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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Meet our new buddy, he is 5wks old by the name of Teddy[bear]. we get him Sept 12th. He is a Shiat-su, with a teeny bit of Bijohn[?] We lost our Springer Spaniel last year, and there has been a huge void in our lifestyle. Teddy will fill the gap for us.
  2. Oh boy !!! This is hilarious
  3. A bit off topic, but if your looking for a detailed map of the area, pop into a Real Estate office and ask for one of theirs[ should be one in Omeeme] Ihe river may be weed choked by now ????
  4. Ahhhh! nice family g2g, and congratulations on your 19th anniverary. Us old'uns will out fish you young'uns any time Nice pics, but why did the last few come up as RED X's did'nt get to see the Redneck corkscrew
  5. Glad to hear your girls are coming on fine , Lew. That Ski made ya grunt a bit Eh! Even knocked that perpetual smile off your face!1
  6. Thats where Glen steps up to the plate. [Again ]
  7. Chipper and Shredder? I like that, sorry Becky! You'll get to Lakair quicker and cheaper on that 'bike Have a good trip Becky.
  8. So sorry to hear your bad news, please accept mine, and Jackies, condolences.
  9. If I got caught in weather like that, I'd bend down, put my head between my knee's. and disapear up my
  10. Can't add much to all the accolades posted here,except to say THANKYOU to Cliff and Sue for a great day. It was good to get chatting with Geoff, Don, Carol, Cliff [ccmt], Beans, not forgetting Sidney. Cliff and Sue were too busy being the perfect hosts{as usual] Best tasting 'Burger I've EVER had!!!
  11. Cute little pets y'all have down there! would that be a Scorpion in the last pick? Dont have to water our tree's up here, Nature is doing a wonderful job, all by herself.
  12. Maybe 'Granny' already ' got' it
  13. I solved the 'problem'.Switched over to my vehicle Ins Co. Got the same re-build quote, but $300 cheaper + 15% off my car insurance. Works for me, cant be without insurance EH! Glen.
  14. Thats a 1000 posts. Taken me about 4.5 yrs, and I dont think there's one about my prowess.At my age I dont need to 'boast'. been there, done that. Thanks to all, for an interesting 4.5 yrs.
  15. Just got word today that my Ins. Co. for the house is re- evaluating my house on the basis of COMPLETE re-build instead of Sales value. My Policy will be raised by 1/3 [33%] Been shopping around and 3 Companies gave different re=build prices. Apparently this is becoming the norm, and on checking, there is NO governing body to control this. Just a heads up on this, as a few friends have got the same thing from their gougers as well. Still shopping........................ On this ocasion please ignore my Signature.
  16. Great report, from great people, about great people! Whenever Big Cliff's and Sue's name is mentioned, it means a good time will be had by all. Roll on this w/end You did'nt lose a big fish Cliff, it was a long distance release!
  17. Jeeze, thats not good news at all. I feel for ya. I'm thinking, if the roots of the tree are on their property, whoever owns the house will be covered by Insurance,..........If they have any
  18. Just been attacking that problem in a tent trailer of a friend. He used a special spray, did'nt really work too good. A home made method I came across is; Make a paste of Soda water and Baking Soda. Cover the stain for a couple hours, rinse off. Might be worth a try.......cheap anyway !!!
  19. Ummm...Did you miss the part about the early start Jack (07:00am) ??? 7:00AM !!!!! What time of day does that arrive??
  20. Beans, ya got the OLD part right. .........Rotten?.Let me think 'bout that part
  21. Beans said this morn. that he was taking his boat out. if you are leaving your's there now, I can see why......He do like his comfort Good your getting to use it anyway, good luck with it.
  22. How come we Older Pharts get to miss all the "FUN" Way t'go guy's
  23. What GREAT new's Lew ! All the best for Diane and both of you have restful vacation.
  24. Lordy Lordy, was it Forty? Happy B/day Dwarfie! Jackie sends you a BIG hug!
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