and have been around natives my entire life and continue to go there regularly. my opinion is based on what i've personally seen growing up, not based on media reports. the majority do not need any financial assistance, they simply take it because it's there. the self entitlement attitude is very strong...
  20. i decided to try out the "slim jim" recipe from rytek kutas' book (bible?) on processing meat. 10 deboned domestic rabbits + pork = 25lbs of goodness this: went into: 6 minutes later it looked like this: before stuffing into: which resulted in: what is the term used for blue thing mounted above the motor? any idea what oil should be used in it to keep heat to a minimum?
  21. while out for a walk with the dogs i came upon this and was wondering how long it would take for this to happen. i've seen trees grow round thing's before, but nothing like this...
  22. huh? i went to a catholic highschool and IIRC, each native was paid ($40 weekly or monthly?) by the government if they had good attendance and uniforms were also covered every year, which weren't exactly cheap. my parents didn't get any help with the $1000 or so it cost for my uniform for 4 years? two of my buddies (one is 1/4 and the other is 1/2 native) are currently in school for nursing and neither one has paid anything out of pocket. actually, one of them spent over a year in school to become a cop and dropped out he simply changed his mind. why not, it's free? treat everyone as equals and get it over with already
  23. sad, yet very true.... blocking a road and annoying locals is NOT the way to protest as it does nothing but make more people even annoyed and does nothing to help the cause. that said, it would be very interesting to organize a blockade limiting access to the reserve to see just how "equal" non natives would be treated for pulling the same crap...
  24. this doesn't happen as a deer with a non lethal wound wouldn't lay down within sight and wait for a hunter to finish it off. it may eventually bleed out, which is why hunters are taught to give the animal time to lay down and die before attempting to retrieve the animal if it runs out of sight and/or farther than normal. if you pressure a wounded animal you may force it to run which dramatically lowers the chance of recovering the animal. it's recommended to leave a wounded animal for a half hour to overnight, depending on what it was shot with, where it was hit, and how it reacted to the shot. typically, a deer shot in the "boiler room" will expire well within 100 yards whether shot with a firearm or bow and can be retrieved immediately. the only time a deer would drop on the spot and require a follow up shot is after a spine shot which is definitely lethal, just not very nice to watch. most hunters i know would gladly finish off the animal. you're comparing giraffes to cucumbers here
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