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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Thats the biggest freakin carp i've seen posted here! Thanks for taking the time to post. ehg PS: Occasionally they hit cranks or jigs at the nuke plant, but corn seems to be the way to go.
  2. Aside from a couple of reports around opening day, there has been hardly any pike reports from T.O islands. If youse guys are just getting deskunkified it must have been tough conditions down there. Nice fish and thanks for report, ehg
  3. This 'Zeitgeist' is a pretty decent eye-opener in many ways. The 'Loose change' and 'Iraq for sale' have compelling stories and evidences as well. But this stuff has always existed and remains somewhat constant. I remember reading books by Noam Chomsky(Deterring Democracy), Jean Baudrillard(Transparency of Evil) etc... back in the late 80's- early 90's that clearly showed this stuff going on 20-60 yrs.ago or more. People have tried big change like the Bolshevik Revolution which wasn't that effective. But most folk in Canada know this stuff anyways. The ancient game of chess is based on sacrificing pawns (most of us), then Knights(army folk), then bishops (organized religion) to protect Kings and Queens and their castle. That situation hasn't changed much in thousands of years. I found the ' astrotheology' slant/expose for most religions and George Carlin's take interesting. What are you gonna do? At least there is light at end of the tunnel. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
  4. Great report despite the fuzzy musky picture. That moth picture turned out pretty good though. Lots of big strange insects come out up north at night in summer. Thanks for posting, ehg
  5. Nice bunch of muskies and walleye! Great detailed report as usual. I found all the info helpful since i usually fish in similar situations. Cheers, ehg
  6. Nice way to spend a Fathers Day. That is a decent musky for sure you will catch more this season Nothing scarier than being in a boat during a thunderstorm, great picture of everyone racing off the lake.
  7. I'm surprised that you didn't get anything All those creeks named have produced well for me in past except (Saugeen, South Saugeen), always fished May or last 2 weeks in Sept. however. Great add on report though lots of interesting sights and wildlife up there! The Mennonites show the seperation from the city life. Hopefully your buddy stays up there so you can give it a shot again. My previous PB brookie came from the first bend at bottom of hill in Beaver R. near Kimberly at end of season. Thanks for reporting back, ehg
  8. Real nice vivid colours on that brookie. Good to see decent fish so close to urban areas. Caught my PB creek brookie 2 weeks ago near Toronto after over 20 yrs. of doing this. Keep at it you will get that 'biggun'. Thanks for report, ehg
  9. ehg


    I did the same thing you did. Back in 1988 to 1990. Im not sure were you have worked but cleanliness and sanitation is paramount and regulated in most food operations. I would stick it out lots of oppurtunity and money once you establish yourself and network with folks. I left schools and immediately worked for places with unions for better pay and benefits. (ie.,Universities and hospitals) Then worked as head chef for couple catering places. It's not bad but hard work and lots of being on your feet. My grocery bills are always low and company cars and gas cards have been nice in catering biz. No matter what you do, you gotta work hard and be smart at least for a while. Good Luck, ehg Holdfast, a sous chef is second in charge in kitchen usually. The apprentice is at the bottom. Their is a regimentation in kitchens and there is alot of yelling and Hell's Kitchen type stuff.
  10. ehg

    spring wrap

    Great bunch of lakers, excellent photos! Missed this post somehow originally. Thanks for posting, ehg
  11. Usually the guys i see targeting OOS bass have bass boats with decals all over them
  12. Nice fishes sounds like good day on the water! Nice going, ehg
  13. That Rocky Saugeen is a great place for brookies. All that above info is good... worms, #0 or #1 mepps/Vibrax as well. Flicking/ casting #2 or#4 Panther Martins works for me. Bring waders and tons of bug repellent. Good luck, ehg
  14. What kinda dumbdonkey leaves marker bouys at a fishing spot? I knew to take them when i left a fishing spot when i was 12 yrs. old. This thread should be locked based on stupidity.
  15. Lots of good replies and stories, lotsa examples of what a musky's power and teeth can do. SNAG's first reply sounds like ya gotta be very careful musky fishing in a kayak. A boga that 'swivels' sounds alright from canoe, definitely need tools listed in reply below at the ready as well.
  16. I think your motor hit a rock or submerged log or rock before you saw the musky.
  17. Nice going on being able to show others how to secure a by hand. Knowing this is most important for landing and removing hooks on musky. Raf, this fish freaking in a net happened to me last year, this was the result The post below by Musky and Specks absolutely sounds like the way to catch and secure muskies from a kayak. Great job Musky and Specks! It's almost like Musky landing and hook removal 101, great replies
  18. You will love the boat! It will last a long time as well. My first 12ft. /w 9.9 lasted 25 yrs before it got too leaky. Try to get some lake depth maps( Adventure Maps are good) for a start, paired with your depthfinder, you could find excellent fishing on 10- 15 ft reefs through the Kawarthas this summer. Like others said, you definitely should lower or remove the seats, and get some nice cushy flotation/ seating pads anyways. Have fun, ehg
  19. Nice going! Thats a fine looking fish ehg
  20. Ya sounds like you had tough conditions forcing you to search for the muskies harder. Your knowledge and persistence paid off though, congrats! BTW, i credit the 'Musky opener tatics' thread you started, with helping us get a few fish on opening day. cheers, ehg
  21. Great report and pictures! 20 walleye in 2 hours would make my weekend. Thats not a bad bunch of fish, crappie aren't bad but the walleye really is great eating. Excellent report, ehg
  22. Nice thunderstorm in Toronto now, looks like some more later tonight and tomorrow. Nothing severe right now just nice lightening and rumbles of thunder for a summer night feel.
  23. Great report, lots of good information to ponder there. Congrats and thanks for post! ehg
  24. Thanks for the great post and pictures! Those are a couple of amazing fish there.
  25. Thanks for replies! Ended up spending 3/4 of the day fishing for panfish for some reason. It was easier than throwing musky baits in the wind and heat i guess. Measured 67 -68 degrees on main body of lake for surface temp, and 72 -75 in shallow bays. The thread on 'Musky opener tatics' i think helped us catch some muskies when we tried. Got the idea of staying shallow and using big spinnerbaits which really helped me stay away from summer/fall spots. ehg
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