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Everything posted by ch312

  1. you're suggesting that every hunter has been instructed to do the wrong thing by waiting 30 minutes? pushing a wounded animal into the next county where you'll probably lose the blood trail and never recover it is a better idea? unless you see or hear it go down, it's usually a good idea to wait a little bit to give the animal time to expire. many deer are lost every year due to new/impatient hunters pushing wounded animals rather than giving them time to expire. the idea of giving a wounded animal time to die so you can actually recover it has been around since the spear throwing days...
  2. what exactly makes them "retards"? because they released a non target catch? they should have killed the cat and tossed it rather than risking injury by releasing it? you're against trapping all together? you have a better solution for releasing a wild cat? if anything, this is an excellent video for those who think leg hold traps are "cruel" and they "crush" an animals leg. notice how he's still totally fine, even after all that thrashing? animals (especially the wild ones) are far tougher than people think. it's almost time for me to start the 40 hour trappers course and get in on the action myself. next on the list is falconry, IF i can convince the city to give me a personal exemption from the bylaw preventing keeping raptors in brantford.
  3. buying new every few years isn't the wisest financial choice as vehicles depreciate so quickly and you're still not guaranteed anything. seeing as you're unhappy about spending $1500 for repairs on an 05, i highly doubt you'd be happy with spending more money as you'd probably be losing $5-15k every 3 years depending on what you buy. a buddy buys new every 3 years and loses $10k a pop meaning over a 10 year span he has spent $30,000 extra to avoid paying for repairs.
  4. people use all kinds of different cuts of pork to alter the moisture and texture of their meat sticks. using cuts that are more fat than meat will give you "run down your chin" juicy while a leaner cut will still add moisture without making the sausage greasy. then you have the different sizes of dies on your grinder that allows you to pick the size of fat chunks. a finer grind provides a more even distribution of fat while larger chunks will provide those awesome little pockets of yummy pig fat so many people love i've heard nothing but good thing's from those who enjoy my juicy sausages made with a 2:1 mix. the only thing worse than dry sausages are "deer" sausages that taste like pig
  5. 1 lb of very fatty pork will give the same result as 5 lbs of "lean" pork without hiding as much of the flavor from the wild game. how can you say his links will be dry without knowing what cut of pork he used and how he'll cook it? the fat content looks about right to me i just took a dozen rabbits out of the freezer today that will soon be sausages and pepperettes :thumbsup_anim:
  6. use a cable luber for direct injection of lube and then pump it a few times to work it in. good lube penetrates and creeps to lube the entire length of cable.
  7. cable luber + snowmobile cable lube = no more headaches
  8. 90% of the stuff we buy online is from the US and it's always been cheapest to have the sellers ship via USPS. UPS has to be the worst for charging brokerage and other silly fees. the worst for me from them was a $28 brokerage fee for a "free" replacement game call with a value of $0.01 and specifically labeled warranty replacement or something along those lines. some shippers will say they won't ship USPS, but we've convinced more than a few to help us out and do it anyways it usually works out to at least 25% cheaper than buying in canada after shipping. to save even more money, use a service such as Kinek so you can take advantage of FREE shipping within the US which many retailers offer. you signup online for free and then select the closest participating place that accepts and holds packages for $5 each. the retailer then ships to this place (the one i use happens to be a storage locker place) for free and they hold the packages for a month allowing you time for multiple shipments to arrive. then simply drive down and pickup all your goodies. the money we save on the shipping costs alone is worth the drive for us. don't forget to buy some cheap booze on the way back like we did one time!
  9. This is a video showing the difference between a a fully automatic assault rifle and a semi automatic rifle for anyone who is interested.
  10. stretching a red balloon over the light always worked for me when i was picking worms all the time
  11. actually, no, that's not what i meant. i have a perpetual 3 level stacking compost system in the basement that contains thousands of red wigglers or "trout worms". i simply leave a piece of melon rind or banana peel on the surface the day before i want to go fishing and in the morning there will be hundreds of worms munching on the fruit on the surface. it's as simple as opening the lid, flipping over the melon rind, and scooping up whatever i need for the day. it took longer to type this than it takes to harvest 500 worms without getting a speck of dirt on my hands. and no, there is no smell.
  12. ch312


    here's an FYI for all the non shooters... the part in bold is already required when applying for your firearms license. asking someone a second time if they're crazy isn't going to make a difference. i really wish people would learn about firearms and related regulations before talking about them. it's not hard to see why there's so much ignorance towards firearms as the majority of people talking about them across north america due to this recent event have zero clue what they're talking about.
  13. ch312


    i rely on facts during a debate while anti's use nothing but emotion. could you please provide FACTS that prove the link wrong? sad indeed. BUT, a tragic event does not justify knee jerk reactions like all these bleeding hearts suggest. this is simply another case of the media publishing the wrong information while trying to make "black" guns look evil. an AR15 is NOT an assault rifle, but it is similar to the fully automatic M16. for you people that haven't been around firearms, the AR15 used in this shooting is NO DIFFERENT than your grandpa's semi auto deer/moose hunting rifle in that both require you to pull the trigger once per shot. it was chambered in .223, a round the majority of hunters wouldn't use on anything bigger than a coyote. the AR15 functions EXACTLY the same as an M1 Garand from WWII as they're both SEMI auto, not FULL auto. seriously? this is the type on mentality legal firearms owners fight every day. you're suggesting i put a picture of a dead child on my target the next time i shoot my guns? people die every day due to drunk driving, but i highly doubt any of you would even consider the thought of stopping the sale of alcohol to the public and give up their hobby of drinking because it could save a life somewhere this is the type of knee jerk reaction i mentioned above this is something the anti gun folk are missing, yet they're blaming gun laws for what happened. suggesting that stricter firearms laws will stop shootings makes as much sense as saying stricter regulations to get your drivers license will stop people from stealing cars. as for those who believe firearms cause more harm than good. i suggest you look at some facts and you will learn that crime rates dropped in nearly every state after CCW was introduced. but, seeing as it's the canadian way to be good victims and we're told to be good little sheep, i don't expect many of you to agree with this
  14. small basement composter = no smelly garbage and free worms all year
  15. ch312


    i do believe that in states where CCW is permitted you aren't allowed to carry in a school. but, i could be wrong and this could vary state to state as each state decides when and where you're allowed to carry, except for the federal buildings. it's a proven fact that crime rates drop the majority of time after CCW is introduced. some reading for you anti's http://www.gunfacts.info/pdfs/gun-facts/5.1/gun-facts-5.1-screen.pdf
  16. ch312


    what are you talking about? the shooters mother was fully licensed and was 100% legal to own the firearms used. he STOLE her firearms before shooting her. again, when we're dealing with someone that was deranged enough to kill his mother, no law is going to stop someone with a head like that from killing people...
  17. ch312


    for reasons i cannot comprehend, some people believe that more laws on a piece of paper will magically stop tragic events like this from happening and the world will hold hands singing kumbaya. these same people cannot comprehend the fact that people will make their own decisions regardless of what any law tells them and mass murders would continue to happen if every firearm on earth was destroyed. if guns weren't available he would have probably built a bomb, used fire, or chemicals. i'll bet the same people think that a law prohibiting driving with any alcohol in your blood would magically stop people from getting killed by drunk drivers. too many people focus on the firearms rather than the individual, his mental issues, and what to look for in the future as the only way to prevent such events is learning what to watch for and helping someone when they need it. 9 times out of 10 crap like this could be prevented if family, friends, teachers, and doctors would notice the signs of a nutbar ready to snap. it's proven that stricter firearm laws do not lower crime rates, but they sure do make the lives of legal firearms owners much more difficult. :wallbash:
  18. x2 it has to be pretty cold to freeze stuff that's inside your insulated car. -4 last night and a 1/4 full water bottle wasn't even frozen this morning...
  19. the stevens 200 jumped to $360 from $299 about 3 years ago. but, cabelas has them on sale for $299 right now and i highly recommend getting one. they really are THE best bang for your buck if you're looking for a low priced bolt action. i used that gun to shoot that yote at 50-60 yards offhand with 45gr winchester white box hollow points. aimed for the heart and i think i got it. cheap gun + cheap scope + cheap ammo = 1" groups i don't use gun mounted bipods as i'm 6'1 and even the tallest harris (IMO the best brand, be sure to get a swivel model) is too short for me while sitting. plus, they add too much weight to the gun for long carries and/or shooting offhand. i made the shooting sticks in my pic out of some old arrows and they're the best i've used so far and saved me over $100. as for bino's, i use vortex crossfire 10x42 which are a tad on the big side for tracking deer, but they're manageable when used with a bino harness. vortex are newer, but their bino's are crystal clear and i preferred them over comparable models when i was shopping for them. i'd stick with 8-10 power...
  20. very nice work. time to get some blood on that stock now this is the most common reason i hear. as with sunday hunting, i guess it's time for hunters to voice our opinions to get thing's changed? my yote gun, a stevens 200 in 22-250 topped with a 5-15x40 bushnell legend. it was only $300 new without the scope, but the little 1" groups it shoots with cheap winchester ammo makes me forget about that. first blood. :whistling:
  21. a big problem with many people is they think because they haven't got into an accident yet that the all season tires they use in the winter are perfectly fine. the same people often fishtail around corners, slide to stops, or spin their tires to get going with their "perfectly fine" tires and then go on and on about how snow tires are a waste of money and they're too good of drivers to need them. while i'm against big brother imposing new rules, i'd rather see mandatory snow tires instead of seat belts. i could care less if you want to drive around without a seat belt and kill yourself as it doesn't really effect me or others. but, using snow tires or not can literally be the difference between sliding through a busy intersection into cars or stopping safely and it's because of this i believe everyone should be using them. the fact is many (majority?) drivers are oblivious to winter hazards and those are the "bad apples" that make me want to see snow tires on all vehicles. that said... the number of times I have nearly caused an accident due to improper tires? ZERO the number of times I have nearly been hit due to someone else having poor/improper tires? DOZENS
  22. smokers do stink VERY bad and when a smoker walks into a non smoking area (office, store, house, etc) it's often like someone just opened the lid of a dumpster, especially those who enjoy Rez smokes. but, i wouldn't go as far as calling it the dirtiest habit, hard drug users easily win that one. but, it is astonishing how many smokers have no clue how bad the odor actually is until they quit. good luck to everyone who's trying to quit.
  23. i still can't wrap my head around the idea of people working in hospitals on terminally ill lung cancer patients and then going out for a smoke break...
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